Procedures and Diseases

  1. abdominal perineal resection
    an operation in which the anus, rectum, and sigmoid colon are removed
  2. adenoidectomy
    excision of the adenoids
  3. amniocentesis
    puncturing the amniotic sac, usually by needle and syringe to remove amniotic fluid for assessment of fetus
  4. amutation
    removal of a limb, body part or organ
  5. anastomosis
    the surgical or pathological connection of two tubular structures
  6. abdominal aortic aneurysmectomy
    a surgical procedure performed to repair a weak area in the aorta
  7. atherosclerosis
    the most common form of arteriosclerosis, marked by cholesterol-lipid-calcium deposits in the walls of arteries that may restrict blood flow
  8. arthrolasty
    surgery to reshape, reconstruct, or replace a diseased or damaged joint
  9. arthroscopy
    direct joint visualization by means of an arthroscope, usually to remove, repair, or replace tissue, such as cartilage fragments or torn ligaments
  10. arthrotomy
    cutting into a joint
  11. aspiration biopsy
    the removal of tissue with a needle and syringe, for example, from a cyst or bone marrow
  12. benign prostatic hyperplasia
    a nonmalignant enlargement of the prostrate gland caused by excessive growth of prostatic nodules
  13. benign prostatic hyertrophy
    same as benign prostatic hyperplasia
  14. biopsy
    a tissue sample removed from the body for microscopic examination, usually to establish a diagnosis
  15. bronchoscopy
    visualization of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi through a flexible scope
  16. blunt dissection
    in surgical procedures, separation of tissues by use of blunt instrument (provides minimal damage to the part being dissected)
  17. caesarean section
    the delivery of a baby through a cut (incision) in the mother's belly
  18. cauterization
    destruction of tissue with a caustic, electric current, hot iron, or by freezing
  19. chest physiotherapy
    the term for a group treatments designed to improve respiratory efficiency, promote expansion of the lungs, strengthen respiratory muscles, and eliminate secretions from the respiratory system
  20. cholangitis
    a chronic liver disease of unknown origin marked by inflammation and obliteration of the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts
  21. cholecystectomy
    removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopic or abdominal surgery
  22. colonoscopy
    visualization of the lower gastrointestinal tract; most often refers to insertion of a flexible endoscope through the anus to inspect the entire colon and terminal ileum
  23. colporrhaphy
    suture of the vagina
  24. craniotomy
    incision involving the skull
  25. cystocele
    a bladder hernia that protrudes into the vagina (can be caused during delivery) may cause urinary frequency, urgency, and dysuria
  26. dilation and currettage
    an out-patient surgical procedure that expands the cervical canal of the uterus (dilation) so that the surface lining of the uterine wall can be scraped or sampled (curettage)
  27. diverticulitis
    inflammation of a diverticulum or diverticula in the intestinal tract, esp. in the colon, causing pain, anorexia, fevers, and rarely intestinal perforation, hemorrhage, abscess formation, peritonitis, fistula formation or death
  28. enucleation
    removal of the entire eyeball after cutting the extraoccular muscles and optic nerve
  29. excision
    the act of cutting away or taking out
  30. gastrectomy
    the surgical removal of part or all of the stomach
  31. hemorrhoidectomy
    the excision or destruction of hemorrhoids by one of several techniques, including traditional surgery, cryosurgery, laser surgery, infared photocoagulation, latex band ligation and sclerotherapy
  32. herniorrhapy
    a surgical procedure for repair of a hernia
  33. hyterectomy
    surgical removal of the uterus
  34. hysteropexy
    surgical fixation of a displaced uterus
  35. ileostomy
    a surgical passage through the abdominal wall, through which a segment of ileum is exteriorized. (An end stoma or loop stoma may be created. Feces or urine drain into a pouch worn on the abdomen)
  36. intubation
    the insertion of a tube into any hollow organ
  37. lobectomy
    surgical removal of a lobe of any organ or gland
  38. mastectomy
    surgical removal of the breast
  39. mastoidectomy
    surgical excision of the mastoid sinuses used to treat mastoiditis when it has not responded to antibiotic therapy
  40. myomectomy
    removal of a portion of muscle or muscular tissue or removal of a myomatous tumor, generally uterine, usually by abdominal section, leaving the uterus in place
  41. oophorectomy
    excision of an ovary
  42. nephrectomy
    surgical removal of a kidney
  43. neurogenic bladder
    any dysfunction of the urinary bladder caused by lesions of the CNS or nerves supplying the bladder
  44. orchidectomy
    surgical excision of a testicle or the testicles (castration)
  45. ostemalacia
    a vitamin D deficiency in adults that results in a shortage or loss of calcium salts, causing bones to become increasingly soft, flexible, brittle, and deformed
  46. pancreaticoduodenectomy
    excision of the head of the pancreas and the adjacent portion of the duodenum
  47. pilonidal cyst or sinus
    a cyst most often in the sacrococcygeal region, usually at the upper end of the intergluteal cleft
  48. pneumoarthrograms
    radiography of a synovial joint after injection of a radiolucent contrast medium, usually air
  49. pneumonectomy
    excision of all or part of a lung
  50. prostatectomy
    excision of part or all of the prostate gland
  51. rectocele
    protrusion or herniation of the posterior vaginal wall with the anterior wall of the rectum through the vagina
  52. rectovaginal fistula
    an abnormal connection between the lower portion of the large intestine (rectum) and vagina. (contents of the bowel can leak from the fistula, meaning gas or stool may pas thru the vagina)
  53. retroperitoneal lymph node disssection (RPLND)
    surgery often used to treat testicular cancer, it is done to remove lymph nodes that may be cancerous from the lower back and pelvis
  54. salingectomy
    surgical removal of a fallopian tube
  55. salpingo-oophorectomy
    excision of an ovary and a fallopian tube
  56. salingoplasty
    plastic surgery of a fallopian tube; used in treating female infertility
  57. thoracoplasty
    a plastic operation on the thorax; removal of portions of the ribs in stages to collapses diseased areas of the lungs
  58. total hysterectomy
    complete surgical removal of the uterus and cervix
  59. tracheotomy
    incision into the trachea through the skin and soft tissues of the neck
  60. tracheostomy
    the surgical opening of the trachea to provide and secure an open airway, may be preformed in emergency situations, or electively to replace a temp. airway provided by an endotracheal tube
  61. urolithiasis
    formation of kidney stones
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Procedures and Diseases
Nursing procedures and diseases