1. How many satellites can each EGI track?
  2. The EGI continually recieves data from what components?
  3. From which page is the manual primary EGI selection made?
  4. What is the function of the DRVS in the Nav system?
    used to provide independent velocity reading over the ground
  5. When will the altitude LO audio activate?
    =limit< 10' AGL; 10% below LO setting 11-999' AGL; 100' below LO setting 1000-1428' AGL
  6. Which page should you select in order to set the HI and LO altitude?
  7. The TSD correlates what two types of information on a single display?
    navigation and battle area management information
  8. Which pages, buttons, or tasks will freeze the TSD map while specific tasks are being accomplished?
    BAM, CAQ, FRZ, HDG UPDT, POS UPDT, using PAN function
  9. What do the boxed selections indicate when the NAV and ATK SHOW pages are initially selected?
    default settings being shown
  10. Which two SHOW subpages are not independent between the NAV and ATK phases?
  11. What is displayed in the "Next waypoint status window"?
    Next waypoint letter and #, distance to go, time to go, ground speed
  12. Control measure positions 93-99 are reserved for aircraft icons associated with which type of report?
    PP reports from primary members
  13. Where is the current magnetic heading and the current magnetic heading to the next waypoing located?
    top and bottom of TSD page (respectively)
  14. When will the ASE footprint automatically display on the TSD page?
    in response to a threat detected by the RFI and/or RLWR
  15. How is the crew provided Situational Awareness information?
    by the IDM (must be logged into TI)
  16. What is Digital Terrain Elevation Data(DTED)?
    a uniform matrix of terrain elevation values, based on posts, which provide basic quantitative data for systems and apps
  17. What types of maps are available for display on the MPD?
    Chart, stick, DIG, SAT
  18. A grid status window appears in the upper right corner of the TSD when the grid option is active. What does it represent?
    size of grid squares being displayed
  19. What does a transparent, light purple overlay highlighting an area of a map indicate?
    DTED coverage not available, DTED is not loaded in DTC, a processing delay is occuring
  20. The ORIENT button allows the crewmember to select from one of three orientation options, which one is the default option?
    track up
  21. When will the UPDATE POSITION advisory message be displayed on the UFD?
    when there is a position error > 1.85 km
  22. What indication does the crew get on the tsd page that one or more messages exist in the IDM message buffer?
    The REC button (L2) will appear in white
  23. What does the number between the up and down arrows (R1-R2) indicate on the TSD page?
    current map scale
  24. What symbol indicates that the Radar Jamming System is actively jamming a threat?
    lightning bolt
  25. When will a white HDG button appear at L5 on the TSD and what advisory message will be displayed in the EUFD when the white HDG button appears?
    heading error > 10 degrees, UPDATE HEADING
  26. What are the four TYPE's of points that can be stored?
    waypoint, hazard, control measure, targets/threats
  27. What is an identifier?
    2 letters that represent the type of coordinate point selected
  28. What process allows the crewmember to change the IDENT as desired?
    actioning the TYPE button
  29. What happens if the necessary data to compute the MSL altitude is not available?
    a ? will be displayed
  30. The four-step editing process allows the crew to modify what components of the existing point?
    point identifier, free text, UTM or LAT/Long coordinates, and altitude
  31. The two methods available to complete a waypoint store must be initiated from which page?
  32. Can targets and threats (up to 25) loaded from the DTC be overwritten?
  33. There are certain target files that are stored outside the normal 50 target/threat file. They are stored in T51 through T56. What are these targets?
    • T50: FCR targets selected as aquisition source.
    • T51: ATHS airborne fire request message.
    • T52: JVMF call for fire target grid location.
    • T53: JVMF spot report.
    • T54: JVMF airborne fire mission target.
    • T55: PLT terrain point selected as aquisition source.
    • T56: CPG terrain point selected as aquisition source.
  34. What is the RPT page used for?
    transmit info to the IDM network subscribers via the digital data link
  35. Which two reports will reply without input from the crew, provided the crew has the REPLY set to AUTO?
    BDA, PP
  36. Which report sends you SHOT file?
  37. Which reports require that the crew be connected to the Tactical Internet(BFT)?
    SPOT and SIT
  38. Present Position reports are stored within the Control Measures file. Which locations within the CM file are reserved for the PP reports?
    CM 93-99
  39. What is the purpose of the RTE page?
    allow crew to access current route information, select a new route, add or delete points on a route, or create direct to routes
  40. What is the ADD button used for?
    to add an existing waypoint, control measure, or hazard to the active route
  41. How is the RTM page accessed?
    through the RTE page
  42. Can a route name be edited from the aircraft?
  43. What are the two purposes of the RTE NEW selection?
    select different route as active route or selection of empty route
  44. What does the COORD page contain?
    complete coordinate data file of stored targets and threats
  45. Where are the shot-at locations coordinates displayed?
    SHOT page
  46. What is the purpose of the EGI's POSITION CONFIDENCE window on the TSD UTIL page?
    provides a 95% radial error estimate, in km, of how good the EGI's pp info is
  47. Which page displays the EGI satellite tracking information to the aircrew?
  48. Where will detected radar and laser threats be displayed if detected by the RLWR?
    inside ASE footprint
  49. What are the two ways to access the abbreviations page?
    TSD UTIL and POINT pages
  50. Which report displays fuel quantity and type?
    SIT rep (FARM just quantity)
  51. What is the purpose of the BAM page?
    create, assign, and transmit PF and NF zones
  52. What is the maximum amount of PF zones that can be displayed on the TSD?
  53. In what color are NF zones displayed?
  54. How can the crew determine which zones are active?
    they will marquee
  55. Which Zone draw mode allows the crewmember to form rectangular boxes by selecting two points with the cursor?
    BX Draw mode
  56. What is the purpose of the Zone Number button?
    Select # of priority fire zones
  57. When is the PF zone ASN button displayed?
    at the completion of a PF zone
  58. Which page contains all of the ADF controls and displays the required symbology for radio navigation tracking?
  59. What page allows the crewmembers to select any of the preloaded ADF frequencies?
  60. How do you turn on the ADF?
    ADF button (B6)
  61. The ADF has two modes of operation, what are they?
    ADF and ANT
  62. How long does it approxiamately take to complete an EGI IBIT?
    5.5 min
  63. What will happen to the altitude readoouts when the radar altimeter performs a functional BIT on power-up of the unit?
    reads approxiamately 1000' the returns to 0
  64. What happens during a Doppler air-initiated BIT?
    velocity date being sent to the EGI's are set to invalid
  65. How long does it approxiamately take to complete a Dopler IBIT?
    20 secs
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