soc 101 mindterm

  1. a territorial area, politically recognized as a country both by people within the territory and by governments outside it, on the basis of historical, material, and geographical factors.
  2. the process of believing that our mental constructs actually exist materially
  3. a set of institutions successfully claiming a monopoly over political rule-making and the legitimate use of violent and coercion within a given territory
  4. a mass of individuals who define themselves collectively as a people
  5. the study of society
  6. the product of relatively continuous and enduring interactions, within a political territory, between people more or less identifying themselves as members of the society theses interactions being maintained by an ensemble of political, economic, cultural and other institutions the sum of such interactions occurring with similarly defined societies external to the given territory.
  7. a series of interrelated economic, political, and cultural changes, sometimes contradictory and even opposed throughout the world
  8. purposeful action in contract theorizing
  9. grand theory of social action that emphasizes the relationship among institutions that fulfill specific functions necessary for the continuation and survival of the society
    Structural-funtional theory
  10. theory based on Karl Marx's idea that world history was a result of class struggle and more widely structured contradictions
    conflict theory
  11. theory that deals with interactions within small groups or organizations. Symbolic interaction is a sociological offshoot of social psychology
    symbolic interaction theory
  12. an understanding of the meaning that other's attach to events, symbols and experiences
  13. theory that deals with social construction of meanings
    post structural theory
  14. our material institutions, actions, and beliefs are shaped though not determined, by past events and our understanding or misunderstanding of those events
    Historical sociology
  15. a simulation based on calculations about the relative probability of plausible outcomes
    counterfactual history
  16. policy used to preserve the mother countries supply of precious metals and to make it less vulnerable during times of war
  17. the deliberate use of acts of violence or the threat of violence by individuals, groups or the state for the purpose of furthering political ends.
  18. the system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy involving inequalities of various sorts.
    social stratification
  19. thesis that the Conquest had destroyed New France's embryonic bourgeoise
    decapitation thesis
  20. someone's ability to impose his or her will upon others even against their resistance
  21. the set of assumptions, beliefs, explanations, values and unexamined knowledge through which we come to understand reality
  22. francophone workers
    francophone prolectariat
  23. an ideology of conservation nationalism reflecting the influence of the Catholic Church during the late 20th century
  24. the tendency of English-speaking Canadians to identify with the shape of Canada as learned in school by looking at the map, but to know nothing about the history or culture of their fellow citizens, especially those in Quebec.
  25. an extrordinary quality of a person, regardless of wether this quality is actual, alleged or presumed
  26. theory that Canada is both French and English and that they are combined together to make Canada
    two nations theory(compact theory)
  27. the more or less agreed-upon societal rules and expectations specifying ways of behaving in society
    social norms
  28. refers both to the institutions, practices and principles that define and structure a system of government and to the written document that establishes or articulates such a system.
  29. rules that govern society enforced by the government
  30. the ability to grasp history through biography and the relations of the two within society
    sociological imagination
  31. Canada as a bilingual country at a federal level
    institutional bilingualism
  32. the level of being bilingual in the everyday usage of French and English
    territorial bilingualism
  33. a form of arrangement or relaxation amid at ensuring respect for the right of equality which follows the strict application of an institutional standard infringes on an individual's right to equality
    reasonable accomodation
  34. the intercultural dovetailing relationship among four groups the francophone majority, the anglophone minority. the Aboriginal minority and the cultural communities
  35. concept based on the moral equality of persons, freedom of conscience and religion, the separation of church and state and the state's neutrality with respect to religious and deep seated secular convictions
    open secularism
  36. that unless there is a valid reason to the contrary state functions should be exercised by the lowest level of government
  37. the idea that Quebec is not like the other provinces therefore there needs are different
    asymmetrical federalism
  38. the total value of all goods and services produced by a country in a year
    gross domestic product
  39. the doctrine that declares that the Americans are to be free of foriegn influence and that the United States will act to prevent such influence
    monroe Doctrine
  40. the new country was divinely ordained with a special mission to cover North America
    Manifest destiny
  41. the belief held by many Americans that the United States cannot be judged by the same standards as other countries
    American expansionism
  42. American policy of high tariffs to protect domestic manufacturers making it cheeper to buy domestically than to import products also expand transportation systems built through federal contracts and guarantee loans to private operators and designed to bring products to market thirdly immigration to supply domestic markets
    import subsitution
  43. a territory defined physiologically, geographically, climatically, culturally, politically, or economically
  44. an individual's personal identification with a region
  45. a sense of grievance based on the belief that regional differences are not natural but result from the actions of individuals or groups residing outside the region
    regional alienation
  46. the requirement that subordinate group members express outward compliance with the values and practices of the dominant British group
  47. the belief that one racial category is innately superior or inferior to another
  48. the fear of what is strange
  49. the number of people out of work and actively looking for work divided by the total number of labour force participants including the unemployed
    unemployment rate
  50. built around mass political movements mobilized around symbols and traditions congruent with the popular culture which express a group's sense of threat arising from powerful outside elements and directed at the groups perceived peoplehood
  51. a system of state provision of people's social needs outside private markets
    welfare state
  52. the set of values beliefs and behaviours that lend predictability to our everyday surroundings
    symbolic order
  53. the tendency of new immigrants to settle in areas already populated by members of their cultural community
    chain migration
  54. whereby no culture is officially privileged over another
  55. Canada's founding as a hinterland producer of raw exports for world markets curtailed normal economic and political development
    staples theory
  56. emphasizes the unequal relationship between core and periphery in the world capitalist system set in motion by early colonization
    dependency theory
  57. the elites helped found the country and develop it as they were the owners of the fur trade and other resource industries
    elite theory
  58. that canada developed because of a class system that controlled the economics and politics of the country
    class theory
  59. an activist approach to economic development on the part of provincial governments
    province building
  60. the simultaneous occurrence of a declining economy and increasing unemployment with rising inflation
  61. an ideological belief in the efficiency of free markets limited government and private property
  62. a positive combination of interaction reciprocity and trust that bonds people to their communities
    social capital
  63. the bonding effect of society that arise spontaneously out of individuals willingly interacting together towards collective goals
    social cohesion
  64. combines education occupation and income in a composite index
    socio-economic status
  65. people move through life as members of a group with the potential of becoming conscious of this affiliation
    social class
  66. the upward or downward movement of individuals or groups from one position in the social stratification system to another position
    social mobility
  67. the total amount of money and other financial assets owned by individuals or families
  68. money earned through the scale of labour or through investments
  69. the disproportionate representation of women among the poor
    feminization of poverty
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soc 101 mindterm
soc 101 midterm