
  1. Which alternative would be an advantage of the Organic Design?

    a. Clear lines of authority with specific control
    b. Flexibility and open communication between shops and branches
    c. Highly structured
    d. Both control and flexibility where needed
    ANSWER: B – An organic design tends to be more flexible with a lot of communication between sections
  2. Which alternative would be an advantage of the Diverse Design?

    a. Clear lines of authority with specific control
    b. Flexibility and open communication between shops and branches
    c. Highly structured
    d. Both control and flexibility where needed
    ANSWER: D – The Diverse Design provides both flexibility, in the section that is Organic, and control in the section that is Mechanistic.
  3. Which alternative would be an advantage of the Matrix Design?

    a. Clear lines of authority with specific control
    b. Flexibility and open communication between shops and branches
    c. Highly structured
    d. Both control and flexibility where needed
    • ANSWER:
    • C – A Matrix Design can combine people from several different areas and put
    • them to work on a special project with dual lines of authority.

    • ANSWER:

    C – A Matrix Design can combine people from several different areas and put

    them to work on a special project with dual lines of authority.

    • ANSWER:

    C – A Matrix Design can combine people from several different areas and put

    them to work on a special project with dual lines of authority.


    Which alternative would be an advantage of the

    Matrix Design?

  4. Which design would be best for this branch?

    a. Clear lines of authority with specific control
    b. Flexibility and open communication between shops and branches
    c. Highly structured
    d. Both control and flexibility where needed
    ANSWER: A – This branch would need a mechanistic design in the administrative section due to strict compliance requirements. The other section developing new procedures would need to be Organic. When a unit has both, they have a Diverse Design
  5. Which design would be best for this branch?

    a. Clear lines of authority with specific control
    b. Flexibility and open communication between shops and branches
    c. Highly structured
    d. Both control and flexibility where needed
    ANSWER: B – This branch would need the control provided by a Mechanistic Design

  6. Which design would be best for this branch?

    a. Clear lines of authority with specific control
    b. Flexibility and open communication between shops and branches
    c. Highly structured
    d. Both control and flexibility where needed

    Which design would be best for this branch?

    a. Clear lines of authority with specific control
    b. Flexibility and open communication between shops and branches
    c. Highly structured
    d. Both control and flexibility where needed

    ANSWER: C – An Organic branch would be flexible enough for this type of

    organization. It would provide the open communication and brainstorming

    necessary to get the job done

    ANSWER: C – An Organic branch would be flexible enough for this type of organization. It would provide the open communication and brainstorming necessary to get the job done
  7. A Diverse Design provides?
    Control and flexibility where needed in an organization
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Organizational Design