a person who sings ballads.
ball-peen hammer
a hammer having a hemispherical peen (ball peen) for beating metal.
- 1. fraud by a master or crew at the expense of the owners of the ship or its cargo.
- 2. the offense of frequently exciting and stirring up lawsuits and quarrels.
late Middle English barratrie < Anglo-French, Middle French baraterie combat, fighting
a small songbird, especially the European garden warbler, eaten as a delicacy in France and the Mediterranean region.
- 1. to intoxicate or stupefy with drink.
- 2. to make stupid or foolish
Middle English: fool (-sot)< Medieval Latin
having two tails or taillike appendages.
< Neo-Latin caudātus
- 1. a product of simple manual skill, as a plaited leather cord for the neck or a knife sheath, made typically by a camper or a scout.
- 2. work of little or no value done merely to keep or look busy.
- 3. a project funded by the federal government out of political favoritism that is of no real value to the community or the nation.
brave new world
a new period in history resulting from major changes in society, especially technological; a future world or society experiencing positive and negative effects from major changes
a name, especially a taxonomic name, that is considered linguistically undesirable.
< Greek, combining form of kakós, meaning "bad"
having a harsh or discordant sound.
< Greek
a member of a Semitic people that inhabited parts of ancient Palestine and were conquered by the Israelites and largely absorbed by them.
Middle English<Greek
- 1. to solicit votes, subscriptions, opinions, or the like from.
- 2. to examine carefully; investigate by inquiry; discuss; debate.
a wide-mouthed glass or metal bottle with a lip or spout, for holding and serving beverages.
French < Italian caraff ( a ) < Spanish garrafa, perhaps < dialectal Arabic gharrāfah dipper, drinking vessel
- 1. a set of stationary bells hung in a tower and sounded by manual or pedal action, or by machinery.
- 2. a set of horizontal metal plates, struck by hammers, used in the modern orchestra.
< French: set of bells, Old French < Vulgar Latin
(of teeth) adapted for shearing flesh.
<French, flesh-eating<Latin
oversubtle reasoning; intellectually dishonest; sophistical; deceptive
< Spanish casuista < Latin
a memorable or effective word or phrase that is repeated so often that it becomes a slogan
to yield or formally surrender to another
< Latin, to go, yield
deep blue; sky blue; azure.
< Latin, dark blue, azure
chachka, tchotchke
an inexpensive souvenir, trinket, or ornament.
< Yiddish tshatshke < Polish czaczko bibelot, knickknac
- 1. (in the french army) one of a body of cavalry or infantry troops equipped and trained for rapid movement.
- 2. a uniformed footman or attendant
< French: literally, chaser
changing in luster or color
< French, chatoyer, to change luster like a cat's eye (chat- >cat)
- 1. a high chest of drawers or bureau, often having a mirror on top.
- 2. a low bookcase, with grille doors or doorless.
member of an Apache Indian group
the branch of theology dealing with the nature, person, and deeds of Jesus Christ.
a chronological record of events; a history.
< Greek chroniká annals
surrounding; encompassing
< Late Latin
watchful and discreet; cautious; prudent
late Middle English < Latin (to look around)