Medical microbiology

  1. What kind of nucleic acids do they have?
    • single stranded or double stranded DNA
    • single stranded or double stranded RNA
    • -single standed RNA can be either + sense (mRNA) or - sense (complimentary strand has to be made before it can be copied)
  2. Capsid
    • encases the nucleic acid
    • composed of proteins
  3. shape of capsid:
    forms spiral around Nucleic acid

    -most common
  4. shape of capsid:
    • many sided
    • -most common
  5. shape of capsid:
    combination of helical and 20 trangle faces
  6. Envelope
    • around capsid
    • host derived
    • glycoprotein spiked - attachment
    • phospholipid membrane w/ proteins
  7. benefits of envelope
    • acquired from host so it's hidden from host defense systems
    • help infect new cells by fusion of the envelope with hosts cells
  8. disadvantages of envelope
    • nakes viruses are more resistant to envriomental changes
    • destroyed easier from breakdown of proteins and they no longer would have the spikes for attachment
  9. Definitive host:
    where sexual reproduction occurs
  10. Intermediate host:
    required by the life cycle but sexual reproduction doesn't occur
  11. resevoir host
    the ones we're conserned with getting infected
  12. host range:
    • most limited to single species
    • exception: rabies virus
  13. Specificity:
    • most limited to specific cells
    • exception: cytomegaloviruses
  14. Prions
    • primary structure the same as normal proteins
    • very difficult to destroy
    • protein that folds abnormally on itself which induces normal proteins to fold abnormally (by bumping into each other)
  15. Protists
    • unicellular
    • many phylum
    • eukaryotic structure
  16. Protists:
    have flagelum
  17. Protists:
    injests food by phagocytosis
  18. Protists:
    tear drop shape
  19. Protists:
    have cillia
  20. fungi
    • chitin in cell walls
    • non-motile
    • extracellular digestion
    • classification: based on nature of sexual state
    • multicellular: mycelium composed of hyphae
    • single celled: yeast
  21. classification of viruses based on
    • type of NA
    • make-up and shape of capsid
    • +/- envelope
    • mode of replication
    • # of copies of NA
    • # of segments of 1 NA
    • linear or circular DNA
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Medical microbiology
everything i need to know for the second exam on viruses