HE11 DE Test 73-90

  1. the art of cryptography corresponds with those areas of the human brain that are able to make inferences and communicate in heterodox ways.
    the art of cryptography corresponds to those areas of the human brain that are able to make inferences and communicate in heterodox ways.

    • corresponds to - agrees w/ or related to
    • corresponds with - communication over distance
  2. cryptography
    code breaking
  3. No aberrant student has ever tried to litigate to defend their claim that Isaac Newton developed calculus before Gottried Leibniz did.
    No aberrant student has ever tried to litigate to defend his or her claim that Isaac Newton developed calculus before Gottried Leibniz did.

    • his or her - singular
    • their - plural
  4. litigate
    to push/lead according to "the letter of the law."
  5. Hearing his own mellifluousness, the newscaster stated that "his tone rings like a knife cuts through butter," which was an ambiguous description.
    Hearing his own mellifluousness, the newscaster stated that "[his] tone rings like a knife cuts through butter," which was an ambiguous description.

    he woldnt talk in 3ed person
  6. ambiguous
    having a leaning towards multiple directions
  7. Overlooking Saint Peter's Square, the Pope offfered a benediction to the thousands of persons who had gathered to hear him speak.
    Overlooking Saint Peter's Square, the Pope offfered a benediction to the thousands of people who had gathered to hear him speak.
  8. benediction
  9. I tried to confidently converse with magniloquent philanthropist, but found myself completely intimidated by his dignified manner.
    I tried confidently to converse with magniloquent philanthropist, but found myself completely intimidated by his dignified manner.

    don't split infinitives
  10. magniloquent
    the quality of speaking largely
  11. The well known theorist considers hereditary physical traits fully controllable with scientific aid; his idea's viability is slightly dubious.
    The well-known theorist considers hereditary physical traits fully controllable with scientific aid; his idea's viability is slightly dubious.
  12. hereditary
    w/in a genetic line
  13. Colonial Williamsburg is an impressive anachronism; an outdoor museum, it imploys more colonial tradesmen than any other educational institution.
    Colonial Williamsburg is an impressive anachronism; an outdoor museum, it imploys more colonial tradesmen than any other educational institution does.
  14. anachronism
    the condition of being against time
  15. Pugnacious rioters probably contravene laws more then docile bibliophiles do.
    Pugnacious rioters probably contravene laws more than docile bibliophiles do.
  16. contravene
    to move/go against
  17. Even though fears of a lethal pandemic were international, but the frightening avian flu outbreak of 1997 was, in truth, relatively innocuous.
    Even though fears of a lethal pandemic were international, but the frightening avian flu outbreak of 1997 was, in truth, relatively innocuous.
  18. innocuous
  19. Providence is a word with several related denotations: religious, civic, and intellectual.
    "Providence" is a word with several related denotations: religious, civic, and intellectual.
  20. providence
    the state of seeing beforehand
  21. Tabloid newspapers are often exonerated easy when they are accused by angry celebrities of defamation.
    Tabloid newspapers are often exonerated easily when they are accused by angry celebrities of defamation.
  22. defamation
    bringing someone down
  23. The essay for English class and the scientific experiment were completed concurrently by the impressively talented student.
    The impressively talented student completed concurrently the essay for English class and the scientific experiment

    • passive voice
  24. concurrently
    at the same time
  25. Watching the tennis match I witnessed parity recede before the superiority of experience; needless to say, the novice player lost handily.
    Watching the tennis match, I witnessed parity recede before the superiority of experience; needless to say, the novice player lost handily.
  26. recede
    to go back again
  27. The politician's indubitable verity was atleast for her an anomaly; most things that she said were, at the very least, apcryphal.
    The politician's indubitable verity was, atleast for her, an anomaly; most things that she said were, at the very least, apcryphal.
  28. anomaly
    hthe state of bein out of a normal and expected place.
  29. Benedict Arnold's egregious duplicity durring The Revolutionary War gained him lasting infamy, at least in the United States of America.
    Benedict Arnold's egregious duplicity durring the Revolutionary War gained him lasting infamy, at least in the United States of America.
  30. egregious
    away from or apart
  31. I do not actually know if the mysterious visitor was cognizant of my dog and I; I rather imagain that the dark night shrouded us well from sight.
    I do not actually know if the mysterious visitor was cognizant of my dog and me; I rather imagain that the dark night shrouded us well from sight.
  32. cognizant
    aware of
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HE11 DE Test 73-90
ws 73-90