Science - Ch 10

  1. Asexual Reproduction
    • *does not require sex cells
    • *offspring is genetically identical to parent
    • *can be grown from roots, stems, leaves
  2. Sexual Reproduction
    • *requires making of sex cells
    • -sperm (male sex cell)
    • -egg (female sex cell)
    • *offspring is genetically different to parent
    • *fertilization occurs
    • -combining of sperm and egg to form zygote
    • --first cell of new organism
    • *happens through dispersal
    • -carrying sperm to egg
    • -by wind, water, animals, gravity
  3. 2 Stages to a Plant's Life Cycle
    • 1) Gametophyte
    • 2) Sporophyte
  4. Gametophyte Stage
    • *produces sex cells
    • *produces haploid cells
    • -half the set of chromosomes for an organism
    • *allows fertilization to occur
    • *producing a zygote
    • *non-vascular plants spend most of life
  5. Sporophyte Stage
    • *forms spores
    • *produces diploid cells
    • -have full set of chromosomes (pair up)
    • *spores go through cell division
    • *vascular plants spend most of life
  6. Moss Life Cycle
    • > sporophyte >> spore >> gametophyte >
    • < zygote << fertilization << sex cells <

    • *sporophyte cannot do photosynthesis
    • *gets nutrients and water from gametophyte
  7. Alternation of Generations
    *switching from sporophyes producing gametophytes, etc.
  8. Fern Life Cycle
    • > frond (sporophyte stage) >
    • < prothallus (gametophyte stage) <
  9. Gymnosperm Reproduction
    *cones - contain the reproductive cells

    • Male Cone
    • *smaller in size
    • *grows on tip of branches
    • *has pollen
    • -contains sperm

    • Female Cone
    • *larger in size
    • *grows along the branch
    • *produces egg from ovule
  10. Gymnosperm Reproductive Process
    • 1) Pollination
    • 2) Forms a Pollen Tube
    • 3) Fertilization
    • 4) Zygote
    • 5) Embryo
  11. Pollination
    • *transfer of pollen to the ovule
    • *by dispersal
    • -movement of pollen or seeds by wind, water, insects, animals, gravity
  12. Forms a Pollen Tube
    *allows sperm to get to egg
  13. Embryo
    *yound plant that will form a seed
  14. Angiosperm Reproduction
    *reproductive organ>flower
  15. 4 Parts to a Complete Flower
    • 1) Petal
    • 2) Pistil
    • 3) Stamen
    • 4) Sepal
  16. Receptacle
    • *part of stem
    • F*allows flower to grow
  17. Sepal
    • *leafy part of flower
    • F*protects flower (bud)
    • F*supports stem
  18. Petal
    • *colored part of flower
    • F*attracts for pollination
  19. Stamen
    *contains male reproductive cell
  20. 2 Parts to a Stamen
    • A) Anther
    • B) Filament
  21. Anther
    • *sticky substance that contains pollen
    • *contains sperm - male sex cell
  22. Filament
    *"stem" of stamen
  23. Pistil
    *contains female reproductive cell
  24. 3 Parts to a Pistil
    • A) Stigma
    • B) Style
    • C) Ovary
  25. Stigma
    • *top sticky part
    • F*collects pollen
  26. Style
    • *"stem" of pistil
    • F*forms a pollen tube
  27. Ovary
    • *contains ovule
    • -contains eggs
  28. Angiosperm Reproductive Process
    • 1) Pollination
    • 2) Forms a Pollen Tube
    • 3) Fertilization
    • 4) Zygote
    • 5) Embryo
  29. Seed
    *mature ovule
  30. Fruit
    *mature ovary
  31. Germination
    *new seed developing into a new plant
Card Set
Science - Ch 10
Plant Reproduction