Ventilation & frequency rate for an adult
- 10-12 V/min
- 1 Every 5 secs
Ventilation & frequency rate for an child
- 12-20 V/mins
- 1 every 3-5 secs
Ventilation & frequency rate for an infant
- 12-20 V/mins
- 1 every 3-5 secs
Ventilation & frequency rate for an newborn
- 40-60 V/min
- 1 every 1-1.5sec
infants at birth Respiration, pluse, blood pressure
infants Neonate Respiration, pluse, blood pressure
- 30-40
- 100-160
- 70-90 systolic
infants at one y/o Respiration, pluse, blood pressure
toddler Respiration, pluse, blood pressure
- 20-30
- 80-130
- 70-100 systolic
preschool Respiration, pluse, blood pressure
- 20-30
- 80-120
- 80-110 systolic
Adolescents Respiration, pluse, blood pressure
- 12-20
- 55-105
- 100-120 systolic
adulthood Respiration, pluse, blood pressure
early adulthood age
middle adulthood age
Adult normal breathing rate
adolescent normal breathing rate
school age normal breathing rate
preschooler normal breathing rate
toddler normal breathing rate
infant 6 months to 1y/o normal breathing rate
infant 30 days- 5 months normal breathing rate
new born 30 days normal breathing rate
elderly normal pluse rate (over 75y/o)
adult normal pluse rate
- 60-80
- 100+ Tachycardia
- 60 below Bradycardia
adolescent normal pluse rate
- 60-105
- 105+ trachycardia
- 50 below Bradycarida
child 5-12 y/o normal pluse rate
- 60-120
- 120+ Trachycarida
- 60 below Bradycardia
child 1-5 y/o normal pluse rate
- 80-150
- 150+ trachycardia
- 80 below Bradycardia
infant normal pluse rate
- 120-150
- 150+ Trachycardia
- 120 below Brandycardia
newborn normal pluse rate
Capillary refill how long
- Infants childs and males 2 sec
- females 3 secs
- elderly 4 secs
adult males Normal blood pressure
- systolic 100 + age if under 40
- diastolic 60-80 mmHg
adult female Normal blood pressure
- systolic 90 + age if under 40
- Diastolic 60-85 mmHg
- signs(see,hearm smell)/sysptoms(what patient tells you)
- alleriges
- Medication
- past history
- Last oral intake
- Events leading up
- Onset(when and how did the symptoms begin)
- Provocation(what makes symptoms worst/palliation(What makes symptoms better)
- Quality(How would you decribe the pain)
- Radiation(Where do you feel the pain) (where does the pain go)
- Severity( 1-10 how bad does it hurt)
- Time( How long have you had the symptoms)
Personal Protective Equipment
- anything you but on to reduce the chance of getting injured or ill.
- Example, Bullet Proof Vest, Road side vest