Allergic Rhinitis

  1. Seasonal allergic rhinitis allergens
    • tree pollens cause spring symptoms
    • grass pollens cause late spring/early summer symptoms
    • weed pollens cause late summer/early fall symptoms
  2. Perennial allergic rhinitis allergens
    • mold spores are present year round
    • house dust mite fecal proteins cause symptoms year round
    • animal dander cause symptoms year round
    • cockroaches cause symptoms year round
  3. Risk factors for allergic rhinitis
    • family history of atopy
    • higher socioeconomic classes
    • higher serum IgE levels (>100IU/mL) before age 6
    • positive allergy skin prick test
  4. Most common causes of drug-induced rhinitis
    • ACE inhibitors
    • a-receptors antagonists
    • phosphodiesterase-5 selective inhibitors
  5. Second Gen antihistamines
    • acrivastine/PSE
    • cetirizine
    • levocetirizine
    • fexofenadine
    • loratadine
    • desloratadine
  6. First Gen antihistamines
    • brompheniramine
    • chlorpheniramine
    • carbinoxamine
    • clemastine
    • cyprohetadine
    • duphenhydramine
    • promethazine
    • pyrilamine
  7. Intranasal antihistamines
  8. opthalmic antihistamines
    • azazoline/naphazoline
    • azelastine
    • emedastine
    • epinastine
    • ketotifen
    • levocabstine
    • olopatadine
Card Set
Allergic Rhinitis
Allergis Rhinitis IP-3