Describe Output Amplifiers
- regulation of constand current/voltage to patient regardless of changing imedances
- Constant Current
- Constant Voltage
Define Direct Waveforms
- unidirectional flow of charge particies
- Negative is better
- When the machine is on the curent in constant
Define Alternating Direct Current
- An uninterrupted bidiretional flow of charged particles
- One half cycle above baseline and second phase beloe baseline
Define Pulsed Waveforms
- Interrupted unidirectinal or bidirectional
- Most Commonly Used
Waveform Shapes
- Visual representation of current or voltage over time
- Traditionally called by shapes or characteristics
- Shape- rectangular, sinusoidal, spike, square, triangular
- Characteristic- faradic (direct), high-voltage, pulsed, interferential, russian
Time Dependent Parameters
- Phases
- Phase Duration
- Interphase Interval
- Pulse duration (width)
- Interpulse Interval
- Rise time/ Fall Time
Pulse is equal to phase
- Pulse one direction from baseline then opposite direction before pulse is over
- Made up of 2 phases
- Can be Symmetrical or asymmetrical
Biphasic Asymmetrical Balanced
Phase charges are electrically equal
Biphasic Asymmetrical Unbalanced
- Phase charges eletricall unequal
- Wil have positive or negative charge
Phase Duration
Time elasped from beginnig to end of one phase
Intraphase Interval
- Time between two successive phases when no electrical activity occures
- May also be called intrpulse interval
Pulse Duration
- Width
- Time elapsed from beginning to end of all phases of one pulse
- Length of time one pulse lasts
- Sum of all phases of a pulsed current and intraphase interval
- controls labeled pulse width
Interpulse Interval
Time between two successive pulses
Rise Time
Time it take for an individual stimulus to reach a peak level of magnitude
Decay Time
Time it takes for an indeividual stimulus to return to zero
Define Frequency / Rate
- Repetition rate of a waveform
- Pulses per second delivered per unit of time
- Low- less than 1000pps
- Medium - 1000-10000pps
- High - greater than 10,000pps
- Controls often labeled rate
- Hz pps
Time from a referene point of a pulse to the identical point of the next pulse
Automatic sequential variation in the amplitude, pulse, and/or cycle duration and frquency of current during a series of pulses or cycles
- Finite series of pulses
- Build into machine
Continuous repetitive sequence of pulses or cycles of pulsed current
- Mixing of alternating current at different fequencies taht are out of phase
- used with interferential current
Amplitude and Tissue Response
- Intensity
- Strength of response of sensory or motor fibers
- More= deper fibers reached
Pulse Duration and Tissue Response
- Ease of getting a muscle contraction
- Longer = less intensity and more uncomfortable
Frequency and Tissue Response
- quality of muscle contration
- rate of fiber fatigue
- Increase frequency increase fatigue
Waveform and Tissue Response
- High Frequency 200pps/hz
- Short Duration 50 usec
- Low Intensity mA
- Low Frequency 20pps/Hz
- Long duration 200usec
- High Intensity