Culture Ethnicity

  1. Define Cultural Diversity
    Population increases the plurality of ideas and options for behavior to which people are exposed adding to the texture and complexity of the society's human resources and potential for well-being and achievement as well as tension and conflict.
  2. Define Cultural Relativity
    The understanding that cultures relate differently to the same given situation.
  3. Define Culturally Competent Nursing
    • Clients right (Nurses obligation) to provide care that is culturally and indivdually acceptable to them.
    • Nurses increase the quality and safety of their care by considering cultural influences on their on responses to the client.
  4. Define Culture
    • A belief system that are held by varying degrees and consciously or unconsciously as absolute truth.
    • Guides everyday behavior
    • Enables person to behave reasonably in shared context.
  5. Define Cultural Change
    • Dynamic:changes as people come into contact with new beliefs and ideas.
    • More rapid than ever becaue of vast reduction in distance between different peoples that communication and transportation industries have achieved.
  6. Define Culture Shock
    The acute experinece of not compehending the culture in which one is situated.
  7. What are the Characteristics of Culture?
    • Learned.
    • Shared unequally by its members
    • Dynamic
    • Diverse
    • Reasonable to its members.
    • Not easily described by its members
    • Habituated assumptions
    • Ethnocentric
    • Relative
    • Pervasive
    • Observable in Rituals
    • Recognizable at many levels.
  8. Define Ethnicity (Ethnic Identity)
    Self-conscious, past-oriented form of identity based on a notion of shared cultural and perhaps ancestral heritage and current position within the larger society.
  9. Define Ethnocentrism
    Viewing one's own culture as the ONLY correct stanard by which to view people of other cultures.
  10. Define Key Informant
    • People who know certain aspects of their culture better than others do.
    • Especially rich base of cultural knowledge are reflective, like to talk, and have consciously consered their culture so that they can discuss it.
  11. Define Determining Parameters of Minority include
    • Social Power.
    • Size of the Population.
    • Ethnicity.
    • Generally disadvantaged or less powerful group-Not group numbers.
  12. Define Race
    Biological characteristics as markers of seperate social status.
  13. Define Ethnic Group
    Take social characteristics such as language, religious tenets, shared beliefs of origin as markers of cultural identity.
  14. Define Racism
    Uses skin color as the primary indicator of social value.
  15. Define Rituals
    • Common and observable expressions of culture in hospitals, clinics, homes, schools, and work settings.
    • Restores a sense of control, competence and familiarity to client.
  16. Define Stereotypes:
    • Preconcieved and untested beliefs about people.
    • Exaggerated descriptors of charcter or behavior that are commonly reiterated in mass media, idiomatic expressions and folklore.
  17. Define SubCulture
    A holistic belief system that is marginal and subordinate to the belief system of a culture and that is held most expertly by a recognizable portion o fth elarger population.
  18. Define Transcultural Nursing:
    • Adapting care to respect each client's cultural characteristics to the extent that puts the client at greatest ease. while ensuring medical safety.
    • A field of nursing.
    • Described as synthesis of anthropology and nursing, lauched nursing's conceptual attention to the importance of culture in healthcare.
  19. Action modes of professional decisions or actions include:
    • Cultural care preservation or maintenance.
    • Cultural care accomodation or negotiation.
    • Cultural care repatterning or restructuring.
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Culture Ethnicity
Nursing Chap 21