
  1. what type of of joint is tibio femoral and what are some characteristics?
    • hinge
    • synnovial
    • largest and most stable in full extension
  2. medial meniscus
    • C-shaped
    • larger
    • little movement
  3. lateral meniscus
    • O-shaped
    • smaller
    • more movement
  4. function of the meniscii:
    • distribute weight
    • force absorption
    • limit rotation
  5. MOI of meniscii :
    • deep flexion
    • compression
    • rotation & compression
    • unstable knees
  6. what types of injuries are there on the menisii?
    • horizontal
    • radial
    • oblique
    • longitudinal
  7. what are symptoms of meniscii injuries and can can u treat them?
    • pain
    • locking/ unlocking
    • unusual feeling/sounds
    • treat them by
    • decreasing pain
    • checking normal muscular function
    • surgical: partial menisectomy
  8. what the function of medial collateral ligament?
    • medial stability vs valgus force
    • limit excessive ER of tibia and IR of femur
  9. MOI of MCL
    • valgus: shear forces
    • tibia ER
  10. symptoms and signs of MCL injury and special test that can be done:
    • S/S: instabiliy and pain
    • PT joint line, PT origin, PT insertion
    • + valgus stress test
    • Special test : valgus in extension
    • valgus 15 degreee flexion
  11. how can you treat MCL injruy?
    • PIER
    • crutches
    • physician
  12. what is the finction of LCL?
    • taut in extension
    • slack in flexion
    • limit excessive varus forces
  13. MOI and S/S of LCL
    • varus: shear forces
    • ER of femur
    • IR tibia
    • S/S: same as mcl except to lcl, varus test in extension
  14. Function of ACL:
    • prevent anterior movement of tibia on fixed femur
    • prevent posterior movement of femur on fixed tibia
    • bond femur and tibia
  15. MOI of ACL
    • clipping
    • hyperextension
    • hyperfelxion
    • IR/ER in position
    • ER tibia with valgus
    • deceleration
    • combination MCL or LCL
    • "terrible triad"
  16. special tests of ACL injury:
    • anterior drawer
    • lachmans
    • valgus in extension
    • roatary instabilities
  17. signs and symptoms of ACL injury
    • pop
    • giving way/giving out
    • instability
    • valgus opening in extension
  18. __ to ___ month reahab for acl injury
  19. what is the difference in females and males in ACL injuries?
    • 2 to 8x greater chancei n females
    • -smaller acl on average
    • -horomone levels cause increase in chance of injuring acl
  20. how can you prevent ACL injury?
    • proprioception
    • strength
    • neuromuscular training
  21. what is the function of PCL?
    • prevent posterior translation of tibia on fixed femur
    • prevent anterior translation of femur on fixed fibia
    • resist hyperextension
    • medial and lateral stability at full extension
    • stronger than ACL
  22. MOI of PCL
    • forced hyperextension
    • landing on flexed knee
    • anterior blow to knee
    • combination with MCL, LCL
  23. S/S of PCL and ways to treat it:
    • S/S: pop
    • instability
    • posterior drawer
    • posterior sag
    • RX: PIER
    • quad strength, surgical vs non surgical
  24. Osgood schlatter disease
    • common to adolescent knee
    • pain at patellar ligament insertion
    • apophysitis of tibial tuberosity
    • avulsion fracture
    • caused by running or jumping
  25. what are S/S of oschgood schlatter and how can it be treated?
    • gradual degenereation of apophysis--> impaired circulation
    • pain
    • RX: rest
    • high recurrence
    • surgical low recurrence
  26. Larsen-Johansson
    oschgood-schlatter but at inferior pole of patella
  27. inflammation at quadriceps insertion=
    quadricep tendinitis
  28. inflammation of inferior pole of patella
    patellar tendinitis
  29. MOI of patellar tendinitis
    • repetative jumping
    • acceleration/ deceleration
    • squatting (technique)
    • malalignment of lower extremity
    • training intensity, frequency, season
    • patella alta, baja
  30. S/S of patellar tenditis
    • quad weakness
    • swelling rare, localized
    • pain on function.....during and after
    • oschgood schlatter
  31. how can you treat patellar tenditis?
    • PIER
    • ecentric strengthening
    • isokinetics
    • decrease inflammation and load
  32. cause of ILIOTIBIAL BAND FRICTION SYNDROME (Runner’s Knee)
    • overuse
    • common in runner and cyclists
    • genu varum
    • pronated feet
  33. what are oseochondral fractures?
    • articular cartilage and bone
    • patellar or medial femoral condyle
  34. signs and symptoms of osteochondral fractures
    • audible snap
    • hemarthrosis
    • lack of extension
  35. osteochondritis dissecans
    • partial or complete seperation of a piece of articular cartilage or subchondral bone
    • RX: PIER, immobilize
  36. patellar fracture
    • uncommon caused by direct blow
    • may have strong isometric KE
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