Advertisement or Invitaiton to Bid
- Usually appears at the from of the Project Manual
- contains information about the project during the bid period
- Includes
- Project name number, location, and description
- Owners name and address
- Architect/Engineer name, address, and contact individual
- Bid date and time
- bid security required
- restriction on bidders
- anticipated price range of project (optional)
- anticipated project duration (optional)
Request for Proposal
- Design build and son construction management projects, proposal of
- service is requested
- more extensive that a traditional bid
- details firm's experience and qualification and approach to the project
- evaluated by the owner
- short listed down to a few firms
- Interviews of the firms are usually conducted, from which the owner selects the firm
Instructions to Bidders
- Contains information about the bid procedure
- contains request for substitution, clarification, bidder prequalification,
- bid period, and construction period duration
- bidder representation, defining the obligation of the
Bid Forms
- Usually included in the project manual
- include information relevant to qualification as a responsive
- bidder
- such as a recipe of addend, bid price, alternate pricing, proposed,
- completion of construction, sub contractor information, and certifications of
- compliance to regulations
General Condtions
- · are to the project what rules are to baseball
- · Establish the relationship between the owner and its agents
- · establish the terms of the legal contract between the owner and contractor
Suplementary Conditions
additional provisions or modification to the General Conditions
Additional information to bidders
Souch as soil reports
Division 6
Wood plastics and composits
Division 7
Thermal and moisture Protection
Division 13
Special Construction
Division 14
Conveying Systems
additional information added to bid documents before the bid is awarded
Civil, arch, structural, mechanical, electrical
Familiarization with a Project
- Talk to the superintendant
- walk the job site
- read over the construction documents
Preparing Crew Assignments
- "work pakages" or "crew pakages"
- includes
- technical specs
- material list list of tools
- man hours available, time frame
Problem Solving
- Refer to the construction documents
- they are contiually being used to clarify
- breaks up confusion on the direction of the work