35 respiratory system

  1. The upper portion of the lung
  2. The lower portion of the lungs
  3. Route by which blood is delivered to the alveoli for gas exchange
    Pulmonary circulation
  4. Beginswith the bronchial artery that provides the passage way of the lungs with blood to meet nutritional needs and ends when the venous blood enters the pulmonary veins
    Bronchial circulation
  5. The preferred route for air to enter the respiratory tract
    Nasal passage
  6. Nasal passage function?
    Filter inspired air
  7. Also known as the voice box
  8. Connects the mouth and the lower parts of the respiratory tract that serves as a passageway for inspired air into the larynx and ingested food passing into the
    digestive system
  9. what are the 4 parts of the larynx?
    Thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, and glottis
  10. Known as the windpipe. Is a tube composed of connective tissue mucosa and smooth muscle
    supported by c shape rings of cartilage that extends into the bronchi
  11. Numerous sac liked thin walled structures that is the primary site for gas exchange
  12. Bronchi that branches off into smaller diameter tubes become _____
    Terminal bronchioles
  13. Type II alveolar cells produce a phospholipid called _______?
  14. _______ coats the inner surface of the alveoli, reduces the surface tension of the pulmonary fluid, allows gas exchange, and prevents the collapse of airways
  15. How much alveoli does EACH lung contain?
    300 million
  16. The process of gas exchange
  17. The exchange of gases between the inhaled air and the blood in the pulmonary capillaries
    External respiration
  18. Exchange of gases at a cellular level between tissue cells and blood in the systemic capillaries
    Internal respiration
  19. An allergy to shellfish is a likely allergy to ______?
  20. Diverticulosis forms in the _____?
    Descending colon
  21. The movement of gases across the alveolar capillary membrane from areas of high concentration to areas of lower concentration
  22. Movement of gases into and out of the lung
  23. Monitors the pattern of breathing and prevent overexpansion of tissues
    Lung stretch receptors
  24. Monitors levels of carbon dioxide, oxygen, and pH of the blood
  25. When the interior of the tubercle becomes soft and cheese like as a result of decreased perfusion is called _____?
  26. When tissue dies and turns into a liquid or semiliquid state
    Liquefaction necrosis
  27. The preferred screening for tuberculosis
    Mantoux screen test
  28. How is a TB diagnosis confirmed?
    Chest x-ray and sputum specimen
  29. A painful condition that is sharp and stabbing in nature that arises from inflammation of the pleura or sac that encases the lung is ___?
  30. The collapse of a lung or portion of the lung
  31. _____ develops when a blood borne substance lodges in the branch of a pulmonary artery and obstructs flow.
    Pulmonary embolism
  32. A common source of Pulmonary embolism is ____-?
    Deep vein thrombosis
  33. Clients at risk for DVT and PE are treated with?
  34. A life threatening condition characterized by a rapid shift of fluid from plasma into the pulmonary interstitial tissue and the alveoli is called ___?
    acute pulmonary edema
  35. Blood tinged sputum is called ____
  36. The condition characterized by intermittent airway obstruction in response to a variety of stimuli
  37. Caused by substances outside the body that precipitate the asthma response such as pollen, house dust, or food additives
    Extrinsic asthma
  38. Diagnosed when no extrinsic factor can be identified and can be a result of internal factors such as emotional stress, exercise, or fatigue.
    Intrinsic asthma
  39. Asthma attack that does not respond to treatment
    Status asthmaticus
  40. True or False

    COPD or COLD has no known cure
  41. Chronic bronchitits and emphysema patients have a long history of ____
    Cigarette smoking
  42. The fourth leading cause of death
  43. Inflammation of the bronchial tree accompanied by hypersecretion of mucus
  44. Respiratory therapy and supplemental oxygen are examples of treatment for ___
  45. Complex and destructive lung disease wherein air accumulates in the tissues of the lungs and the airways lose their elasticity and the walls thicken
  46. Emphysema devolps slowly over a period of years with early onset symptoms such as?
    Morning cough and clear sputum
  47. Chronic dilation of the bronchi that may be caused by disorders such as pulmonary TB, chronic upper repiratory tract infections, cystic fibrosis.
  48. Percussion and postural drainage are used to aid in the removal of secretions for ___?
  49. To provide energy for breathing a diet high in ______ should be provided.
    Carbohydrate and high calorie
  50. The primary muscles of respiration
  51. Oxygenated blood is sent to the body via the _______ and ______?
    Aorta and arterial network
  52. Process of oxygenated air
    • 1. nose
    • 2.Pharynx
    • 3. larynx
    • 4. trachea
    • 5. bronchus
    • 6. alveoli
  53. Normal breathing
  54. Cessation of breathing, possibly temporary in nature
  55. Labored or difficulty breathing
  56. Abnormally slow breathing
  57. Abnormally rapid breathing
  58. Difficulty/discomfort with breathing in any upright sitting or standing position
  59. Without oxygen
  60. Lack of adequate oxygen
  61. Lack of oxygen in the blood due to respiratory disorders
  62. Bluish discoloring around the mouth
    circumoral cyanosis
  63. heard over the anterior of the chest near the sternum and around the posterior scapula that have a medium pitch sound and intensity with inspiration and expiration being equal in duration
    Bronchovesicular sounds
  64. Soft, low pitched soundsbest heard during inspiration and may be audible during expiration and is also heard over the majority of the lungs
    Vesicular sounds
  65. Abnormal breath sounds are called ___?
    Adventitious breath sounds
  66. Dry high pitched, crackling, popping, sound, with short duration
    Fine crackle (rale)
  67. Moist low pitched crackling, gurgling, long duration
    Coarse crackle (coarse rale)
  68. Low pitched snoring
    Sonorous wheezing
  69. High pitched musical
    Sibilant wheeze
  70. Creaking, grating
    Pleural friction rub
  71. crowing
  72. Aspiration, oversedation, and inadequate ventilation can also cause ____?
  73. Inflammation of the bronchioles and alveoli accompanied by consolidation, or solidification of exudates in the lungs
  74. An infection of the lung tissue by mycobacterium tuberculosis
    Pulmonary tuberculosis
  75. risk factors for pneumonia
    immobility, depressed cough reflex, CVA, alterations in resp. function (ex. COPD), other deibilitating factors like DM and CHF
  76. what is often the presenting complaint for a client with pneumonia?
    • high grade fever of sudden onset
    • elderly may have low grade fever
  77. In pneumonia pain occurs as a result of:
    irritation of the pleura lying adjacent to the affected alveoli
  78. what are symptomes of TB?
    • low grade fever
    • night sweats
    • persistent cough
    • hemoptysis
    • enlarged lymph nodes
Card Set
35 respiratory system