ch 6 dental materials

  1. what are the most common filler ("feel her") particles in composite? (3)
    silicates, quartz, or glass (kiss my "glass" you "sili" "quarter" of a man!)
  2. what is added to composite for radiopacity to show up on an x-ray?
    .....IUM ......IUM! THINK ......IUM! barium, strontium, lithium (also zirconium or yttrium)
  3. 10-100 um (marshmellows) represent:
    macrofilled composite
  4. 1-10 um (jelly beans) represents _______ composite
    midifill (my "mid" section "feels" like jelly beans)
  5. .1-1 um (red hots) represents _______ composite
    minifill (you are so mini, your pants are a size .1-1 and that is red hot!)
  6. .01-.1 um (nerds) represents _______ composite
    microfill (micronerd)
  7. .001um (sugar) represents _______ composite
    nanofill (sugarnano)
  8. composite resin,
    glass ionomer cement (hybrid ionomer), and
    resin-modified copomer
    are _________ - ________ esthetic materials.
  9. ________ is a mixture of two or more materials with properties superior to any single component
  10. composite resin is mainly composed of an _______ resin (polymer) matrix and ________ (silica) filler particles
    • organic resin (polymer)
    • inorganic resin (silica)
  11. what adheres the silica and polymers to the matrix?
    silane coupling agent
  12. what is the size range of hybrid composite?
    .6-3.5 um (jelly beans and nerds)
  13. nanofilled micro hybrid is a blend of _____, _____, and nanofill particles (jelly beans, nerds, and sugar)
    micro, midi, and nanofill
  14. what composite is popular due to high polishability and ease of handling, but requires tooth support?
    MICROfilled composite
  15. name to reasons why hybrids are popular.
    strength and beauty
  16. nanofills ______ polish ability but add ___ compressive strength
    INCREASE polish but add NO compressive strength
  17. nanofills ____ surface area and _____ strength to resin or composite
    • add
    • bond
  18. a light cured (_______) mix of composites is _____ porus than self cured (_______)
    • light cured (UNmixed)
    • less ("Light Less")
    • self cured (Mixed) (I'll just MIX it mySELF)
  19. composite contains polish with ___ ____ or diamond polishing paste, not coarse ______
    • tin oxide
    • pumice
  20. what helps reduce shrinkage when the resin matrix polymerizes or sets?
    filler particles! (if you "fill" his "particle" he wont shrink)
  21. how would you detect a composite overhang?
    with an explorer
  22. porcelain is a direct or indirect restorative material? which one?
    INdirect (sent to the lab)
  23. type of material chosen depends on what four factors?
    • damage to tooth
    • stresses placed on restoration
    • esthetics
    • oral hygiene
  24. what is the most commonly used resin for the matrix of composites?
  25. what is the most commonly used filler?
  26. the higher the filler content, the _________ the restoration and the more _____ _______
    • stronger
    • wear resistant
  27. what are two important factors for the durability of the composite resin?
    • size of filler particles
    • ratio or weight of the filler to the matrix
  28. composition of composite is _____ resin (polymer) matrix, inorganic ______ filler particles, ________ coupling agent
    • organic resin
    • INorganic SILICA filler particles
    • SILANE coupling agent
  29. what does the silane coupling agent do?
    • adheres particles to the matrix
    • provides stronger bond between filler and resin
  30. T/F composite composition includes an initiator, accelerator, and pigment
  31. T/F filler particles help control handling characteristics
  32. filler particles make organic resin _______, more wear _______, ______ handling characteristics, and reduce polymerization _______
    • stronger
    • resistant
    • control
    • shrinkage
  33. what three things are composite wear related to?
    • filler particle size
    • amount of filler in resin
    • amount of resin between filler
  34. is it better to have smaller or larger particles of composite on the surface?
  35. higher filler content = ____ and _____ wear resistant
    • stronger
    • more
  36. does smaller or larger particles of filler have more surface area?
  37. what does a coupling agent do?
    provides stronger bond between organic fillers and resin matrix
  38. what allows organic matrix and inorganic filler to adhere?
  39. good adhesion of both organic matrix and inorganic filler is necessary and it minimizes the loss of _______ ________, as well as reducing _____
    • filler particles
    • wear
  40. are pigments organic or inorganic?
  41. what approximate basic colors of teeth?
  42. ________ join together to create ________, usually hydrogen for composite polymerization
    • monomers
    • polymers
  43. chemical reaction ( ____ + ____)
    base plus catalyst
  44. which filler particles are more easily plucked (get pulled) large or small?
  45. which size of particles are not as easily plucked and cause fewer voids that contribute to wear?
    smaller particles
  46. T/F the smaller the particles, the smoother the surface of the composite after finishing and polishing
  47. BASE = ______ + composite
  48. catalyst = ______ + composite
  49. composite resins can be cured by _____ or _____ activation or a combination of the two (___)
    • chemical or light
    • dual
  50. during polymerization for both chemical or light, an _____ molecule forms _____ _____
    • initiator
    • free radicals
  51. what are free radicals?
    highly charged molecules that have unpaired electrons
  52. what is the activator for polymerization? (2)
    chemical or light
  53. the monomers ( _________; e.g. bis GMA) have carbon to carbon double bond functional groups
  54. what do free radicals do to carbon to carbon bonds?
    break on of the double bonds to form a single bond and another free radical
  55. free radicals during polymerization can cause the same reaction (break C=C bond) with another monomer to add to the _____ chain (called addition polymerization)
  56. when monomers link together into chains, the volume of the resin ________, so the net result is ________
    • decreases
    • shrinkage
  57. polymer to polymer is a " cross-link " to form _______ bonds
  58. what is stronger and stiffer material? (what to what)
    polymer to polymer
  59. benzoyl peroxide is an ________ base
  60. tertiary amine is an ________
  61. what is the most common type of polymerization of composite?
    light cure
  62. what is diketone?
    blue light wavelength activator
  63. if composite is too thick will the bottom cure all the way?
  64. what mm of increments should composite be placed in?
    less than or equal to 2mm
  65. with a chemical cure (self-cure) how long does the operator have to place the restoration before it becomes too stiff?
    2 minutes
  66. what will happen if the self-cure material initial set occurs and the material is manipulated?
    properties of the restoration will be degraded
  67. t/f two pastes must be manually mixed, air can be incorporated into the material causing voids or porosity in the restoration
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ch 6 dental materials
dental materials ch 6