a group of potential customers with similar needs who are willing to exchange something of value with sellers offering various goods or services - that is ways of satisfying those needs.
Generic market
- a market wtih broadly similar needs, and sellers offerin various often diverse (broad) ways of satisfying those needs.
- sellers focus on the needs of the customers being met, not on their product being better than the other producers.
product market
a market with very simiar needs and sellers offering various close substitute ways of satisfying those needs.
A complete product-market definition includes a four-pat description.
Product market names:
bad why?
- What: Product type
- TO meet what: customer needs
- for whom: customer types
- where: geographic area
because people make markets. specific definition can be clumsy.
product type
- describes the oods and or services that customers want
- can be a good or a service
customer/user needs
the needs the product type satisfies for the customer.
customer type
the final consumer or user of a product type
geographic area
where consumers plan to compete .
The description of a generic market consist of:
- NOT product type
- to meet what: customer need
- for whom: customer types
- where: geographic area
market segmentation (2 step processs)
- 1. naming broad product-markets
- 2. segmenting these broad product-markets in order to select target markets and develop suitable marketing mixes.
an aggretating process - clustering people with similar needs into a "market segment"
market segment
a relatively homogeneous group of customers who will respond to a marketing mix in a similar way
Good segment markets fit the following criteria
homogeneous within
similar responses to marketing mixes
Good segment markets fit the following criteria
heterogeneous between
customers in different segments should be as different as possible when it comes to their responses to marketing mixes.
Good segment markets fit the following criteria
segment should be big enough to make a profit.
Good segment markets fit the following criteria
segmenting dimensions should be useful for identifying customers and deciding marketing mix variables.
Three basic ways to develop market-oriented strategies ina broad product-market
single target market approach
- segmenting the market and picking one of the homogeneous segments as the firms target market
- "segmenters"
Three basic ways to develop market-oriented strategies ina broad product-market
multiple taret market approach
- segmenting the market and choosing two or more segments, and then treating each as as seperate target market needeing a different marketing mix
- "segmenters"
Three basic ways to develop market-oriented strategies ina broad product-market
combined target market approach
- combining two or more submarkets into one larger target market as a basis for one strategy.
- "combiners"
- look at similarities rather than differencs when making target markets.
- they increase the size of their target markets by combining two or more segments.
- aim at one or more hoogeneous segments and try to develop a different marketing mix for each.
- focuses on target markets needs and how to meed those specifically.
qualifying dimensions when segmenting
those relevant to including a customer type in a product-market
determining dimensions in segmenting
those that actually affect the customer's purchase of a specific product or brand in a product-market
how a customer thinks about proposed or present brands in a merket.
gross domestic product (GDP)
the toal market value of all goods and services provided in a country's economy in a year by both residents and nonresidents of that country.
gross national income or gross national product
it does not include the earning by foreigners who own resources in that nation.
number of babies born with 1000 people.
metropolitan statistical area (MSA)
- an integrated economic and social unit with a large population nucleus.
- usually an urbanized are of 50,000 or more.
real income
income that is adjusted to take out the effects of inflation on purchasing power.
disposable income
what is left after taxes
discretionary income
what is left of disposable income after paying for necessities.
economic buyers
people who know all the facts and logically compare choices toget the greatest satisfaction from spending their time an dmoney.
economic needs
concerned with making the best use of a consumer's time and money - as the consumer judges it.
- the basic forces that motivate a person to do something.
- more basic than wants.
physical needs
food, clothing, shelter...
social needs
belonging and affection
individual (personal) needs
knowledge or self expression.
- object that satisfy a need.
- people grow to learn their wants...for example, the wanting of a specific brand.
human wants backed by buying power (what can i afford to buy?)
- a strong stimulus that encourages action to reduce a need.
- they are internal.
Maslow hierarchy of needs
- (Top to bottom)
- personal needs
- social needs
- safety needs
- physiological needs (food water rest sex)
selective exposure
our eyes and minds seek out and notice information that interests us.
selective perception
we screen out or modify ideas messags and information that conflict with previously learned attitudes and beliefs.
selective retention
we remember only what we want to remember.
psychographics/ life style analysis
- the analysis of a person's day-to-day parern of living.
- Activities Interest Opinion (AIO's)
Characteristics affecting consumer behavior
the whole set of believes, attitudes and ways of doing things of a reasonably homogenious oset of people
Characteristics affecting consumer behavior
the people around you who may influence your actions
social classes (7)
- society's relatively permanent and ordered divisions whose members share similar, values, interests and behaviors.
- upper upper, lower upper, middle class, working class, lower upper, lower lower
- determined by factors such as occpation, income, welath, education and neighborhoods.
reference groups
groups whose value structures and standards influence a person's behaviors.
reference groups
primary groups
family, close friends, coworkers
reference groups
secondary groups
organizations, groups that you are a part of (church)
reference groups
aspirational groups
- groups that we aspire to be a part of
- atheltes, entertainers...
reference groups
dissociative groups
groups that we don't want to be associated with.
extensive problem solving
when they put much effort into deciding how to satisfy a need...
limited problem solving
used by consumers when some effort is required in deciding the best way to satisfy a need
routinized response behavior
when he or she regularly selects a particular way of satisfying a need when it occurs.
a feeling of uncertainty about whether the right decision was made.
adoption process
- steps individuals go through on the way to accepting or rejecting a new idea.
- awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, decision and confirmation
decision making process
problem recognition, information search, evaluate alternatives, purchse decision, purchase act, post purchase evaluation.
Characteristics affecting consumer behavior
personal factors
- age and life cycle stage
- occupation
- economic situation
- lifestyle
- personality and self concept
Characteristics affecting consumer behavior
psychological factos
motivation, learning, believes and attitudes, perception
process by which people select, organize, and interpret information
marketing concept
a consumer oriented, integrated and goal oriented philosophy.