Herbology 1 Quiz Review

  1. When should aromatic herbs be added to a decoction?
    Last 5 Minutes
  2. What is the most appropriate method for herbal delivery during pregnancy?
    Pill (Wan)
  3. When Jia is added to the name of a herbal formula, what does it mean?
    Too add
  4. What is it called when two substances minimize, neutralize or reduce each others original therapetic effects?
    Mutual Antagonism
  5. What is is called when two combined herbs reduce the toxicity or side effects of one herb by the other with the emphasis is on the toxic substance?
    Mutual Counteraction
  6. What is it called when two or more herbs with different functions are combined to reach a therapeutic goal?
    Mutual Enhancement
  7. What is the benefit of honey frying when herbs are prepared or cooked?
    It tonifies, moistens and is for long term use.
  8. What is the function of the sweet taste?
    Tonifies earth
  9. The following is true about the treatment method of drying dampness:
    A property of bitterness, downward drains.
  10. The order of the three Huang herbs is:
    Huang Qin (upper burner), Huang Lian (middle burner), Huang Bai (lower burner)
  11. Huang Lian treats heat or fire in what organs?
    Stomach and Heart
  12. What is a function of Huang Bai?
    Drains Kidney Fire.
  13. Jin Yin Hua and Lian Qiao can clear heat in which of the four aspects?
    All four aspects.
  14. Which herb that we have learned thus far can reduce abcesses and dissipates clumps? ex: internal abcesses and scroffula
    Lian Qiao
  15. An acceptable replacement discussed in class for chai hu for malaria like disorders with alternating fever and chills is:
    Qing Hao
  16. The temperature and taste of the herbs in the clear heat and dry damp category are contraindicated when?
    Spleen and Stomach deficiency cold
  17. Which of the three Huangs clear heat and calm the fetus?
    Huang Qin
  18. What is true about the herbs in the clear heat from deficiency category?
    These herbs treat the branch condition- clear heat from deficiency and can be combined with yin tonifying herbs to treat the root condition.
  19. What is the order of the six channels?
    Tai Yang, Shao Yang, Yang Ming, Tai Yin, Shao Yin, Jue Yin
  20. Ben Cao is?
    Materia Medica
  21. Huang Di Ne Jing is a theoretical text because?
    It mentions 12 formulas and 28 herbs.
  22. At the Yang Ming organ level when the intestines have been dessicated, the escape route for the heat evil is out throught the bowels, which of the tastes strongly drains downward?
  23. At the Tai Yang level, the rectification is diaphoresis, which of the tastes causes diaphoresis?
  24. The hallmark sign of the Shao yang level is?
    Alternating fever and chills
  25. Which taste disinhibits urination, and which taste awakens the spleen?
    Bland, aromatic
  26. What method of treatment do we use to treat the Tai Yang level and the Shao Yang Level?
    Diaphoresis, diaphoresis
  27. Considered a medical sage, who wrote the Shang Han Lun?
    Zhang Zong Jing
  28. We have a spleen deficiency case, what taste do we use to tonify the spleen?
  29. What is true regarding dosage?
    Dosage determines the function
  30. When Jian is included in a formula, what does it mean?
    To Subtract
  31. What is true regarding Ma Huang?
    Ma Huang is the strongest diaphoretic herb, only to be used in excess wind cold conditions
  32. A non productive sweat in a Tai Yang Wind Cold condition is called what kind of pattern?
    Gui Zhi Wind Strike Pattern
  33. What is the functions of Ma Huang?
    Promotes urination to reduce edema
  34. What are the functions of Gui Zhi?
    Helps push out the pathogen with the wei qi by unblocking the channels and collaterals
  35. How does Gui Zhi push a pathogen out?
    By balancing the Yin Qi and Wei Qi
  36. What is true regarding the dosage of Ma Huang?
    It is toxic in a dosage of 30-45g
  37. What is a possible indication for the usage of Ma Huang?
    No sweating
  38. Gui Zhi enters which channels??
    LU, HT, UB
  39. Ma Huang and Gui Zhi belong to which categories?
  40. The following are indications of a contraction of wind cold:
    No heat signs, pulse anything but rapid, no yellow coat
  41. The following is true about functions of Chai Hu in terms of dosage:
    A medium dose moves liver qi and relieves stagnation
  42. The functions of Bo He include:
    Alows constrained qi to move freely
  43. From exterior to interior, the 4 aspects of Win Bing theory are:
    wei, qi, ying, xue
  44. Symptoms of aversion to cold and fever appearing simultaneously is a sign of?
    Exterior Invasion Pathogen
  45. According to Chinese medicine, fever is:
    Due to the struggle of qi and an external pathogenic factor.
  46. A safety consideration when using Chai Hu includes:
    It is extremely drying, dosage matters
  47. What are possible conditions of sinking yang qi?
    Hemmorhoids, prolapse of uterus, diarrhea
  48. What is true regarding northern and southern Chai Hu?
    Northern Chai Hu is straight and tough and particularly good for treating Shao Yang stage disorders.
  49. Bo He having a very strong smell is a reminder that:
    Bo He has a strong function to cause sweating to disperse wind heat. (strong smell, strong function)
  50. Bo he enters the following channels:
    LU, LIV
  51. Chai Hu enters the following channels:
    SJ, GB, LIV, PC
  52. Normal entry level for heat evil from the qi aspect is?
    LU, ST, LI
  53. The following properties and functions are attributed to Shi Gao:
    Sweet, acrid, clears blazing stomach fire
  54. Zhi Mu enters the following channels:
    LU, ST, KID
  55. The following is true regarding Shi Gao and Zhi Mu:
    Zhi Mu's ability to enrich the yin and and nourish fluids allows it to be used in yin deficiency conditions
  56. As mentioned in class the preservation of fluids is vital in wen bing theory, so:
    cold and sweet nourish the fluids
  57. When qi level great heat enters the stomach, the characteristic symptoms are the four bigs:
    Big Pulse, Big Sweat, Big Fever, Big Thirst
  58. The herb traditionally said to replace Xi Jiao is:
    Shui Yu Jiao
  59. As a heat pathogen enters the ying nutritive level, then to the xue level, heat is widespread throughout the body. What is true regarding the heat principles of the two levels?
    In the ying level, yin nourishing should not be employed, but in the xue level, xue and yin tonification is necessary.
  60. The following is true regarding Sheng Di Huang:
    Its main function is to cool the blood, and it's cloying in nature.
  61. When heat goes through its transformations, it progresses as follows:
    Heat->Fire->Heat Toxicity
Card Set
Herbology 1 Quiz Review
PCOM Quiz Review