1. What does the upper airway consist of ?
    • - Nasopharnyx
    • - Nasal air passage
    • - Pharynx
    • - Mouth
    • - Oropharynx
    • - Epiglottis
  2. What does the lower airway consist of ?
    • - Larynx
    • - Trachea
    • - Alveoli
    • - Bronchioles
    • - Main bronchi
  3. What is the active, muscular part of breathing called ?
  4. Dyspnea
    Difficulty breathing.
  5. Apnea
    A peroid of not breathing
  6. Hypoxia
    A dangerous condition in which the body tissues and cells do not have enough oxygen.
  7. Cricoid pressure
    Pressure on the cricoid cartilage: applied to occlude the esophagus in order to inhibit gastric destention and regurgitation of vomitus in the unconscious patient
  8. Pneuothorax
    A partial or complete accumulation of air in the pleural space.
  9. Sellick maneuver
    A technique that is used to prevent Gastric distention in which pressure is applied to the cricoid cartilage: also refered to as cricoid pressure
  10. What are conditions commonly associated with Hypoxia?
    • - Heart attack
    • - Pulmonary edema
    • - Acute Narcotic or sedative overdose
    • - Stroke
    • - Chest injury
    • - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    • - Astma
    • - Premature birth
  11. What are signs of inadequate breathing?
    • - Respiratory rate fewer than 12 breaths/min or more then 20 breaths/min in the presence of dyspnea
    • - Irregular rhythm
    • - Auscultated breath sounds are diminished, absent, or noisy.
    • - Reduced flow of expired air at the mouth or nose
    • - Increased effort of breathing
    • - Shallow depth
    • - Skin that is pale
    • - Skin pulling in around the ribs or above the clavicle during inspiration (retractions)
  12. The air that we exhale contains how much oxygen and carbon dioxide?
    16% oxygen and 3% to 5% of carbon dioxide. The rest is Nitrogen.. 79%
  13. What are indications and contraindications when using a OPA.
    • Indications
    • - Unconscious patients without a gag reflex (breathing or apneic)
    • - any apniec patient being ventilated with a BVM device.

    • Contraindications
    • - Conscious patients
    • - Any Patient (conscious of unconscious) who has an intact gag reflex.
  14. What are indications and contraindications when using a NPA.
    • Indications
    • - Semiconscious or unconscious pations with an intact gag reflex
    • - Patients who otherwise will not tolerate an OPA.

    • Contriindications
    • - Severe head injury with blood drainging from the nose
    • - History of fractured Nasal bone
  15. Agonal respirations
    Occasional, gasping breaths that occur after the heart has stopped.
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