CSTM 252 Exam #1 cha 2

  1. Lump-sum contract
    • Most common method
    • Contractor gives the owner a lump sum price
    • Change orders adjust the lump sum amount
    • Contractors normally paid on a monthly basis
  2. Cost, Plus a fee, "cost plus," "time material"
    • When scope of work is difficult to define
    • Contractor reimbursed for cost on site
    • pluss a fee that includes indirect overhead and profit
    • "Cost" normally refer to labor, material, equipment, subcontracts and direct (on-site) overhead
  3. Cost plus, with a guarenteed maximum price GMP
    • Hybrid of lump sum and cost plus
    • Contractor bids GMP and then proceeds with cost plus
    • Usually splitting the savings with the owner
  4. Unit price contract
    • List quantities for components of the project that are priced per unit by the contractor
    • Total of the product of the quantity and the unit price is then added to determine the lump-sum price for the bid.
    • Payment is based on completion of quantities for each line item
    • Common in civil engineering projects
  5. Contractual Responsibilites: D-B-D Owner
    • for work contracted to architect and contractor
    • providing coordination for the contractor
    • provides the site
    • architect with whatever he needs
    • providing contractor with adequate construction document descibing what the project scope
  6. Contractual Responsibilites: D-B-D Architect
    • provide owner with design of the project and the construction documents
    • providing constructionadministration for the project (owners agent)
    • interpetation of the contract documents
  7. Contractual Responsibilites: D-B-D Contractor
    • Labor, material, equipment, and expertise
    • developing the means and methos of acooomplishing the work
    • sequencing, labor plan, equipment and schedule
    • coordinating the work, including hiring the subcontractors, and paying all labor, material, and subcontracts
  8. Major Parties involved: D-B-D Owner
    • capital projects officer
    • financial officer
    • owners representative
    • woners inspector
    • testing agency
  9. Contractual Responsibilites: D-B-D Architect
    • pricipal in charge
    • project manager
    • project architect
    • contract administrator
    • sub consultants
    • specialty coordinators such as
    • project coordinator
    • mechanical coordinator
    • electrical coordinator
  10. Contractual Responsibilites: D-B-D Contractor
    • officer in charge
    • project manager
    • superintendent
    • project engineer
    • field engineer
    • formen
    • cratspeople
    • subcontrators
  11. According to Book: CM Agency
    • Involves the use of amangenager as anagent to the owner without design or construction repsonsibilities
    • works on a fee basis with the owner
    • providesthe ower with specialized managment to control, project duration, project budget, and cost
  12. Multiple Primes
    • no general contractor
    • trade contactors, execution contractors, or speicalty/subcontractor
    • managed by the constuction manager
    • does not have contractural relationship with subs but rather non-contractual working relationship
  13. CM at Risk
    • Similiar to GMP in traditional system
    • except
    • construction manager is incolced in the conception and design
    • procides the onwer with a mazimum price for the project
    • functions like a contractor would in D-B-B
    • Role of CM are different in this method then in D-B-B
  14. Owner: roles for the CM system
    • Still responsible for paying for project and providing site
    • owner still makes the decisions about the project but is advised by
    • construction manager
    • owner has little day to day involvement
  15. Construction manager: roles for the CM system
    • administrations of the construction contract during the
    • construction phase of the project.
    • liaison with the architect for advice on intent of the documents
    • schedules and manages the submittal process
    • scheduling
  16. Architect: roles for the CM system
    • design the project and prepare construction documents
    • reference and adviser
    • administration of the project
    • reviewing submittals and shop drawings
    • involved on a daily basis
  17. Contractors: roles for the CM system
    • act like a subcontractor in a the D_B_B method
    • may be awarded large elements of the work or small
    • Smaller elements that just pertain to one trade are called trade constracts
  18. Roles of the CM Project Team: Project Manager
    • resonsible to the owner fo the success of the project
    • in charge of all of the CM employees
    • oversees the constuctiton process
  19. Roles of the CM Project Team: Design Manager
    • involved with architect durring the desing and conctruciton processes
    • decisions conscerning contract packaging, earlypurchase of materials, and project strategies
  20. Roles of the CM Project Team: Construction adminstrator SKA construction manager
    • in charge of the construction process for the CM firm
    • contact person for the contractors project managers
    • delegation repsonsibilites to to construction superintendent and field engineers
  21. Design Build Delivery Method
    • single source procurement for the owner
    • sometimes provides site
    • savings split clause
    • provides project that meets owners needs in a short period
    • of time
    • facilitator for designers and constructors in the design build team
    • Four main configerations
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CSTM 252 Exam #1 cha 2
Main points from chapter