Chem202 Chap 14 & 15

  1. Average reaction rate for
    • rate=-^A/^t
    • rate=^B/^t
    • ^ is delta
  2. Stoichiometry and Reaction Rate
    • rate=-1/a(^[A]/^t)
    • rate=-1/b(^[B]/^t)
    • rate=1/c(^[C]/^t)
    • rate=1/d(^[D]/^t)
  3. rate law
  4. reation order and units of k
  5. 1st order half life
    half life of a first order reaction is independent of the initial concentration of the reactant.
  6. 2nd order half life
    half life is inversely proportional to initial reactant concentration.
  7. 0 order half life
  8. collision theory
    • the reaction rate is directly proportional to the number of molecular collisions per second.
    • ratea=number of collisions/s
  9. activation energy Ea
    minimum amount of energy required to initiate a chemical reaction.
  10. activated complex or transition state.
    when molecules collide in an effective collision. highest amount of potential energy.
  11. unimolecular elementary reaction
    • one reactant molecules
    • A------>products
  12. bimolecular elementary reaction
    • two reactant molecules
    • A+A---->products
    • A+2B---->products
  13. termolecular elementary reaction
    • three reactant molecules
    • A+B+C--->products
  14. reaction order for each reactant in an elementary reaction is equal to its stoichiometric coefficient in the chemical equation for that step.
    • A+A---->products
    • 2A------>products
    • rate=k[A]2
  15. catalyst
    is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed.
  16. heterogeneoues catalyst
    the reactant and the catalyst are in different phases. The catalyst is usually a solid and the reactants are either gases or liquids
  17. homogenous catalyst
    the reactants and the catalyst are dispersed in a single phase usually liquid
  18. Reversible process
    A chemical reaction in which the products can also be consumed to produce reactants, a process known as the revers reaction
  19. Equilibrium
    the condition where the forward and reverse reactions are occurring at the same rate and there is no net change in the reactant and products concentrations over time
  20. Reaction Quotient (Qc)
    (also Kc at equilibrium)
    is the product of the product concentrations over the product of the reactant concentrations with each concentration raised to a power equal to the corresponding stoichiometric coefficients in the balanced chemical equation. Law of Mass Action
  21. Equation reversed = 1/Kc1
    Equation mulitplied by 2 =(Kc1)2
    Two equations added = Kc1*Kc2
  22. Kp=Kc(RT)^n
    Delta n=number of moles of product-number of moles of reactant
  23. Kc=prod/react
    raised to the power of the coefficient in front
  24. if Qc<Kc ---Reactant to products
    if Qc>Kc ---Products to reactants
    • +prod shift left
    • -prod shitf right
    • +react shift right
    • -react shift left
  25. + pressure-----shift equil to side w/ fewest moles
    +volume-----shift equil to side w/ most moles
  26. temp is the only factor that changes the equilibrium constant
    catalyst shifts neither the equilibrium or equilibrium constant
Card Set
Chem202 Chap 14 & 15
for exam 2