chest x-ray
radiographic imaging of the thoracic cavity
(computerized tomography) computer-generated x-ray images show thoracic structures in cross-section
pulmonary angiography
x-ray images taken after injecting radiopaque contrast into the pulmonary artery or right side of the heart
(magnetic resonance imaging) magnetic waves create detailed images of the chest in frontal, lateral, and cross-sectional (axial) planes
ventilation-perfusion scan
(V/Q) detection device records radioactivity after injection of a radioisotope or inhalation of small amount of radioactive gas (xenon)
fiber-optic or rigid endoscope inserted into the bronchial tubes for diagnosis, biopsy, or collection of specimens
endotracheal intubation
placement of a tube through the mouth into the pharynx, larynx, and trachea to establish an airway
visual examination of the voice box
lung biopsy
removal of lung tissue followed by microscopic examination
endoscopic visual examination of the mediastinum
pulmonary function tests
(PFTs) tests that measure the ventilation mechanics of the lung (airway function, lung volume, and capacity of the lungs to exchange oxygen and CO2 efficiently
surgical puncture to remove fluid from the pleural space
major surgical incision of the chest
visual examination of the chest via small incisions and use of an endoscope
creation of an opening into the trachea through the neck
tuberculin test
determines the past or present tuberculosis infection based on a positive skin reaction
tube thoracostomy
chest tube is passed through an opening in the skin of the chest to continuously drain a pleural effusion