Ch 30

  1. 우연히
    incidentally, by chance (30)
  2. 골둥품
    antique (30)
  3. 헤매다
    to wander, to be lost (30)
  4. 실컷
    to one's heart's content (30)
  5. 고려청자
    Korea celadon porcelain (30)
  6. 화랑
    gallery (30)
  7. 한참
    for some time (30)
  8. 구입하다
    to buy, to purchase (30)
  9. 화려하다
    to be bright, gorgeous (30)
  10. 따르다
    to compete with, be a match for (30)
  11. 포기하다
    to give up (30)
  12. 본인
    the person in question, in person (30)
  13. 만장일치
    unanimity (30)
  14. 실험
    experiment (30)
  15. 간식
    snack (30)
  16. 모범생
    model student (30)
  17. 연하다
    to be soft, tender (30)
  18. 자식
    one's children (30)
  19. happiness, joy (30)
  20. 연애결혼
    love marriage
  21. 중매결혼
    marriage arranged by a go-between (30)
  22. 꼼꼼하다
    to be fastidious (30)
  23. 영양가
    nutritive value, calorie (30)
  24. 부위
    part, region (30)
  25. 안심
    lean meat of short ribs (30)
Card Set
Ch 30
Chapter 30 vocab (Ganada)