random chaps

  1. Aperson who shows affection, fairness, concern, and respect for others.Communicates effectively, has satisfying relationships, and interacts well with
    Social Wellness
  2. Gives direction, meaning, and purpose to life through values, morals, and ethics. Has optimism, faith, and high self esteem
    Spiritual wellness
  3. This is more than preventing illness
    Health promotion
  4. ______ means assisting individuals to better health, functioning, and well being and
    to maximize their potential.
    Health promotion
  5. This is appropriate for the individual and entire population
    • Health
    • promotion
  6. Obstructing, thwarting, or hindering a disease or illness that incorporates new and improved ideas
    • Illness
    • prevention
  7. Three types of illness prevention
    Primary, secondary, tertiary prevention
  8. Includes all
    practices designed to keep health promotions from developing. Least expensive

    Ex: following recommended childhood
    immunizations, eating calcium rich foods to prevent osteoporosis, not smoking
    to prevent lung cancer

    Ex: following recommended childhood
    immunizations, eating calcium rich foods to prevent osteoporosis, not smoking
    to prevent lung cancer
    • Primary
    • prevention
  9. Includes
    activities related to early identification and treatment of disease
    processes. Early detection of disease.

    EX: identification of family history, risk
    factors, signs and symptoms of possible disease.
    • Secondary
    • prevention
  10. Focuses on
    maximizing recovery after an illness or injury and preventing long term

    Ex: physical rehabilitation, utilizing adaptive
    equipment etc.
    • Tertiary
    • prevention
  11. The
    center of the prevention of the health care team is the _______.
  12. Genetics
    and human biology, environmental influences, personal behavior, and health care
    are ______.
    • Factors
    • that affect health
  13. Factors
    that are influenced by inherited traits such as sickle cell, down syndrome, or
    • Genetics
    • and human biology
  14. ____
    influences health by natural or man made factors such as poison ivy or asbestos
    and lead or hurricanes and floods
    • Environmental
    • influences
  15. ____
    has the most factors that affect health and wellness and is controlled entirely
    by the individual.
    • Personal
    • behavior
  16. Factors
    such as diet, exercise, personal care, sexual relationships, level of stress,
    tobacco or drug use, alcohol use, and safety, affect ______.
    • Personal
    • behavior
  17. Dental
    exams should be performed how often
    • Every
    • 6- 12 months
  18. this
    is a way to follow health problems through generations visualize family
    members, births, death dates, and ages and specific health problems
  19. Diagnostic
    tests are either _____ and ______?
    • Noninvasive
    • or invasive
  20. ____
    means that the body is not entered with any type of instrument; the skin and
    body tissues remain intact.
  21. _____
    means that the body tissues, organs, and cavities are accessed through some
    type of instrument.
  22. type
    of precaution that should always be used during invasive or noninvasive
    • Standard
    • precaution
  23. Who
    is at risk when tests are not scheduled correctly?
    Theclient is at risk for health illness and the institution is at risk to lose money
  24. What
    are the nursing measures to ensure client safety?
    Establish baseline vital signs, identify known allergies, and assess teaching effectiveness
  25. Specimen
    labels should contain ______?
    Clients name, room number, date, time, and source, and initials
  26. Presence of blood in the urine
  27. The use of a needle to puncture a vein to
    aspirate blood
  28. True or false

    Venipuncture tests
    should be grouped together so that the client has only one venipuncture
  29. 1. correct requisition form
    2. all requested information is
    3. pertinent data such as
    medications taken
    4. correct specimen collection
    5. lab results are in the correct
    medical record

    Are examples of _____
    Accurate lab testing procedures
  30. What do arterial blood gases reveal?
    The lungs ability to exchange gases
  31. What do arterial blood gases measure?
    • Partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide
    • and evaluates pH (potential hydrogen)
  32. Where is the arterial blood drawn from?
    Peripheral artery (radial or femoral)
  33. What are symptoms of impaired circulation?
    • 1.Numbness, tingling
    • 2. bluish color (cyanosis)
    • 3. absence of
    • peripheral pulse
  34. Where would diabetics puncture for blood glucose
    Capillary puncture
  35. ____ is performed when small quantities are
    needed or when the client has poor veins.
    Capillary puncture
  36. A blood sample is collected through ___ via a
    venous catheter that is inserted into the superior vena cava through the
    subclavian or internal or external jugular
    Central line
  37. True or False

    The first blood
    sample drawn from a central line could be used for diagnostic testing?
  38. A port that has been implanted under the skin
    over the third or fourth rib that could be used to withdraw blood.
  39. Random collection, timed collection, collection
    from a closed drainage system, sterile specimen, and clean voided specimen are
    all examples of _____?
    The different methods for collecting urine
  40. A urine specimen that could be collected at
    anytime using a clean, not sterile cup is called?
    • A random Collection or UA (routine urine
    • analysis)
  41. This type of urine collection is done over a 24
    hour period in a plastic gallon container that contains preservatives
    Timed collection
  42. Type of urine collection collected from an
    indwelling foley catheter and closed drainage system is called
    Collection from a closed drainage system
  43. Type of urine collection used when a sterile
    specimen is required is called
    Sterile specimen
  44. Stools that are collected over a prolonged
    period of time are placed into a container and _____?
  45. Defecating
    into a bedpan is an example of what type of collection
    Stool collection
  46. What are the four basic blood types?
    TYPES: A, B, AB, and O
  47. ___ identifies the clients blood type and
    determines compatibility of blood between a potential donor and recipient.
    Type and crossmatch
  48. ____ are substances, usually proteins that cause
    the formations of and react specifically with antibodies
  49. Immunoglobins produced in the body in response
    to bacteria, viruses, or other antigenic substances
  50. Type A and B antigens are classified as ______,
    or substances that cause agglutination (clumping of RBC's)
Card Set
random chaps