50 older adult

  1. the study of effects of normal aging and age related diseases on human beings
  2. a seperate nursing specialty that addresses and advocates for the special care needs of older adults
    gerentological nursing
  3. the way an individual ages in influenced by
    • genetics
    • lifestyle
    • availability adn quality of health services
    • cultural beliefs adn socioeconomic status
  4. true or false

    aging is a complex issue that takes into account the psychosocial, cultural and experiential aspects of living
  5. this theory of aging strives to explain the behaviors and social interactions of adults
    psychosocial theory
  6. the stereotyping of older adults based upon myths
  7. no control over bladder
  8. myth or reality

    senility is an expected result of aging
  9. basic care activities that include mobility, bathing, hygiene, grooming, dressing, eating, and toileting are all examples of
    activites of daily living
  10. true or false

    it is recommended that older adults bathe or shower only two or three times a week and to take sponge bathes in between
  11. good grooming promotes _________ & _________
    self esteem and confidence
  12. difficulty swallowing
  13. how much calcium per day does the older man/woman need
    1000 mg - 1500 mg
  14. true or false

    older adults must be alerted to ways of preventing disease adn reducing risks
  15. how often is a prostate examination recommended?
    1 -2 years
  16. the prescription of more than one medication to address the same health concern is also known as
  17. true or false

    aging and disease are synonymous
    false they are NOT synonymous
  18. common respiratory disorders in older adults include
    • repiratory tract infection
    • COPD
    • pulmonary tuberculosis
  19. class of medication that relieves pain
  20. class of medication that reduce fever
  21. which pulse should be assessed for 1 full minute before administering digoxin?
  22. over/undernutrition, constipation, dehydration, and dental disorders are all examples of which type of aging disorder?
    gastrointestinal disorders
  23. incontinence occurs immediatly after the sensation to void is percieved is called:
  24. increased abdominal pressure is higher than urethral resistance. stress that is associated with coughing or laughing is called:
    stress incontinance
  25. unpredictable, unvoluntary, continuous loss of urine is called:
    total incontinance
  26. osteoporosis, osteoarthirtis, and fractured hip are all common disorders of what system:
    musculoskeletal system
  27. what changes are involved with the musculoskeletal system during aging?
    bones demineralize, muscle mass adn elasticity diminish, and joints undergo degenerative changes
  28. an oranic brain pathology characterized by losses in intelectual functioning
  29. acute confusion that describes cognitive changes that have a shorter onset of 6 months or less
  30. trouble seeing objects up close
  31. true or false

    lacrimal glands secrete fluid that cause dryness and itching
  32. turning of the eye outward
  33. turning of the eye inward
  34. a hazy grayish yellow ring around the cornea of the eye is called:
    arcus senilus
  35. thyroid changes in older adults can result in decrease of ______ and _______
    T4 and Hypothyroidism
  36. the most common endocrine disorder in older adults is:
    diabetes mellitus type 2
  37. these remain unchanged in older men and women
    libido & the need for intamacy and companionship
  38. true or false

    capillary blood flow decreases resulting in slower wound healing
  39. name some expenses that are not associated with medicare coverage
    • acupuncture
    • chiropractic
    • cosmetic
    • foot care
    • eye exams and eye glasses
    • hearing aids
    • lab testing
  40. a nursing responsibilty for older adult clients
Card Set
50 older adult
chapter 50 the older adult