CMST 2060 CHAP 2

  1. Forenstic speech
    occured in law courts, dealt with the past, and addressed matters of the jsut and unjust
  2. deliberative speech
    occured in the assembly dealt with the future and addressed matters of the expedient and inexpediant
  3. epideictic speech
    occured at ceremonial events, dealt with the present, and addressed matters of praise and blame
  4. Decentralization
  5. Impolosion
    the ability to make close what seems far away
  6. Mosaic form
    does not follow a linear progression like a literary novel it places many differnt messages in juxtaposition, allowing a reader to jump around at will and thereby create a message out of an improvising combination of differnt parts.
  7. Icon
    a visual symbol that synthesiszes many differnt meanigns and presents them to a reader as a unified experience
  8. Immersion
    produce a feeling of being involved in everything that happens everywhere
  9. feedback
    the return messages that are constantly being sent by the other people involved in the communicative process
  10. taticle
    experience that involves what McLuhan calls the profound and unified interplay of the senses
  11. Written speech
    refers to the primary media of a literate culture that privileges sequential ording of parts a specific point of view an explicit logical progression a complex arrangement of infomration and a spririt of objective detachment.
  12. online communication
    meant to refer to text image, audio and video messages sent and recieved by individuals on computer aided technologies but capable of being resusers at any time
  13. public speaking
    is not so much about the words spoken as the facts that they are spoken publicly which is to say spoken within a shared space that includes both the words and the total enviroment in which they are uttered
  14. Mass communication
    discoseminates a message but it is recideved in a differnt enviorment than that in which it was produced
  15. public speech
    an oral communication delivered by an individual to a public audience gathered in a shared physical enviroment to listen collectivly and respond to that message in the present
  16. persuasion
    a function of every single one of these speaches only speach that does not do this is a meaningless or ignored one.
  17. genre
    represents a coherent and recognized arrangment of elements in a composition or discourse that is appropriate to certain occasion and which creates audience expectations that constrain and guide a speech's content style and delivery.
  18. introduction
    disclose personal facts through narrative form for the purpose of establishing a productive and postitive future relationship with an audience
  19. identification
    invite diverse members of an audiene to share a common identity that makes it possible for them to act as a unified group with common intrest and values
  20. speeches of delibiration
    allow for a diverse group of speakers toa ddress a common topic in sequence in order to develop a suitable judgement on that matter by comparing differnt perspectives.
  21. speeches of solicicitation
    persuade a reluctant but deliberative audience to adopt some policy, object, process or attitude based on the percieved rightness or utility of the subject matter... same as deliberative speeeches insofar as they present a case before an audience that has the aturhty to accept or reject what is being offered
  22. speeches of commemoration
    make moral judgement about and attribute values to particualr people objects or events important to the audience in a way that alters or reinforces their long-term attitudes toward those things.
  23. interests
    which are thigns that people enjoy doing want to know or desire to attain
  24. speeches of administration
    are delivered byofficals of a group or institution to an audience whose presence is usually mandatory in order to justify policy decision and improve the procedures and communication structures of an organization
  25. speeches of advocacy
    occur before generally sympathetic audience and use explicity persuasive techniques to challenge and change the recalcitrant beliefs attitudes and values of a larger spectator public
  26. speeches of enrichment
    give entertaining instruction about objects events processes or concepts that are consistent with a preexisting interests of an audience and the promise to benefit the audience member's lives in some way.
  27. written speech
    refrers to the primary media of a literate culture that priveleges sequential ordeing of parts a specific point view and explicit logical progression a complex arrangement of information and a spirit of objectiv detatcment.
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CMST 2060 CHAP 2
Chapter 2 terms