Unit 10 Spelling Words

  1. bellow
    to make a sound similar to that of a bull, roar; a loud, angry roar
  2. beneficiary
    one who benefits from something; a person who is left money or other property in a will or the like
  3. botch
    to repair or patch poorly; make a mess of; a hopelessly bungled job
  4. clutter
    to fill or cover in a disorderly way; state of disorder, mess
  5. dilapidated
    falling apart or ruined, run-down
  6. dismantle
    to take apart; to strip of something
  7. farce
    a play filled with ridiculous or absurd happenings; broad or far-fetched humor; a ridiculous sham
  8. futile
    not succesful, failing to have any result; useless; unimportant, frivolous
  9. grueling
    very tiring, calling for an extreme effort
  10. hospitable
    offering friendly or generous treatment to guests; open to anything new or strange
  11. lair
    the home or den of a wild animal; any hideout
  12. lavish
    overly generous, extravagant; abundant; to spend or give freely or without limit
  13. morbid
    in an unhealthy mental state, extremely gloomy; caused by or related to disease, unwholesome
  14. notorious
    widely known because of bad conduct
  15. pamper
    to allow too many privilegges, be too generous and easygoing toward
  16. parasite
    an organism that lives in or on another organism; one who lives off another person
  17. shirk
    to avoid or get out of doing work, neglect a duty; to sneak, slink
  18. surplus
    an amount beyon what is required, excess; more than what is needed or expected
  19. timidity
    the state of being easily frighteded
  20. veto
    the power to forbid or prevent; to prohibit, reject
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Unit 10 Spelling Words
Spelling Words