Lab Practical 1

  1. Dorsal Cavity
  2. Cranial Cavity
    Formed by the skull bones
  3. Spinal Cavity
    Formed by the bones of the vertebral column
  4. Ventral Cavity (Coelom)
  5. Diaphragm muscle
    flat muscular sheet, divides the ventral body cavity into a superior thoracic cavity and an inferior abdominopelvic cavity
  6. thoracic cavity
    surrounded by chest wall and diaphragm
  7. Pleural cavity
    Surrounds the lungs
  8. Mediastinum
    Contains the trachea, esophagus, and major vessels. Also contains the pericardial cavity.
  9. Pericardial cavity
    the chamber that surrounds the heart
  10. Abdominopelvic cavity
    enclosed by the abdominal wall and by the bones and muscles of the pelvis
  11. Abdominal cavity
    Contains many digestive glands and organs
  12. Pelvic cavity
    Contains urinary bladder, reproductive organs, last portion of the digestive tract
  13. Parietal Pleura membrane
    covers the mediastinal surface and the inner body wall
  14. Visceral pleura
    covers the outer surfaces of the lungs
  15. Pleuritis
    an inflammation of the pleura the lining of the pleural cavity surrounding the lungs
  16. Pericarditis
    Swelling and irritation of the pericardium, the thin sac-like membrane that surrounds your heart.
  17. Parietal peritoneal membrane
    the inner surface of the body wall
  18. Visceral peritoneal membrane
    covers the organs within the abdomen
  19. Peritonitis
    infection of the peritoneum, a silk-like membrane that lines your inner abdominal wall and covers the organs within your abdomen.
  20. Coronal (Frontal)
    Subdivides the body into anterior and posterior parts
  21. Transverse (Horizontal) plane
    Divides the body into superior and inferior parts
  22. Midsagittal plane
    Divides the body into equal right and left halves
  23. Parasagittal plane
    Divides the body into unequal left and right parts
  24. Oblique
    Divides the body into superior and inferior parts at an angle
  25. Acromial
  26. Antebrachial
  27. Antecubital
    Region anterior to the elbow
  28. Axillary
  29. Brachial
  30. Buccal
  31. Calcaneal
    Heel of the foot
  32. Carpal
  33. Cephalic
  34. Cervical
  35. Crural
  36. Digital (Phalangeal)
    Fingers or toes
  37. Dorsal
  38. Facial
  39. Femoral
  40. Gluteal
  41. Groin (Inguinal)
    Crease between thigh & Torso
  42. Hallux
    Great toe
  43. Lumbar
  44. Mammary (Pectoral)
  45. Manual
  46. Mental
  47. Nasal
  48. Occipital
    Back of head
  49. Ocular
  50. Olecranal (Cubital)
    posterior of elbow
  51. Oral
  52. Otic
  53. Palmar
    palm of hand
  54. Pattelar
    Knee cap
  55. Pedal
  56. Pelvic
  57. Plantar
    Sole of foot
  58. Pollex
  59. Popliteal
    Area posterior to the knee
  60. Pubic
    Anterior region of the pelvis
  61. Sacral
    Posterior region between the hip bones
  62. Sternal
    Anterior middle region of the thorax
  63. Sural (calf)
    Posterior part of leg
  64. Tarsal
    Root of the foot
  65. Thoracic
    Chest or thorax
  66. Umbilical
  67. Cell membrane (Plasma membrane)
    The outer boundary of the cell. A sheet of lipid molecules (bilayer) with proteins embedded in it. Controls the movement of materials into and out of the cytoplasm.
  68. Cytosol
    Intracellular fluid contains dissolved nutrients, ions, soluble and insoluble proteins & waste products
  69. Nucleus
    Contains most of the cell's genetic material in the DNA that makes up the chromatin fibers of the chromosomes.
  70. Nuclear Envelope
    The double membrane structure that surrounds the nucleus and separate it from the rest of the cytoplasm. Has nuclear pores that allow for communication between the nucleus and the cytoplasm
  71. Nucleolus
    Site in the nucleus where ribosomes are synthesized
  72. Chromatin
    Complex of the DNA & proteins in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell
  73. Golgi apparatus
    Image Upload 2Stacked, membrane bound sacs. involved in processing macromolecules for the secretion & delivery to other components of the cell.
  74. Smooth ER
    lacks ribosomes and is involved in lipid synthesis
  75. Rough ER
    Part of the ER that is studded with ribosomes that are synthesizing proteins
  76. Ribosomes
    Particles composed of RNA & protein that are involved with messenger RNA in the synthesis of proteins
  77. Mitochondria
    Organelles present in eukaryotic cells. Are often referred to as the power house of the cells because they are the site of aerobic respiration that combines oxygen with food molecules to generate ATP.
  78. Centrosome
    An area involved in the development of microtubules that are necessary for cell movements.
  79. Centriole
    A short cylindrical array of nine triplet microtubules.
  80. Vacuole/Vesicle
    Structures in the cytoplasm that may contain enzymes, crystals & dissolved materials.
  81. Cillium (Cilia)
    Relatively long slender extensions of plasma membrane; found on cells lining the reproductive & respiratory tract
  82. Microvilli
    Small projections of the plasma membrane that increase the surface area exposed tp the extracellular environment
  83. flagella
    used to propel a cell through fluid; found on sperm
  84. Integral Proteins
    Part of the membrane structure & cannot be removed without damaging or destroying the membrane
  85. Peripheral Proteins
    Only found on one side, either the inner or outer surface of the membrane and are easily separated from it
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Lab Practical 1
practical 1