acetaminophen (Tylenol)
- For pain/ fever NOT inflamation.
- Decreased liver function w/overdose
- antidote to decrease liver damage is acetylcysteine (Mucomyst)
furosemide (Lasix)
- Loop diuretic
- reduces BP and decreases edema
- check I & O - urine output
- assess K+ (3.5-5.0), edema, lung sounds
- increase fluids to prevent dehydration
metroprolo (Lopressor)
- antihypertensive (beta blocker)
- assess BP check HR (bradycardia)
- assess renal & hepatic functionANTIDOTE- glucagon
nitroglycerin - NTG (NitroDur)
- Vasodialator: c/o chest pain (angina) relives chest discomfort, HA as SE
- may give q5min x 3 up to 15min
- Reduces BP call HPC if no decrease.
- HOLD if pulse is <60 or sys BP is <90
- Anti-inflamatory many drug to drug interactions
- assess for increase K+, glucose (diabetic), BP, weight , appetite, s/s infection (drug masks inf.), mood changes.
- Give w/food. DON'T d/c suddenly
- incidence of osteoporosis and fx's
potassium chloride -KCl (Micro K or K-Dur)
- K+ replacement (electrolyte) increases serum K+level (3.5-5.0)
- check I & O (assess kidney function) No IM route, no salt substitute, No IV bolus or push
- DILUTE in large volumes of IV solution via IV pump
aspirin (Ecotrin)
(enteric coated)
- for pain/fever/inflamation/antiplatelet
- Doesn't let platelets clump together
- assess allergy, check bleeding, give w/food
- DO NOT give w/ Coumadin/heparin
levothyroxine (Synthroid)
- thyroid replacement. increses BMR
- assess radial pulse before administration - if >100 hold and evaluate T3,T4, TSH
- Give on empty stomach in a.m. do not d/c suddenly
- T3 >50yrs 40-180 ng/dl
- T4 male 4-12 ug/dl female 5-12 ug/dl
- TSH 2-10
digoxin (Lanoxin)
- cardiac glycoside, slows and strengthens the heart. assess apoical before adminis. if <60bpm or >100 hold and evaluate. chech toxicity signs (N&V, GI upset, vision changes, fatigue) small threapeutic window (dig level 0.8-2.0) check K+, I&O (kidney function)
- Antidote- Digibind
ranitidine (Zantac)
- antiulcer. decreases productioin of stomas acid.
- Do Not give at same time as antacid
- SE gynecomastia in men (& inpotence)
metformin (Glucaphage)
- oral hypoglycemic, inhibits glucose production in liver & increases sensitivity of perphial tissur to insulin.
- check BS frequently (70-105)
- SE decreased liver function and blood dyscrasis
timolol (Timoptic eye gtts.)
- for glaucoma (decrease IOP) wear gloves
- put in lower conjunctival sac. make sure eyes are clean of matter before.
- pressure at inner canthus of eye 30-60 sec to decrease ant systemic absorption
insulin-regular & NPH
(Humulin R & Humulin N)
- replaces insulin not being produced by pancreas
- *BS proir to. (sq or IV) ONLY R = given IV
- Hypo- sweat, weak, dizzyness, chills, confusion
- Hyper- acetone breath, polyuria, polydipsia, fatigue, flushed dry skin BS 70-105
- Regular-onset 1/2-1hr peak 2-4 duration 5-7
- NPH-onset 1-2hr peak 4-12, dur. 18-24
morphine (Duramorf)
- narcotic anaglesic, check allergy, assess LOC and resp proir to admin. If resp<12 - hold and evaluate. Provide safety after. Assess BP
- Antidote is NARCAN
ibuprofin (Advil)
- for pain/fever/inflamation inhibits prostaglandin synthsis
- give on empty stomach unless GI distress (food, milk or antacid ok)
- Caution with other drugs that increase bleeding
- Anticoagulant: assess PTT/APTT, given sq or IV via pump. Check bruising & bleeding.
- Many drug to drug interactions
- Do Not give with aspirin
- Antidote is protamine sulfate
- PTT 60-70 sec APTT 30-40 sec
- Therapeutic dose starts at 1.5-2x control/normal