UIL Vocabulary 1

  1. abalone
    a large mollusk, the flesh of which is used for food and the shell for ornament and as a source of mother-of-pearl

  2. abbatial
    of or pertaining to an abbot, abbess, or abbey.

    Late Latin abbātiālis
  3. acarophobia
    a pathological belief that the skin is infested with mites or insects, often leading to self-mutilation in order to eliminate the infestation

    Neo-Latin; acarus>mite
  4. acolyte
    an altar attendant in public worship.

    Medieval Latin acolytus < Greek akólouthos follower, attendant
  5. ad valorem
    in proportion to the value

    Latin: literally, according to the worth
  6. admissibility

    Latin admiss- or < French, formed from same elements
  7. afforestation
    to convert (bare or cultivated land) into forest, originally for the purpose of providing hunting grounds.

    Medieval Latin afforēstāre
  8. Agincourt
    a village in N France
  9. agrochemical
    any chemical used in agricultural production, as commercial fertilizers, pesticides, and feed supplements.

  10. Aguadilla
    a seaport in NW Puerto Rico
  11. alfresco

    < Italian: in the cool, in a cool place
  12. alpha privative
    the prefix a- or, before a vowel, an-, used in Greek and English to express negation or absence.
  13. ametropia
    faulty refraction of light rays by the eye

    < Greek ámetr ( os ) unmeasured
  14. amylaceous

    Greek, amyl-
  15. anathematize
    denounce; curse

    (< Middle French ) < Late Latin anathematizāre to put under the ban, curse, detest < Greek anathematízein make accursed
  16. anemia, anaemia
    a quantitative deficiency of the hemoglobin, often accompanied by a reduced number of red blood cells and causing pallor, weakness, and breathlessness.

    < Neo-Latin < Greek anaimía want of blood
  17. annular ligament
    the ligamentous envelope surrounding a part, as the joints of the wrist or ankle or the head of the radius
  18. anthrax
    an infectious, often fatal disease of cattle, sheep, and other mammals

    Middle English antrax malignant boil or growth < Latin anthrax carbuncle < Greek ánthrax a coal, carbuncle
  19. anthropometry
    the measurement of the size and proportions of the human body.

    Greek, anthropo-, meaning human
  20. antiphony
    alternate or responsive singing by a choir in two divisions.

    <Medieval Latin responsive singing < Greek sounding in answer
  21. antipersonnel
    used against enemy personnel rather than against mechanized vehicles
  22. antipyretic
    checking or preventing fever.

    <Neo-Latin<Greek (-pyret-)
  23. apatetic
    assuming colors and forms that effect deceptive camouflage.

    < Greek fallacious (logically unsound)
  24. applicable
    relevant; suitable; appropriate

    < Latin applic or < Middle French
  25. apprehensible
    capable of being understood.

    <Late Latin, grasped
  26. arborescent
    treelike in size and form

    < Latin, to grow into a tree
  27. archconservative
    consistently holding extremely conservative views

  28. assimilable
    capable of absorbing, adjusting, or adapting

    < Latin likened to, made like
  29. assumptive
    taken for granted.

  30. attention deficit disorder
    a condition, usually in children, marked by inattentiveness, dreaminess, and passivity
  31. avocet
    any of several long-legged, web-footed shorebirds, having a long, slender, upward-curving bill.

    < French avocette, probably erroneous spelling for Neo-Latin avosetta < Italian < Upper Italian (< Venetian)
  32. babbitt metal
    any of various alloys of tin with smaller amounts of antimony and copper, used as an antifriction lining for bearings.

    Americanism ; named after Isaac Babbitt
  33. baguette
    • a rectangular shape given to a small gem, especially a diamond, by cutting and polishing.
    • 2. Architecture . a small convex molding, especially one of semicircular section.
    • 3. a long, narrow loaf of french bread

    < French < Italian bacchetta little stick
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UIL Vocabulary 1
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