
  1. Hypocalemia - Cardiovascular S&Sx you'd expect to see?
    • Decreased heart rate
    • Hypotension
    • Diminished peripheral pulses
  2. Hypercalcemia - Cardiovascular S&Sx you'd expect to see?
    • Incrased heart rate in the EARLY phase
    • Bradycardia (that lead to cardiac arrest) in LATE phase
    • Increased blood pressure
    • Bounding, full peripheral pulses
  3. Hypocalcemia - Respiratory S&Sx you'd expect to see?
    Not directly affected; however, respiratory failure or arrest can result from decreased respiratory movement because of muscle tetany or seizures
  4. Hypercalcemia - Respiratory S&Sx you'd expect to see?
    Ineffective respiratory mvoement as a result of profound skeletal muscle weakness
  5. Hypocalcemia - Neuromuscular S&Sx you'd expect to see?
    • Irritable skeletal muscles: twitches, cramps, tetany, seizures
    • Painful muscles spasms in the calf or foot during periods of inactivity
    • paresthesia followed by numbness that may affect the lips, nose, and ears in addition to the limbs
    • Positive Trousseau's and Chhvosteks signs
    • Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes
    • Anxiety, irritability
  6. Hypercalcemia - Neuromuscular S&Sx you'd expect to see?
    • Profound muscle weakness
    • Diminished or absent deep tendon reflexes
    • Disorientation, lethargy, coma
  7. Hypocalcemia - Renal S&Sx you'd expect to see?
    Urinary output varies depending on the cause
  8. Hypocalcemia - Renal S&Sx you'd expect to see?
    • Urinary output varies depending on the cause
    • Formation of renal calculi; flank pain
  9. Hypocalcemia - GI S&Sx you'd expect to see?
    • Increased gastric motility: hyperactive bowel sounds
    • Cramping, diarrhea
  10. Hypercalcemia - GI S&Sx you'd expect to see?
    • Decreased motility and hpoactive bowl sounds
    • Anorexia, nausea, abdominal distention
    • Constipation
  11. What lab values would a nurse expect to see with hypocalcemia?
    • Serum calcium level less than 8.6 mg/dL
    • Electrocardiographic changes: prolonged ST interval, prolonged QT interval
  12. What lab values would a nurse expect to see with hypercalcemia?
    • Serum calcium level that exceeds 10mg/dL
    • Electrocardiographic changes: shrotened ST segment, widened T wave
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