
  1. What is the most common type of dehydration?
    Dehydration or known as Hypovolemia (isotonic dehydration)
  2. If a client has decreased circulating blood volume and inadequated tissue perfusion they may be in what type of fluid volume deficit?

    1. Isotonic dehydration
    2. Hypertonic dehydration
    3. Hypotonic dehydration
    1 Isotonic dehydration
  3. When water loss exceeds electrolyte loss you have?

    1. Isotonic dehydration
    2. Hypertonic dehydration
    3. Hypotonic dehydration
    2. Hypertonic dehydration
  4. When electrolyte loss exceeds water loss you have?

    1. Isotonic dehydration
    2. Hypertonic dehydration
    3. Hypotonic dehydration
    3. Hypotonic dehydration
  5. What causes isotonic dehydration?
    • 1. inadequae intake of fluids and solutes
    • 2. fluid shifts between compartments
    • 3. excessive losses of isotonic blody fluids
  6. What causes Hypertonic dehydration?
    • Conditions that increase fluid loss...
    • 1. excessive perspiration
    • 2. hyperventilation
    • 3. ketoacidosis
    • 4. prolonged fevers
    • 5. diarrhea
    • 6. early-stage renal failure
    • 7. diabetes insipidus
  7. What causes Hypotonic dehydration?
    • 1. chronic illness
    • 2. excessive fluid replacement (hypotonic)
    • 3. renal failure
    • 4. chronic malnutrition
  8. When the body is in a FVD, what heart (cardiovascular) symptoms would a nurse expect to see?
    • Thready, increased pulse rate
    • Decreased blood pressure and orthostatic (postural) hypotension
    • Flat neck and hand vins in dependent positions
    • Diminished peripheral pulses
    • Decreased central venous pressure
    • Dysrhytmias
  9. When the body is in FVD, what lung (respiratory) symptoms would a nurse expect to see?
    • Increased rate and depth of respirations
    • Dyspnea
  10. When the body is in FVD, what muscle (neuromuscular) symptoms would a nurse expect to see?
    • Decreased central nervous systems activity, from lethargy to coma
    • Fever, depending on the amount of fluid loss
    • Skeletal muscle weakness
  11. When the body is in FVD, what kidney (Renal) symptoms would a nurse expect to see?
    Decreased urine output
  12. When the body is in FVD, what skin (integumentary) symptoms would a nurse expect to see?
    • Dry skin
    • Poor turgor, tenting
    • dry mouth
  13. When the body is in FVD, what GI symptoms would a nurse expect to see?
    • Decreased motility and diminished bowel sounds
    • Constipation
    • Thirst
    • Decreased body weight
  14. What lab values would a nurse expect to see with FVD?
    • Increased serum osmolality
    • Increased hematocrit
    • Increased blood BUN level
    • Increased serum sodium level
    • Increased urinary specific gravity
  15. When the body is in FVE, what heart (cardiovascular) symptoms would a nurse expect to see?
    • Bounding, increased pulse rate
    • Elevated blood pressure
    • Distended neck and hand veins
    • Elevated central venous pressure
    • Dysrhythmias
  16. When the body is in FVE, what lung (respiratory) symptoms would a nurse expect to see?
    • Increased respiratory rate (shallow resp)
    • Dyspnea
    • Moist crackles on auscultation
  17. When the body is in FVE, what muscle (neuromuscular) symptoms would a nurse expect to see?
    • Altered level of consciousness
    • Headache
    • Visual disturbances
    • Skeletal muscle weakness
    • Paresthesias
  18. When the body is in FVE, what kidney (renal) symptoms would a nurse expect to see?
    • Increased urine output if kidnesy can compensate
    • Decreased urine output if kidney damage is the cause
  19. When the body is in FVE, what skin (integumentary) systems would a nurse expect to see?
    • Pitting edema in dependent areas
    • pale, cool skin
  20. When the body in in FVE, what GI symptoms would a nurse expect to see?
    • Increased motility in the GI tract
    • Diarrhea
    • Increased body weight
    • Liver enlargement
    • Ascites
  21. What lab find values would a nurse expect to see with FVE?
    • Decreased serum osmolality
    • Decreased hematocrit
    • Decreased VUN level
    • Decreased serum sodium level
    • Decreased urine specific gravity
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