'96 Guide by the Numbers

  1. Cats - Minimum cage height for a cat is ___.
  2. Cats - Minimum floor space per cat < 4 kg
    3 sq, ft.
  3. Cats - Minimum floor space per cat > 4 kg
    4 sq. ft.
  4. Cats - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for dogs, cats, and NHPs
  5. Cattle - Minimum floor space for a single cattle < 200 kg
    48 sq. ft.
  6. Cattle - Minimum floor space for a single cattle < 350 kg
    72 sq. ft.
  7. Cattle - Minimum floor space for a single cattle < 500 kg
    96 sq. ft.
  8. Cattle - Minimum floor space for a single cattle < 650 kg
    124 sq. ft.
  9. Cattle - Minimum floor space for a single cattle < 75 kg
    24 sq. ft.
  10. Cattle - Minimum floor space for a single cattle > 650 kg
    144 sq. ft.
  11. Cattle - Minimum floor space per cow in a group of > 5 cattle > 650 kg
    108 sq. ft.
  12. Cattle - Minimum floor space per cow in a group of > 5 cattle > 650 kg
    18 sq. ft.
  13. Cattle - Minimum floor space per cow in a group of > 5 cattle > 650 kg
    36 sq. ft.
  14. Cattle - Minimum floor space per cow in a group of > 5 cattle > 650 kg
    54 sq. ft.
  15. Cattle - Minimum floor space per cow in a group of > 5 cattle > 650 kg
    93 sq. ft.
  16. Cattle - Minimum floor space per cow in a group of 2-5 cattle < 200 kg
    40 sq. ft.
  17. Cattle - Minimum floor space per cow in a group of 2-5 cattle < 350 kg
    60 sq. ft.
  18. Cattle - Minimum floor space per cow in a group of 2-5 cattle < 500 kg
    80 sq. ft.
  19. Cattle - Minimum floor space per cow in a group of 2-5 cattle < 650 kg
    105 sq. ft.
  20. Cattle - Minimum floor space per cow in a group of 2-5 cattle < 75 kg
    20 sq. ft.
  21. Cattle - Minimum floor space per cow in a group of 2-5 cattle > 650 kg
    120 sq. ft.
  22. Cattle - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for farm animals and poultry
  23. Chapters - Chapter ___, Animal Environment, Housing, and Management, focuses on the animals themselves and provides recommendations for housing and environment, behavioral management, husbandry, and population management
    Chapter 2
  24. Chapters - Chapter ___, Institutional Policies and Responsibilities, covers institutional policies and responsibilities, including the monitoring of the care and use of animals, considerations for evaluation of some specific research procedures, veterinary care, personnel qualifications and training, and occupational health and safety
    Chapter 1
  25. Chapters - Chapter ___, Physical Plant, discusses the physical plant, including functional areas and construction guidelines, with expanded discussions of heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems and facilities for aseptic surgery
    Chapter 4
  26. Chapters - Chapter ___, Veterinary Care, discusses veterinary medical care and responsibilities of the attending veterinarian; it includes recommendations relative to animal procurement and transportation, preventive medicine, surgery, pain and analgesia, and euthanasia.
    Chapter 3
  27. Chickens - Minimum floor space for a chicken < 0.25 kg
    0.25 sq. ft.
  28. Chickens - Minimum floor space for a chicken < 0.50 kg
    0.50 sq. ft.
  29. Chickens - Minimum floor space for a chicken < 1.5 kg
    1.0 sq. ft.
  30. Chickens - Minimum floor space for a chicken < 3 kg
    2.0 sq. ft.
  31. Chickens - Minimum floor space for a chicken > 3 kg
    3.0 sq. ft.
  32. Chickens - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for farm animals and poultry
  33. Dates - Editions of the Guide were in ___
    1965, 1968, 1972, 1978, and 1985
  34. Dates - In what year was AAALAC founded?
  35. Dates - In what year was ACLAM founded?
  36. Dates - In what year was APV established?
  37. Dates - In what year was ASLAP founded?
  38. Dates - In what year was Australia and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART) founded? (fosters responsible discussion within the scientific and wider communities regarding the scientific uses of animals)
  39. Dates - In what year was AWIC established and by what authority?
    1985, AWA amendment
  40. Dates - In what year was Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) founded? (development of alternatives for testing)
  41. Dates - In what year was International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS) founded? (promotes the development of, collaboration within, and monitoring of lab animal science worldwide)
  42. Dates - In what year was Laboratory Animal Management Association (LAMA) founded? (enhances the quality of management and care of laboratory animals throughout the world)
  43. Dates - In what year was Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals/American Humane Education Society (MSPCA/AHES) founded? (operates three animal hospitals, seven animal shelters, and a statewide law-enforcement program)
  44. Dates - In what year was the American Humane Association (AHA) founded and what did it protect?
    1877, animals and children
  45. Dates - In what year was the Animal Welfare Institute founded? (emphasizes importance of socialization, exercise, environmental enhancement, and the 3Rs)
  46. Dates - Institute of Medicine was chartered under the National Academy of Sciences to identify issues of medical care, research, and education
  47. Dates - National Academy of Engineering was chartered under the National Academy of Sciences, as a parallel organization of outstanding engineers
  48. Dates - National Academy of Sciences chartered by Congress to advise the federal government onscientific and technical matters
  49. Dates - National Research Council was chartered under the National Academy of Sciences has become the principal operating agency of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering in providing services to the government, the public, and the scientific and engineering communities.
  50. Dates - The Guide was first published in ___
  51. Dates - The latest version (___ edition) of the Guide was published in ___ (not the 2010 version... :) )
    7th, 1996
  52. Dates - When did the Animal Care Panel Committee on Ethical Considerations in the Care of Laboratory Animals to evaluate animal care and use (precursor to the Guide)?
  53. Dogs - Minimum floor space per dog < 15 kg
    8 sq. ft.
  54. Dogs - Minimum floor space per dog < 30 kg
    12 sq. ft.
  55. Dogs - Minimum floor space per dog > 30 kg
    24 sq. ft.
  56. Dogs - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for dogs, cats, and NHPs
  57. Gerbils - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for rodents
  58. Guinea pigs - Minimum cage height for a guinea pig is ___.
  59. Guinea pigs - Minimum floor space per guinea pig < 350 g
    60 sq. in.
  60. Guinea pigs - Minimum floor space per guinea pig > 350 g
    101 sq. in.
  61. Guinea pigs - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for rodents is ___.
  62. Hamsters - Minimum cage height for a hamster is ___.
  63. Hamsters - Minimum floor space per rat < 100 g
    16 sq. in.
  64. Hamsters - Minimum floor space per rat < 60 g
    10 sq. in.
  65. Hamsters - Minimum floor space per rat < 80 g
    13 sq. in.
  66. Hamsters - Minimum floor space per rat > 100 g
    19 sq. in.
  67. Hamsters - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for rodents
  68. Horses - Minimum floor space for a single horse, regardless of weight
    144 sq. ft.
  69. Horses - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for farm animals and poultry
  70. Housing - Effective disinfection can be achieved with wash and rinse water at ___°F or more.
  71. Housing - Exposure of unadapted animals to temperatures above ___ or below ___, without access to shelter or other protective mechanisms, might produce clinical effects.
    85°F, 40°F
  72. Housing - Exposure to sound louder than ___ can have both auditory and nonauditory effects.
    85 dB
  73. Housing - Exposure to temperatures above ___ hasten the deterioration of food.
    21°C (70°F)
  74. Housing - For how long can most laboratory-animal diets that contain preservatives and are stored properly be used?
    6 months
  75. Housing - For how long can purified and chemically defined diets be stored and under what conditions?
    Less than 6 months, 4°C (39°F)
  76. Housing - How often are soiled bedding in rodent cages typically changed?
    1-2 weeks, no requirements
  77. Housing - How often could cages with microisolator housing with more densely populated enclosures be sanitized?
    < 1 week
  78. Housing - How often could large cages with very low animal density, cages with frequent bedding changes, cages that house animals in gnotobiotic conditions, individually ventilated cages be sanitized?
    > 1 week
  79. Housing - How often do solid-bottom caging, bottles, and sipper tubes usually require sanitation?
    1 week
  80. Housing - How often should animals be fed palatable, noncontaminated, and nutritionally adequate food?
  81. Housing - How often should enclosures and accessories, such as tops, be sanitized?
    2 weeks
  82. Housing - Less than ___ air changes per hour may be acceptable if it does not result in harmful or unacceptable concentrations of toxic gases, odors, or particles in the primary enclosure.
  83. Housing - Maximum relative humidity should be ___%
  84. Housing - Minimum relative humidity should be ___%
  85. Housing - Vitamin C in manufactured feeds generally has a shelf-life of ___.
    3 months
  86. Housing - What is the general standard for room air changes per hour?
  87. Housing - What is the minimum amount of fresh air that must be added to a HEPA filtered recirculating ventilation withOUT gaseous separation (e.g. no charcoal filters)?
  88. Housing - What is the temperature requirement for rinse water in the tank or in the sprayer manifold?
  89. Housing - What light level at the cage level should be used for animals that have been shown to be susceptible to phototoxic retinopathy?
    130-325 lux
  90. Housing - What light level is sufficient for animal care and do not cause clinical signs of phototoxic retinopathy in albino rats?
    325 lux (30 foot candles)
  91. Housing - Whenever it is appropriate, social animals should be housed in ___, rather than ___.
    2+ (pairs/groups), 1 (singly)
  92. Institution - How many non-scientists must be on the IACUC?
  93. Institution - How many practicing scientist experienced in research involving animals must be on the IACUC?
  94. Institution - How many public member to represent general community interests must be on the IACUC?
  95. Institution - How many veterinarians qualified in laboratory animal science and medicine must be associated with the animal program?
  96. Institution - How many veterinarians qualified in laboratory animal science must be on the IACUC?
  97. Institution - How often should body weight be measured in cases of fluid restriction?
  98. Institution - How often should fluid intake be measured in cases of fluid restriction?
  99. Institution - The IACUC must meet as often as necessary to fulfill its responsibilities, but it should meet at least every ___.
    6 months
  100. Institution - The IACUC should review the animal care program and inspect the animal facilities and activity areas at least every ___.
    6 months
  101. Mice - Minimum cage height for a mouse is ___.
  102. Mice - Minimum floor space per mouse < 10 g
    6 sq. in.
  103. Mice - Minimum floor space per mouse < 15 g
    8 sq. in.
  104. Mice - Minimum floor space per mouse < 25 g
    12 sq. in.
  105. Mice - Minimum floor space per mouse > 25 g
    15 sq. in.
  106. Mice - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for rodents
  107. NHPs - Apes weighing over ___ kg are more effectively housed in permanent housing of masonry, concrete, and wire-panel structure than in conventional caging.
    50 kg
  108. NHPs - Minimum cage height for a Group 1 ape < 20 kg
  109. NHPs - Minimum cage height for a Group 1 monkey < 1 kg
  110. NHPs - Minimum cage height for a Group 2 ape < 35 kg
  111. NHPs - Minimum cage height for a Group 2 monkey < 3 kg
  112. NHPs - Minimum cage height for a Group 3 ape > 35 kg
  113. NHPs - Minimum cage height for a Group 3 monkey < 10 kg
  114. NHPs - Minimum cage height for a Group 4 monkey < 15 kg
  115. NHPs - Minimum cage height for a Group 5 monkey < 25 kg
  116. NHPs - Minimum cage height for a Group 6 monkey < 30 kg
  117. NHPs - Minimum cage height for a Group 7 monkey > 30 kg
  118. NHPs - Minimum floor space for a Group 1 ape < 20 kg
    10 sq. ft.
  119. NHPs - Minimum floor space for a Group 1 monkey < 1 kg
    1.6 sq. ft.
  120. NHPs - Minimum floor space for a Group 2 ape < 35 kg
    15 sq. ft.
  121. NHPs - Minimum floor space for a Group 2 monkey < 3 kg
    3.0 sq. ft.
  122. NHPs - Minimum floor space for a Group 3 ape > 35 kg
    25 sq. ft.
  123. NHPs - Minimum floor space for a Group 3 monkey < 10 kg
    4.3 sq. ft.
  124. NHPs - Minimum floor space for a Group 4 monkey < 15 kg
    6.0 sq. ft.
  125. NHPs - Minimum floor space for a Group 5 monkey < 25 kg
    8.0 sq. ft.
  126. NHPs - Minimum floor space for a Group 6 monkey < 30 kg
    10 sq. ft.
  127. NHPs - Minimum floor space for a Group 7 monkey > 30 kg
    15 sq. ft.
  128. NHPs - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for dogs, cats, and NHPs
  129. Organizations - How many individual institutional members from both academia and industry were (in 1996) part of NABR?
  130. Organizations - How often are AAALAC site visits conducted?
    3 years
  131. Organizations - With what frequency are AAALAC reports required to be filed by accredited institutions?
  132. Physical Plant - How wide should corridors be in order to facilitate the movement of personnel and equipment?
  133. Physical Plant - Refrigerated storage for dead animals and animal-tissue waste should be kept below ___?
    7°C (45°F)
  134. Physical Plant - The HVAC system should be capable of adjustments in dry-bulb temperatures of ___?
    ± 1°C (± 2°F)
  135. Physical Plant - What are the recommended dimensions of an animal room door?
    48" x 84"
  136. Physical Plant - What is the minimum recommended diameter of drain pipes in dog or farm animal housing?
    > 4"
  137. Physical Plant - What is the minimum recommended diameter of typical drain pipes?
  138. Physical Plant - What is the range that most HVAC systems are designed for average high and low temperatures and humidities?
    ± 5%
  139. Pigeons - Minimum floor space per pigeon is ___.
    0.8 sq. ft.
  140. Pigeons - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for farm animals and poultry
  141. Ponies - Minimum floor space per pony for a group of > 4 ponies < 200 kg
    60 sq. ft.
  142. Ponies - Minimum floor space per pony for a group of > 4 ponies > 200 kg
    72 sq. ft.
  143. Ponies - Minimum floor space per pony for a group of 1-4 ponies, regardless of weight
    72 sq. ft.
  144. Ponies - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for farm animals and poultry
  145. Quail - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for farm animals and poultry
  146. Quails - Minimum floor space per quail is ___.
    0.25 sq. ft.
  147. Rabbits - Minimum cage height for a rabbit is ___.
  148. Rabbits - Minimum floor space per rabbit < 2 kg
    1.5 sq. ft.
  149. Rabbits - Minimum floor space per rabbit < 4 kg
    3 sq. ft.
  150. Rabbits - Minimum floor space per rabbit < 5.4 kg
    4 sq. ft.
  151. Rabbits - Minimum floor space per rabbit > 5.4 kg
    5 sq. ft.
  152. Rabbits - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for rabbits
  153. Rats - Minimum cage height for a rat is ___.
  154. Rats - Minimum floor space per rat < 100 g
    17 sq. in.
  155. Rats - Minimum floor space per rat < 200 g
    23 sq. in.
  156. Rats - Minimum floor space per rat < 300 g
    29 sq. in.
  157. Rats - Minimum floor space per rat < 400 g
    40 sq. in.
  158. Rats - Minimum floor space per rat < 500 g
    60 sq. in.
  159. Rats - Minimum floor space per rat > 500 g
    70 sq. in.
  160. Rats - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for rodents
  161. Sheep - Minimum floor space for a single sheep < 25 kg
    10 sq. ft.
  162. Sheep - Minimum floor space for a single sheep < 50 kg
    15 sq. ft.
  163. Sheep - Minimum floor space for a single sheep > 50 kg
    20 sq. ft.
  164. Sheep - Minimum floor space per sheep in a group of > 5 sheep < 25 kg
    7.5 sq. ft.
  165. Sheep - Minimum floor space per sheep in a group of > 5 sheep < 50 kg
    11.3 sq. ft.
  166. Sheep - Minimum floor space per sheep in a group of > 5 sheep > 50 kg
    15 sq. ft.
  167. Sheep - Minimum floor space per sheep in a group of 2-5 sheep < 25 kg
    8.5 sq. ft.
  168. Sheep - Minimum floor space per sheep in a group of 2-5 sheep < 50 kg
    12.5 sq. ft.
  169. Sheep - Minimum floor space per sheep in a group of 2-5 sheep > 50 kg
    17 sq. ft.
  170. Sheep - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for farm animals and poultry
  171. Swine - Minimum floor space for a single pig < 100 kg
    24 sq. ft.
  172. Swine - Minimum floor space for a single pig < 200 kg
    48 sq. ft.
  173. Swine - Minimum floor space for a single pig < 25 kg
    12 sq. ft.
  174. Swine - Minimum floor space for a single pig < 50 kg
    15 sq. ft.
  175. Swine - Minimum floor space for a single pig > 200 kg
    60 sq. ft.
  176. Swine - Minimum floor space per pig in a group of > 5 pigs < 100 kg
    18 sq. ft.
  177. Swine - Minimum floor space per pig in a group of > 5 pigs < 200 kg
    36 sq. ft.
  178. Swine - Minimum floor space per pig in a group of > 5 pigs < 25 kg
    6.0 sq. ft.
  179. Swine - Minimum floor space per pig in a group of > 5 pigs < 50 kg
    9.0 sq. ft.
  180. Swine - Minimum floor space per pig in a group of > 5 pigs > 200 kg
    48 sq. ft.
  181. Swine - Minimum floor space per pig in a group of 2-5 pigs < 100 kg
    20 sq. ft.
  182. Swine - Minimum floor space per pig in a group of 2-5 pigs < 200 kg
    40 sq. ft.
  183. Swine - Minimum floor space per pig in a group of 2-5 pigs < 25 kg
    6.0 sq. ft.
  184. Swine - Minimum floor space per pig in a group of 2-5 pigs < 50 kg
    10 sq. ft.
  185. Swine - Minimum floor space per pig in a group of 2-5 pigs > 200 kg
    52 sq. ft.
  186. Swine - Recommended dry bulb temperature range for farm animals and poultry
  187. Vet Care - How often should all animals should be observed for signs of illness, injury, or abnormal behavior by a trained person?
Card Set
'96 Guide by the Numbers
Breakdown of the 1996 Guide for the Care and Use of Animals Regulations