AWA regulationa.txt

  1. sc. - "Definitions" of the AWA
    Part 1
  2. Misc. - "Regulations" of the AWA
    Part 2
  3. Misc. - "Rules" of Practice of the AWA
    Part 4
  4. Misc. - "Standards" of the AWA
    Part 3
  5. Misc. - "The Animal Welfare Act" (Code of Federal Regulations 9)
    9 CFR
  6. Administrative - End of "business hours" after which inspections by APHIS may be made
  7. Administrative - Start of "business hours" after which inspections by APHIS may be made
  8. Cats - A young animal is weaned after it has eating solid food and not taken milk for ___
    5 days
  9. Dogs - A young animal is weaned after it has eating solid food and not taken milk for ___
    5 days
  10. Facility - Range of humidity in animal housing
  11. Facility - Study area where animals are housed outside the normal facility
    12 hours
  12. Misc. - Amendment of the AWA
  13. Misc. - Amendment of the AWA
  14. Misc. - Amendment of the AWA (Food Security Act)
  15. Misc. - First version of the AWA (Laboratory Animal Welfare Act)
  16. Licensing - Maximum number of USDA licenses a person may have
    1 license
  17. Licensing - Minimum age of a person who may obtain a USDA license
    18 years
  18. Licensing - Persons are exempt from licensing requirements if they maintain <___ breeding female dogs or cats
    <3 breeding females
  19. Licensing - Persons are exempt from licensing requirements if they sell <___ dogs or cats per year, but may acquire a voluntary license
    <25 per year
  20. Cats - Age of puppies or kittens that may be exempted from the 5- or 10-day holding period-- they must be held for 24 hours 120 days
  21. Cats - Length of time a dealer or exhibitor must hold a random-source dog or cat if received from a private pound or shelter
    10 days
  22. Dealers - Age of puppies or kittens that may be exempted from the 5- or 10-day holding period-- they must be held for 24 hours
    120 days
  23. Dealers - Length of time a dealer or exhibitor must hold a random-source dog or cat if received from a private pound or shelter
    10 days
  24. Dealers - Minimum length of time a dealer must hold a live puppy or kitten (<120 days)-- each successive dealer must also hold the animal for another ___
    24 hours
  25. Dogs - Age of puppies or kittens that may be exempted from the 5- or 10-day holding period-- they must be held for 24 hours
    120 days
  26. Dogs - Length of time a dealer or exhibitor must hold a random-source dog or cat if received from a private pound or shelter
    10 days
  27. Cats - Length of time a dealer or exhibitor must hold a random-source dog or cat from a gov't shelter or humane society (including a Saturday)
    5 days
  28. Dealers - Length of time a dealer or exhibitor must hold a random-source dog or cat from a gov't shelter or humane society (including a Saturday)
    5 days
  29. Dogs - Length of time a dealer or exhibitor must hold a random-source dog or cat from a gov't shelter or humane society (including a Saturday)
    5 days
  30. Licensing - A person denied a license may reapply after ___
    1 year
  31. Licensing - Time period within which any person associated with violating animal cruelty laws will be denied a license
    1 year
  32. Cats - Minimum age of puppies or kittens that may be sold or transported to anyone (except to a research facility)-- they must also be weaned
    8 weeks
  33. Dogs - Minimum age of puppies or kittens that may be sold or transported to anyone (except to a research facility)-- they must also be weaned
    8 weeks
  34. Cats - Length of time a research must maintain records of a live random-source dog or cat after transfering it to a dealer or another facility
    3 years
  35. Dogs - Length of time a research must maintain records of a live random-source dog or cat after transfering it to a dealer or another facility
    3 years
  36. Facility - Length of time a research must maintain records of a live random-source dog or cat after transfering it to a dealer or another facility
    3 years
  37. Licensing - Time limit for updating a facility's registration
    3 years
  38. Licensing - Period of time required before written notification to the AC Director of an "inactive" registration returning to active status
    10 days
  39. Licensing - Period of time that a registrant does not use, handle or transport animals and thus can apply for "inactive" status
    2 years
  40. Licensing - After ___ failed inspections attempting to become licensed, the person/facility forfeits the application fee and must wait ___ before reapplying
    3, 6 months
  41. Licensing - Waiting period for reapplication for a breeding license after ___ failed inspections
    6 months, 3
  42. IACUC - At least ___ IACUC member(s) designated by the Chair will be authorized to approve a protocol, require changes, or make a full board recommendation
    1 member
  43. IACUC - At least once every ___ the IACUC must inspect the research facility's animal facilities
    6 months
  44. IACUC - At least once every ___ the IACUC must review a research facility's animal use program
    6 months
  45. IACUC - AWA-required membership of the IACUC who must be appointed the Chair
    1 member
  46. IACUC - Frequency of IACUC reports to the IO of program and facility evaluations-- these reports shall be updated every ___
    6 months
  47. IACUC - Minimum time period of continuing reviews of research protocols
    1 year
  48. IACUC - Number of allowable survival surgery(-ies) unless justified by PI, clinically relevent, or requested in writing to and approved by the Adminsitrator
    1 surgery
  49. IACUC - Required written report to APHIS from the IO (prepared by the IACUC) regarding any uncorrected significant deficiencies after inspections
    15 days
  50. IACUC membership required in subcommittees to conduct evaluations of programs and facilities
    2 members
  51. Forms - USDA/APHIS Interstate and International Certificate of Health Examination of Small Animals
    Form 7001
  52. Forms - USDA/APHIS Record of Acquisition of Dogs and Cats
    Form 7005
  53. Forms - USDA/APHIS Record of Disposition of Dogs and Cats
    Form 7006
  54. Records - All records regarding research activities/protcols shall be maintained for ___ after the project ends
    3 years
  55. Records - Copies of Forms 7001, 7005, or 7006 that shall be shipped with and accompany the dog or cat
    1 copy
  56. Records - Copies of Forms 7001, 7005, or 7006 that shall remain with the research facility
    1 copy
  57. Records - All records of dogs and cats shall be maintained by research facilities for ___
    3 years
  58. IACUC - Due date of the Annual Report
    December 1st
  59. IACUC - Frequency of filing the Annual Report (signed by IO of the facility) to the AC Regional Director
    1 year
  60. Cats - Length of time a research facility must wait to use a dog or cat if obtained from a source other than a dealer
    5 days
  61. Cats - Minimum required diameter of a round official USDA tag for dogs or cats
    1¼ inches
  62. Cats - Minimum required measurements of an oblong official USDA tag riveted to a collar for dogs and cats
    2" x ¾"
  63. Cats - Minimum time period a facility must hold USDA tags of dogs and cats after disposition
    1 year
  64. Cats - Minimum time period before reusing a USDA number for a dog or cat
    5 years
  65. Dogs - Length of time a research facility must wait to use a dog or cat if obtained from a source other than a dealer
    5 days
  66. Dogs - Minimum required diameter of a round official USDA tag for dogs or cats
    1¼ inches
  67. Dogs - Minimum required measurements of an oblong official USDA tag riveted to a collar for dogs and cats
    2" x ¾"
  68. Dogs - Minimum time period a facility must hold USDA tags of dogs and cats after disposition
    1 year
  69. Dogs - Minimum time period before reusing a USDA number for a dog or cat
    5 years
  70. Forms - APHIS form (completed by the IO) to designate another person or premises as a recognized animal site under the facility registration
    Form 7009
  71. AV - Observation of animals by AV or a designee if there is a reporting structure in place
  72. Forms - APHIS Annual License Renewal and Report Form
    Form 7003
  73. Licensing - Period of time before a breeding license will expire that a breeder is notified of the need of the annual license renewal
    60 days
  74. Licensing - Renewal period for a USDA breeding license
    1 year
  75. Cats - Age of puppies or kittens that must be individually identified by Class "A" or "B" breeders
    16 weeks
  76. Cats - Age of puppies or kittens that must be individually identified by Class "A" or "B" breeders
    4 months
  77. Cats - No more than ___ weaned cat may be housed in a single primary enclosure unless there are other permanent markings
    1 animal
  78. Dogs - Age of puppies or kittens that must be individually identified by Class "A" or "B" breeders
    16 weeks
  79. Dogs - Age of puppies or kittens that must be individually identified by Class "A" or "B" breeders
    4 months
  80. Licensing - Amount of gross income the graduated license fee is based on for Class A breeders
    50% gross income ($)
  81. Licensing - Amount of gross income the graduated license fee is based on for Class B breeders
    100% gross income ($)
  82. Licensing - Fee for a breeding license application, annual renewal, or change in class (A or B)
  83. Licensing - Graduated license fee for Class C exhibtors is based on the number of animals owned, held, or exhibited
    # animals exhibited
  84. Licensing - Time limit before the expiration of a license when the licensee my file a renewal with the Animal Care Director
    30 days
  85. Forms - USDA/APHIS Record of Animals (other than dogs and cats) in Hand Form used for dealers to keep track of bought and sold animals
    Form 7019
  86. Forms - USDA/APHIS Transport of Animals (other than dogs and cats) Form used for dealers to keep track of bought and sold animals
    Form 7020
  87. Records - Copies of Forms 7019 or 7020 that shall be shipped with and accompany the animal (not dog or cat)
    1 copy
  88. Records - Copies of Forms 7019 or 7020 that shall remain with the dealer
    1 copy
  89. Transport - The intermediate handler shall maintain ___ copy(-ies) of the veterinarian's health certificate for any live dogs, cats, NHPs transported
    1 copy
  90. Records - Copies of records that are given to the 1. consigner, 2. purchaser, and kept with the 3. broker or auction house
    1 copy
  91. Transport - After ___ following notification, if the consignee hasn't received the animals, the intermediate handler shall return the animals to the consigner (dogs, cats, NHPs)
    48 hours
  92. Transport - After ___ of failing to notify the consignee every ___, the intermediate handler shall return the animals to the consigner (dogs, cats, NHPs)
    24 hours, 6 hours
  93. Transport - The intermediate handler shall notify a consignee every ___ within ___ of arrival to the holding area (dog, cat, guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, or NHP)
    6 hours, 24 hours
  94. Licensing - Time limit for notifying the AC Director of any change in name address, management, or ownership on the license or registration
    10 days
  95. Records - Dealers, exhibitors, brokers, auctioneers, carriers, and intermediate handlers must keep all USDA records for ___
    1 year
  96. Licensing - Annual monetary limit that excludes a breeder from being a dealer and are thus exempt for licensing requirements
  97. Licensing - Waiting period for a dealer or exhibitor to dispose of a dog or cat after acquisition
    5 days
  98. IACUC - AWA-required frequency of IACUC facility inspections
    6 months
  99. IACUC - File annual report to USDA
    1 year
  100. IACUC - Length of time the IACUC must maintain facility inspection reports
    3 years
  101. Transport - Maximum period when a COD arrangement can be arranged in writing to include return transportation and feeding, care, and storage expenses
    48 hours
  102. IACUC - AWA-required maximum of IACUC members from 1 adminsitrative unit
    3 members
  103. IACUC - AWA-required membership of the IACUC who needs to be a VMD
    1 member
  104. IACUC - AWA-required membership of the IACUC who needs to be an outside, non-affiliated member
    1 member
  105. IACUC - AWA-required minimum membership of the IACUC
    3 members
  106. Transport - Maximum length of time before transportation that a licensed veterinarian may certify the animal's health (dog, cat, hamster, NHP, marine mammal, other mammal)
    10 days
  107. Transport - Time limit the Secretary of Transportation has to disapprove of any standard related to transportation as put forth by the Secretary of Agriculture
    30 days
  108. Adminstrative - USDA inspection of facilities will occur at least once per ___
    1 year
  109. Penalty - Fine levied to anyone interefering with USDA inspectors
  110. Penalty - Fine levied to anyone interefering with USDA inspectors with a deadly weapon
  111. Penalty - Prison sentence for anyone interefering with USDA inspectors
    3 years
  112. Penalty - Prison sentence for anyone interefering with USDA inspectors with a deadly weapon
    10 years
  113. Penalty - Fine levied to any person knowingly ignoring a cease and desist order
  114. Penalty - Fine levied to person or facility for violating the Act
  115. Penalty - Maximum possible prison sentence for knowingly violating the Act
    1 year
  116. Penalty - Period of time to seek a review of a final order of the Secretary
    60 days
  117. Penalty - Maximum suspension of license for violating the Act
    21 days
  118. Penalty - Fine levied to any person violating rules on animal fighting (interstate transport and communication)
  119. Penalty - Maximum possible prison sentence for any person violating the rules on animal fighting (interstate transport and communication)
    1 year
  120. Penalty - Fine levied on any IACUC member releasing trade secrets
  121. Penalty - Fine levied on any IACUC member willfully releasing trade secrets
  122. Penalty - Maximum possible prison sentence for any IACUC member releasing trade secrets
    1 year
  123. Penalty - Maximum possible prison sentence for any IACUC member willfully releasing trade secrets
    3 years
  124. Dealers - Fine (per dog or cat) levied to dealers who do not comply with the 5-day holding period
  125. Dealers - Length of time a pound, humane society, or facility must hold a dog or cat before selling to a dealer
    5 days
  126. Facility - Length of time the research facility must keep the holding certification of a dog or cat by the dealer
    1 year
  127. Cats - Hard surfaces that dogs and cats contact must be "spot cleaned" ___ for removing excreta and preventing disease
  128. Dogs - Hard surfaces that dogs and cats contact must be "spot cleaned" ___ for removing excreta and preventing disease
  129. Cats - Minimum time that potable water must be made available to dogs or cats if not ad lib
    2x per day for 1 hour
  130. Dogs - Minimum time that potable water must be made available to dogs or cats if not ad lib
    2x per day for 1 hour
  131. Marine - A "buffer" of ___ of below compliance will be granted to facilites with regards to space requirements
  132. Marine - A report of ___ experts (from the AAZPA) may be required by the Deputy Administrator for a variance to the Act
  133. Marine - Maximum time food for marine mammals may be stored on ice (not in refrigerated appliances)
    12 hours
  134. Marine - Minimum average vertical air space above all primary enclosures
  135. Marine - Maximum time a marine mammal may be temporarily housed in a noncompliant primary enclosure without written justification/authorization by the AV
    2 weeks
  136. Marine - Minimum distance from the primary enclosure of a perimeter fence, unless approved by the Adminsitrator
  137. Marine - Minimum height of a perimeter fence for marine mammals, unless approved by the Administrator
  138. Marine - Minimum height of a perimeter fence for polar bears, unless approved by the Administrator
  139. Marine - Frequency the AV must reevaluate and justify the temporary noncompliant housing of a marine mammal
    1 week
  140. Marine - MHD for most large Group I cetaceans (Group I small whales)
    24' to 56'
  141. Marine - MHD for most small Group I cetaceans (Group I dolphins and porpoises)
  142. Marine - Additional DRA for each additional sea otter >2
    (Avg. BL / 2) x 3.14
  143. Marine - Additional DRA or pool surface area for each additional polar bear
    40 sq. ft.
  144. Marine - Group I cetaceans include: bottlenose dolphins, Orca, minke, narwhale, beluga, and pilot whales, river dolphins and some other dolphins and porpoises-- perhaps (not specifically mentioned) because common in captivity (lower MHD than equivalently sized Group II)
    Group I cetaceans
  145. Marine - Group I pinnipeds include: fur, harbor, elephant, leopard, harp, weddell seals, sea lions, walruses, and other seal species
    Group I pinnipeds
  146. Marine - Group II pinnipeds include only bearded, ringed, and hooded seals
    Group II pinnipeds
  147. Marine - MHD for Group II cetaceans (higher per length compared with Group I)
    24' to 36'
  148. Marine - MHD for sirenians-- adequate for 2 sirenians, averaged BL if >2
    (2 x BL)
  149. Marine - MHD for up to 2 sea otters
    (Avg. BL ) x 3
  150. Marine - MHD of a pinniped the primary enclosure
    (Avg. BL) x 1.5
  151. Marine - Minimum depth of a pool for up to ___ sea otters
    3', 2
  152. Marine - Minimum depth of the pool for cetaceans, if greater than the prescribed minimum-- 6'-14' in Group I and 6' in Group II cetaceans
    (BL / 2)
  153. Marine - Minimum depth of the pool for polar bears
  154. Marine - Minimum depth of the pool for sirenians, if greater than the prescribed minimum (5')
    (BL / 2)
  155. Marine - Minimum dry resting area (DRA) of a primary enclosure of a Group I pinniped, singly housed
    (BL)² x 2
  156. Marine - Minimum dry resting area (DRA) of a primary enclosure of a Group II pinniped, singly housed
    (BL)² x 1.5
  157. Marine - Minimum dry resting area (DRA) of a primary enclosure of a group of Group II pinnipeds (each successive pinniped BL² is factored by 0.1 less, down to 1.1)-- must be split if sexually mature males are present
    (Avg. BL)² x 1.5...1.4...1.3…
  158. Marine - Minimum dry resting area (DRA) of a primary enclosure of group-housed Group I pinnipeds-- must be split if sexually mature males are present
    (Avg. BL)² x 2
  159. Marine - Minimum dry resting area for up to ___ polar bears
    400 sq. ft., 2
  160. Marine - Minimum dry resting area for up to 2 sea otters
    (Avg. BL)² x 3.14
  161. Marine - Minimum height of a polar bear den-- must be out of view of public, ___ den(s) per adult bear
    5', 1
  162. Marine - Minimum Horizontal Dimension (MHD) for calculating space requirements for marine mammals
    (2 x BL)
  163. Marine - Minimum MHD of the pool for polar bears
    8.0 sq. ft.
  164. Marine - Minimum pool volume of the primary enclosure of >2 Group I cetaceans, >4 Group II cetaceans, or >2 sirenians
    (Avg. BL/2)² x 3.14 x depth
  165. Marine - Minimum pool volume of the primary enclosure of a cetacean and sirenians-- may hold 2 Group I cetaceans, 4 Group II cetaceans, or 2 sirenians
    (MHD/2)² x 3.14 x depth
  166. Marine - Minimum required depth of a pool for Group II cetaceans
  167. Marine - Minimum required depth of a pool for most large Group I cetaceans (Group I small whales)
    6' to 14'
  168. Marine - Minimum required depth of a pool for most small Group I cetaceans (Group I dolphins and porpoises)
  169. Marine - Minimum required depth of a pool for pinnipeds
  170. Marine - Minimum required depth of a pool for pinnipeds, if greater than the prescribed minimum (3')
    (BL / 2)
  171. Marine - Minimum required depth of a pool for sirenians
  172. Marine - Minimum surface area fo Group I or II cetaceans-- may hold 2 Group I cetaceans or 4 Group II cetaceans
    (Avg. BL/2)² x 3.14 x 1.5
  173. Marine - Minimum surface area of the pool for ___ polar bears
    96 sq. ft., 2
  174. Marine - Minimum volume of a pool for up to 2 sea otters
    (Avg. BL)² x 3.14 x 3'
  175. Marine - Minimum width and depth of a polar bear den-- must be out of view of public, ___ den per adult bear
    6', 1
  176. Marine - Surface area of pool must equal the dry resting area, based on the number and size of species in the primary enclosure
    (SA = DRA)
  177. Marine Group II cetaceans include: pygmy/dwarf sperm whale and most dolphins and porpoises-- open water species, thus requires higher MHDs (compared with Group I)
    Group II cetaceans
  178. Marine - All frozen food must be feed to marine mammals within ___ of being removed from the freezer, or if thawed in a refrigerator, within ___ of being thawed
    24 hours
  179. Marine - Feeding records must be maintained at the facility for ___ and made available to APHIS
    1 year
  180. Marine - Food receptacles and preparation areas must be cleaned and sanitized every ___
    After every use
  181. Marine - Frozen food must be stored at ___°F or below
  182. Marine - Inappetence of >___ must be reported to the AV
    24 hours
  183. Marine mammals must be offered food at least ___
  184. Marine - Coliform count in the pool primary enclosure must be checked every ___
    1 week
  185. Marine - Maximum allowable Most Proble Number (MPN) of coliform count in the primary enclosure pool
  186. Marine - pH and chemical additives (chlorine) in the pool primary enclosure must be checked ___ (natural seawater pools are exempt)
  187. Marine - Range of salinty of water for marine mammals
    15-36 ppt
  188. Marine - Records of coliform count, pH, and other water testing must be maintained for ___
    1 year
  189. Marine - Time interval between initial high coliform sample and the repeat sample-- a 2nd MPN counts over 1000 and the water quality must be corrected immediately
    48 hours
  190. Marine - Animal and food waste and trash and debris must be removed from the primary enclosure at least ___
  191. Marine - Kitchens for marine mammal food preparation must be sanitized ___ and cleaned ___
    1 week, daily
  192. Marine - Kitchens for marine mammal food preparation must be sanitized weekly with hot water and detergent
  193. Cats - Food and water receptacles of dogs and cats must be sanitized every ___
    2 weeks
  194. Cats - Primary enclosures of dogs and cats must be sanitized every ___
    2 weeks
  195. Cats - Water temperature of water to sanitize and dog's or cat's primary enclosure
  196. Dogs - Food and water receptacles of dogs and cats must be sanitized every ___
    2 weeks
  197. Dogs - Primary enclosures of dogs and cats must be sanitized every ___
    2 weeks
  198. Dogs - Water temperature of water to sanitize and dog's or cat's primary enclosure
  199. Marine - All cetaceans and sirenians must be physically examined by the AV at least every ___ unless exempted by APHIS
    12 months
  200. Marine mammals must be visually evaluated by the AV at least every ___
    6 months
  201. Marine mammal necropsy reports, feeding records, behavioral assessments, and water quality reports must be maintained for ___
    3 years
  202. Forms - Program of Veterinary Care must be completed by facilities that employ a part-time consultant AV - SWTD programs, etc
    Form 7002
  203. Marine - A written incident report must be sent to APHIS within ___ of the incident
    7 days
  204. Marine - Additional surface area for SWTD area for each additional dolphin >3
    ((BL x 2)²/2) x 3.14
  205. Marine - An incident must be reported to APHIS with ___
    24 hours
  206. Marine - AV or consulting veterinarian must have at least ___ years of cetacean care experience in the last ___ years
    2/10 years
  207. Marine - Average depth of tidal pool or any man-made SWTD area must be ___
  208. Marine - Frequency that the AV must conduct physical exams of every cetacean in a SWTD Program
    6 months
  209. Marine - Frequency that the AV must evaluate each cetacean and observe an interactive swin session in a SWTD Program
    1 month
  210. Marine - Head trainer/behaviorist in a SWTD Program is required to have ___ years of experience in cetacean training in the last ___ years
    6/10 years
  211. Marine - Interaction time of SWTD Program dolphins shall not exceed ___ hours per day
    2 hours
  212. Marine - Maximum ratio of humans:dolphins and participants:attendants in a SWTD Program
  213. Marine - MHD for each 'swim-with-the-dolphin' areas-- interactive, buffer, and sanctuary area
    (Avg. BL x 3)
  214. Marine - Minimum number of attendants in a SWTD interaction period, 1 may be positioned out of the water
  215. Marine - Minimum number of employees in a SWTD Program-- 1 Manager, 1 Behaviorist, 1 Trainer, 1 veterinarian, and 1+ Attendants (as many as necessary)
  216. Marine - Minimum surface area for SWTD area for 2 dolphins
    ((BL x 3)/2)² x 3.14
  217. Marine - Minimum surface area for SWTD area for 3 dolphins
    ((BL x 3)/2)² x 3.14 X 2
  218. Marine - Minimum volume of a pool for a SWTD area
    (SA x 9)
  219. Marine - Number of incidents per year that would necessitate an APHIS investigation
  220. Marine - Required years of experience in managing captive cetaceans for a SWTD Program Licensee or Manager
    6 years
  221. Marine - Required years of experience in training captive cetaceans for a SWTD Program Trainer
    3 years
  222. Marine - SWTD dolphins shall have at least ___ continuous hours without public interaction in a ___ period
    10 hours, 24 hour
  223. Marine - The SWTD Program must provide APHIS with a description of the program ___ before initiation
    30 days
  224. Marine - A necropsy must be performed on any cetacean that dies within ___, and if greater than ___ the carcass must be refrigerated
    48 hours, 3 hours
  225. Marine - A necropsy report must be in the individual animal's file within ___ of death
    7 days
  226. Transport - Maximum temperature for transporting marine mammals unless acclimation is certified by a veterinarian or while held at a terminal facility
  227. Transport - Intermediate handlers must attempt to notify the consignee at least every ___ while a marine mammal or other mammal is at a terminal facility
    6 hours
  228. Transport - Minimum surface area of each of ___ sides or a marine mammal primary enclosure while in transit-- ventilation must be at an appropriate height
    20%, 4
  229. Transport - Projecting rims on the exterior of a marine mammal primary enclosure must be ___ between the enclosure and anything placed against it
  230. Transport - Every marine mammal and other mammal must be offered potable water at least once every ___ while being transported
    4 hours
  231. Transport - Any marine mammal transport scheduled for over ___ must have a transport plan approved by the AV
    2 hours
  232. Transport - Maximum temperature that a polar bear may be subjected to when being moved at a terminal transport facility 75°F for
    45 minutes
  233. Other mammals - Minimum distance of the perimenter fence from the primary enclosure
  234. Other mammals - Minimum height of a perimeter fence for nondangerous animals
  235. Other mammals - Minimum height of a perimeter fence for potentially dangerous animals (large felids, bears, etc.)
  236. Cats - Maximum length of time before transportation that a licensed veterinarian may certify a dog or cat acclimated <50°F
    10 days
  237. Cats - Minimum temperature below which a veterinarian must certify a dog/cat acclimated for transport
  238. Dogs - Maximum length of time before transportation that a licensed veterinarian may certify a dog or cat acclimated <50°F
    10 days
  239. Dogs - Minimum temperature below which a veterinarian must certify a dog/cat acclimated for transport
  240. Transport - Intermediate handlers may not accept a dog/cat/NHP if it wasn't feed or watered within ___ of transfer
    4 hours before delivery
  241. Transport - Maximum length of time before transportation that a licensed veterinarian may certify a dog, cat, hamster, guinea pig, rabbit, or NHP acclimated to cold temperatures
    10 days
  242. Transport - Minimum temperature below which a veterinarian must certify a dog/cat/NHP acclimated for transport
  243. Transport - Required duration of specific feeding and watering instructions of the consigner to the intermediate handler for dogs, cats, or NHPs in transport
    24 hours
  244. Transport - Intermediate handlers may not accept a dog/cat/hamster/guinea pig/rabbit/NHP/marine mammal or other mammal more than ___ before the scheduled departure time
    4 hours
  245. Transport - Intermediate handler may extend the acquisition and departure time of a dog/cat/guinea pig/hamster/rabbit/NHP/marine mammal to ___ if agreed with the consignee
    6 hours
  246. Transport - Minimum temperature and time for dogs/cats/hamsters/guinea pigs/rabbits/NHPs/other mammals between terminal facilities and vehicles
    45°F for 45 minutes
  247. Other mammals - Primary enclosures will be sanitized with detergent and water reaching 180°F
  248. Other mammals - Dealers (or intermediate handlers) transporting other mammals in their own vehicles must provide potable water at least every ___ while in transit
    12 hours
  249. Other mammals - While in transit, every other mammal shall be offered food at least ___ and an appropriate amount of food shall accompany the animal for at least a ___ period
    24 hours
  250. Transport - Litters of puppies or kittens less than 8 weeks (weaned or with dam) may be transported in the same primary enclosure
    8 weeks
  251. Transport - No more than ___ dog(s) or cat(s) >___ may be transported by air in a single primary enclosure
    1, 6 months
  252. Transport - No more than ___ live dogs or cats > ___ may be transported by ground or water (or private plane) in the same primary enclosure
    4 animals, 8 weeks
  253. Transport - No more than ___ puppies __ to ___ weighing less than 20 pounds each may be transported by air in the same primary enclosure
    2 puppies, 8-24 weeks
  254. Transport - No more than 1 dog >___ (but less than 6 months) may be transported by air in a single primary enclosure
    20 pounds
  255. Transport - Primary enclosures of dogs and cats must be cleaned at least every ___ while in transit
    24 hours
  256. Transport - Projecting rims on the exterior of a dog/cat/hamster/guinea pig/rabbit/NHP/other mammal primary enclosure must be ___ between the enclosure and anything placed against it
  257. Transport - Required combined surface of all ventilation openings of dog/cat primary enclosures
  258. Transport - Required height of the letters of the "Live Animal" label on any dog/cat/hamster/guinea pig/rabbit primary enclosure in transit
  259. Transport - Required surface area of the 3rd ventilation opening when there are 2 walls with ___% openings on the dog/cat primary enclosure
    50%, 8%
  260. Transport - Required surface area of ventilation openings on 2 of 3 walls of a dog/cat primary enclosure-- 3rd opening must be ___% of the 3rd wall
    8%, 50%
  261. Transport - At least ___ of the ventilation openings must be on the upper ___ of the primary enclosure walls on the dog/cat/hamster/guinea pig/rabbit/other mammal primary enclosure
    ⅓ on upper ½
  262. Transport - Required surface area of ventilation opening on each wall when opening are on all 4 walls on the dog/cat/hamster/guinea pig/rabbit/NHP/other mammal primary enclosure
  263. Transport - Required surface area of ventilation openings on 2 adjacent walls of a dog/cat/hamster/guinea pig/rabbit/NHP/other mammal primary enclosure
  264. Transport - Required surface area of ventilation opening if there is only 1 opening of any mammal's primary enclosure and it is permanently fixed to the vehicle
  265. Transport - Additional ventilation (fans or blowers) must be provided for dogs and cats in a surface transport vehicle
  266. Transport - Cargo holds must be pressurized if flying dogs and cats in aircraft over ___
    8000 ft
  267. Transport - Minimum absolute ambient temperature for dogs or cats in surface vehicle
    45°F for 4 hours
  268. Transport - Dogs and cats >___ must be offered food at least once every ___, puppies and kitten <___ every ___
    16 weeks, 24 hours, 16, 12
  269. Transport - Dogs and cats >16 weeks must be offered food at least once every ___ while in transit
    24 hours
  270. Transport - Every dog or cat must be offered potable water at least once every ___
    12 hours
  271. Transport - Puppies and kittens <16 weeks must be offered food at least one every ___
    12 hours
  272. Transport - While in transit in the air every dog/cat/hamster/guinea pig/rabbit/NHP must be evaluated at least every ___ if the cargo hold is accessible-- if it is not, then when possible
    4 hours
  273. Transport - While in transit on the ground, every dog/cat/hamster/guinea pig/rabbit/NHP must be evaluated at least every ___
    4 hours
  274. Transport - Maximum distance away from a dog/cat/hamster/guinea pig/rabbit/NHP/other mammal primary enclosure where temperature may be measured (midway up enclosure)
  275. Transport - Maximum temperature the dog/cat/hamster/guinea pig/rabbit/NHP/other mammal may be subjected to when being moved at a terminal transport facility
    85°F for 45 minutes
  276. Cats - Minimum temperature for indoor, outdoor, sheltered, or mobile facilities housing dogs and cats not acclimated to lower temperatures
  277. Dogs - Minimum temperature for indoor, outdoor, sheltered, or mobile facilities housing dogs and cats not acclimated to lower temperatures
  278. Cats - Additional ventilation (fans or blowers) must be provided for dogs and cats in an indoor, sheltered, mobile, or terminal facility
  279. Cats - Below what temperature must dry bedding and solid resting boards be provided to dogs and cats in order to conserve heat in an indoor, sheltered, or mobile facility?
  280. Cats - Maximum absolute ambient temperature for dogs or cats in an indoor, sheltered, or mobile facility
    85°F for 4 hours
  281. Cats - Minimum absolute ambient temperature for dogs or cats in an indoor, sheltered, or mobile facility
    45°F for 4 hours
  282. Dogs - Additional ventilation (fans or blowers) must be provided for dogs and cats in an indoor, sheltered, mobile, or terminal facility
  283. Dogs - Dry bedding and solid resting boards must be provide to dogs and cats in order to conserve heat in an indoor, sheltered, or mobile facility
  284. Dogs - Maximum absolute ambient temperature for dogs or cats in an indoor, sheltered, or mobile facility
    85°F for 4 hours
  285. Dogs - Minimum absolute ambient temperature for dogs or cats in an indoor, sheltered, or mobile facility
    45°F for 4 hours
  286. Guinea pigs - Maximum temperature for guinea pigs housed in indoor facilities (not housed in outdoor facilities)
  287. Guinea pigs - Minimum temperature for guinea pigs housed in indoor facilities (not housed in outdoor facilities)
  288. Guinea pigs - Minimum floor space for a guinea pig, weanling to 350 g
    60 sq. in.
  289. Guinea pigs - Minimum floor space for a guinea pig, weighing >350 g
    101 sq. in.
  290. Guinea pigs - Minimum floor space for a nursing guinea pig and her litter
    101 sq. in.
  291. Guinea pigs - Minimum height of a guinea pig primary enclosure
  292. Hamsters - Minimum floor space for a dwarf nursing hamster and her litter, no other adult dwarf hamsters allowed in primary enclosure
    25 sq. in.
  293. Hamsters - Minimum floor space for a hamster, <60 g
    10 sq. in.
  294. Hamsters - Minimum floor space for a hamster, 60-80 g
    13 sq. in.
  295. Hamsters - Minimum floor space for a hamster, 80-100 g
    16 sq. in.
  296. Hamsters - Minimum floor space for a hamster, weighing >100 g
    19 sq. in.
  297. Hamsters - Minimum floor space for a nursing hamster and her litter, no other adult hamsters allowed in primary enclosure
    121 sq. in
  298. Hamsters - Minimum height of a hamster primary enclosure
  299. Guinea pigs will be fed ___ unless as the veterinarian otherwise requires
  300. Hamsters will be fed ___ unless as the veterinarian otherwise requires, hamsters may be fed on the floor
  301. Guinea pigs - Food and water receptacles will be sanitized every ___
    2 weeks
  302. Hamsters - Food and water receptacles will be sanitized every ___
    2 weeks
  303. Guinea pigs - Primary enclosures will be sanitized every ___ or when soiled or new animals as added
    2 weeks
  304. Guinea pigs - Primary enclosures will be sanitized with detergent and water reaching 180°F
  305. Hamsters - Primary enclosures will be sanitized every ___ or when soiled or when new animals are added
    2 weeks
  306. Hamsters - Primary enclosures will be sanitized with detergent and water reaching 180°F
  307. Guinea pigs - Minimum floor space of a primary enclosure used to transport guinea pigs, <350 g
    30 sq. in.
  308. Guinea pigs - Minimum floor space of a primary enclosure used to transport guinea pigs, 350-600 g
    45 sq. in.
  309. Guinea pigs - Minimum floor space of a primary enclosure used to transport guinea pigs, weighing >600 g
    55 sq. in.
  310. Guinea pigs - Minimum interior height of a primary enclosure used to transport guinea pigs, <500 g
  311. Guinea pigs - Minimum interior height of a primary enclosure used to transport guinea pigs, >500 g
  312. Guinea pigs - Not more than ___ live guinea pigs shall be transported in the same primary enclosure
  313. Hamsters - Minimum floor space of a primary enclosure used to transport hamsters, 3-5 weeks (weaned)
    7 sq. in.
  314. Hamsters - Minimum floor space of a primary enclosure used to transport hamsters, 5-10 weeks
    11 sq. in.
  315. Hamsters - Minimum floor space of a primary enclosure used to transport hamsters, more than 10 weeks
    15 sq. in.
  316. Hamsters - Minimum floor space of a primary enclosure used to transport dwarf hamsters, 3-5 weeks (weaned)
    5 sq. in.
  317. Hamsters - Minimum floor space of a primary enclosure used to transport dwarf hamsters, 5-10 weeks
    7.5 sq. in.
  318. Hamsters - Minimum floor space of a primary enclosure used to transport dwarf hamsters, more than 10 weeks
    9 sq. in.
  319. Hamsters - Minimum interior height of a primary enclosure used to transport dwarf hamsters
  320. Hamsters - Minimum interior height of a primary enclosure used to transport hamsters
  321. Hamsters - Not more than ___ live hamsters shall be transported in the same primary enclosure
  322. Transport - Maximum temperature for transporting guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, NHPs, polar bears, or other mammals and while held at a terminal facility
  323. Transport - Minimum temperature for transporting guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, NHPs, marine mammals, or other mammals unless acclimation is certified by a veterinarian or while held at a terminal facility
  324. Transport - Additional ventilation (fans or blowers) must be provided for hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits and 'other mammals' while in transit or at a terminal facility
  325. Transport - If guinea pigs or hamsters are transported for more than ___, the animals shall have access to food and water during transit
    6 hours
  326. Cats - Dry bedding and solid resting boards must be provide to dogs and cats in order to conserve heat in an outdoor facility
  327. Dogs - Dry bedding and solid resting boards must be provide to dogs and cats in order to conserve heat in an outdoor facility
  328. Transport - Transporting devices containing hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, or 'other mammals' shall be covered when the temperature drops to ___°F
  329. Rabbits - Additional ventilation (fans or blowers) must be provided for rabbits in an indoor, sheltered, or mobile facility
  330. Rabbits - Additional methods of cooling (sprinklers) must be provided for rabbits in an outdoor facility in hot weather
  331. Rabbits - Shelter must be provided for rabbits in an outdoor facility in cold weather
  332. Rabbits - Minimum floor space for a nursing rabbit (<2 kg) and her litter
    4.0 sq. ft.
  333. Rabbits - Minimum floor space for a nursing rabbit (2-4 kg) and her litter
    5.0 sq. ft.
  334. Rabbits - Minimum floor space for a nursing rabbit (4-5.4 kg) and her litter
    6.0 sq. ft.
  335. Rabbits - Minimum floor space for a nursing rabbit (more than 5.4 kg) and her litter
    7.5 sq. ft.
  336. Rabbits - Minimum floor space for a rabbit, <2 kg
    1.5 sq. ft.
  337. Rabbits - Minimum floor space for a rabbit, 2-4 kg
    3.0 sq. ft.
  338. Rabbits - Minimum floor space for a rabbit, 4-5.4 kg
    4.0 sq. ft.
  339. Rabbits - Minimum floor space for a rabbit, more than 5.4 kg
    5.0 sq. ft.
  340. Rabbits - Minimum height of a rabbit primary enclosure
  341. Rabbits must be fed at least once a ___
  342. Rabbits - Feed and water receptacle shall be sanitized every ___
    2 weeks
  343. Rabbits - Primary enclosures must be sanitized with detergent and hot water
  344. Rabbits - Primary enclosures shall be cleaned (floors with bedding or paper under trays) at least once per ___
    1 week
  345. Rabbits - Primary enclosures shall be sanitized every ___
    30 days
  346. Cats - Additional floor space for each nursing kitten as a % of the queen's requirement
  347. Cats - Maximum number of unconditioned cats that may housed housed in the same primary enclosure
  348. Cats - Minimum floor space for a cat < 4 kg
    3.0 ft²
  349. Cats - Minimum floor space for a cat > 4 kg
    4.0 ft²
  350. Cats - Minimum height of a primary enclosure
  351. Cats - Minimum thickness of wire of raised flooring for a primary enclosure of dogs and cats
    ⅛" diameter
  352. Cats - Minimum thickness of wire of raised flooring for a primary enclosure of dogs and cats
    9 gauge
  353. Dogs - Additional floor space for each nursing puppy as a % of the dog's requirement
  354. Dogs - Maximum number of unconditioned dogs that may housed housed in the same primary enclosure
  355. Dogs - Minimum floor space requirement
    (BL+6)² / 144
  356. Dogs - Minimum height of primary enclosure of a dog
    Height at top of head + 6"
  357. Dogs - Minimum thickness of wire of raised flooring for a primary enclosure of dogs and cats
    ⅛" diameter
  358. Dogs - Minimum thickness of wire of raised flooring for a primary enclosure of dogs and cats
    9 gauge
  359. Cats - Kittens <___ may not be housed with adult cats
    4 months
  360. Dogs - Puppies <___ may not be housed with adult dogs
    4 months
  361. Rabbits - Not more than ___ live rabbits shall be transported in the same primary enclosure
  362. NHPs - Additional ventilation (fans or blowers) must be provided for rabbits in an indoor, sheltered, or mobile facility
  363. NHPs - Maximum absolute ambient temperature for NHPs in an indoor, sheltered, or mobile facility
    85°F for 4 hours
  364. NHPs - Minimum absolute ambient temperature for NHPs in an indoor, sheltered, or mobile facility
    45°F for 4 hours
  365. NHPs - Minimum distance from the outside wall of a building that a perimeter fence must be unless approved by the Adminsitrator
  366. NHPs - Minimum height of a perimeter fence around a NHP facility in order to keep out unauthorized persons or animals
  367. NHPs - Heat must be provided to outdoor housed primates if the temperature falls below ___°F
  368. Dogs - AV must reevaluate an exercise exemption every ___ days
    30 days
  369. Dogs - IACUC may accept a scientific justifcation (by the PI) for permanent exercise exemtion on the protocol-- reevaulated annually
    1 year
  370. Dogs - Number of dogs that may be exempted from exercise if they are ___ and their primary enclosure is ___ of the required floor space
    2+, group-housed, 100%
  371. Dogs and puppies over ___ must be exercised unless exempted
    12 weeks
  372. Dogs may be exempted from exercise if their primary enclosure is ___ the required floor space
    2x floor space
  373. NHPs - Baboons and non-brachiating species > 15 kg
    Group 5
  374. NHPs - Capuchins, squirrel monkeys (and similar sized species), and juveniles of other species (6 months to 3 years)
    Group 2
  375. NHPs - Floor space requirements must be met for each primate in a group setting
    > 1 primate
  376. NHPs - Great apes over 25 kg and brachiating species
    Group 6
  377. NHPs - Infants ___ old may be kept with its mother in a primary enclosure with floor space meeting the requirements of the mother
    6 months
  378. NHPs - Macaques and African species
    Group 3
  379. NHPs - Male macaques and large African species
    Group 4
  380. NHPs - Marmosets, tamarins, and infants of other species (<6 months)
    Group 1
  381. NHPs - Minimum floor space of primary enclosure of Group 1 primates, <1 kg (marmosets, tamarins, and infants <6 months)
    1.6 sq. ft.
  382. NHPs - Minimum floor space of primary enclosure of Group 1 primates, 1-3 kg (capuchins, squirrel monkeys, and juveniles 6 months to 3 years)
    3.0 sq. ft.
  383. NHPs - Minimum floor space of primary enclosure of Group 3 primates, 3-10 kg (macaques and African species)
    4.3 sq. ft.
  384. NHPs - Minimum floor space of primary enclosure of Group 4 primates, 10-15 kg (male macaques and large African species)
    6.0 sq. ft.
  385. NHPs - Minimum floor space of primary enclosure of Group 5 primates, 15-25 kg (baboons and non-brachiating species)
    8.0 sq. ft.
  386. NHPs - Minimum floor space of primary enclosure of Group 6 primates, >25 kg (great apes and brachiating species)
    25.1 sq. ft.
  387. NHPs - Minimum height of primary enclosure of Group 1 primates, <1 kg (marmosets, tamarins, and infants <6 months)
  388. NHPs - Minimum height of primary enclosure of Group 2 primates, 1-3 kg (capuchins, squirrel monkeys, and juveniles 6 months to 3 years)
  389. NHPs - Minimum height of primary enclosure of Group 3 primates, 3-10 kg (macaques and African species)
  390. NHPs - Minimum height of primary enclosure of Group 4 primates, 10-15 kg (male macaques and large African species)
  391. NHPs - Minimum height of primary enclosure of Group 5 primates, 15-25 kg (baboons and non-brachiating species)
  392. NHPs - Minimum height of primary enclosure of Group 6 primates, >25 kg (great apes and brachiating species)
  393. NHPs - Dealer, exhibitors and facilites must provide great apes > ___ kg double the required space for a Group ___ primate and have an enhanced enrichment plan
    50 kg, Group 6
  394. NHPs - Primate kept in a restrain device for >___ must be allowed at least ___ of unrestrained activity (unless approved by the IACUC)
    12 hours, 1 hour
  395. NHPs - The AV must reevaluate exemption to the primate enrichement plan every ___
    30 days
  396. NHPs must be fed at least once a ___
  397. NHPs - Food and water receptacles must be sanitized every ___ or before being used by a different primate
    2 weeks
  398. NHPs - Minimum time that potable water must be made available to primates if not ad lib
    2x per day for 1 hour
  399. NHPs - Primary enclosures must be sanitized with detergent and hot water
  400. NHPs - Indoor primary enclosures must be sanitized every ___
    2 weeks
  401. NHPs - primary enclosures housing primates that scent mark must be spot cleaned every ___
  402. NHPs - Number of live primates that may be transport in a primary enclosure except for mother-infant, establish male-female, or a group of juveniles
    1 primate
  403. Transport - Required height of the letters of "Wild Animal" or "Live Animal" label on any primate, marine mammal, or other mammal primary enclosure in transit
  404. NHPs - Primates <1 year old must be fed at least once every ___ while in transit
    12 hours
  405. NHPs - Primates >1 year old must be fed at least once every ___ while in transit
    24 hours
  406. NHPs must be fed within ___ of transportation
    4 hours before transit
  407. Dogs - Disposable feed containers must be disposed of after ___ use(s)
    1 use
  408. NHPs - Additional ventilation (fans or blowers) must be provided for NHPs in a terminal facility
  409. Adminstrative - Beginning of the USDA "fiscal year"
    October 1st
Card Set
AWA regulationa.txt
Animal Welfare Act regulation numbers