Peter Marler
- W-C sparrow
- innate v. environmental factors in song learning
Konrad Lorenz
- greylag goose
- ethology
- imprinting - nature v. nurture
study of animals in their natural environments
Daniel Lehrman
- doves
- hormones and reproduction
- genetics -/> behavior
- anti-Lorenz
Niko Tinbergen
- chickadees
- supernormal stimuli
Karl von Frisch
- bees' waggle dance
- navigation by Sun cues
W. H. Thorpe
- chaffinches
- local song dialects
- sonogram
Ivan Pavlov
classical conditioning
Edward Thorndike
- chicks, cats, children
- learning tests - puzzles, mazes
B.F. Skinner
operant conditioning
J.B. Watson
- behaviorism
- behavior is molded by conditioning
behavior is molded by conditioning
Harry Harlow
- rhesus monkeys
- effects of social isolation
Colin Pittendrigh
- Drosophila
- circadian rhythms
Jurgen Aschoff
- human circadian rhythms
- internal clock
Ebo Gwinner
- bird migration and navigation
- circannual rhythms
Henry Kettlewell
- moths and butterflies
- adaptive coloration
George Williams
animals are not altruistic