Airway Management

  1. The flap of tissue that caps the trachea as you swallow.
  2. A means of correcting blockage of the airway by the tongue by tilting the head back and lifting the chin.
    Head tilt, chin lift maneuver
  3. The area inside the mouth joining the nasal passageways and the throat.
  4. The two large tubes that bring air to and from the lungs.
  5. The voicebox, which contains the epiglottis and vocal chords.
  6. The ring shaped structure that forms the lower portion of the larynx.
    Cricoid cartilage
  7. The process of breathing in.
  8. The muscle of breathing that seperates the abdoment from the thorax.
  9. The process of breathing out.
  10. A means of correcting blockage of the airway by moving the jaw forward without tilting the head or neck.
    Jaw-thrust maneuver
  11. A device that uses oxygen under pressure to deliver artificial ventilations.
    Flow-restricted oxygen-powered ventilation device
  12. A handheld device with a face mask and self refilling bag that can be squeezed to provide artificial ventilations to a patient.
    Bag-valve mask
  13. Expansion of the stomach caused by too forceful ventilation pressures, which cause excess air to enter the stomach instead of the lungs.
    Gastric distention
  14. Another word for breathing.
  15. A permanent surgical opening in the neck through with the patient breathes.
  16. A device connected to the flowmeter to add moisture to the dry oxygen coming from an oxygen cylinder.
  17. The pasageway by which air enters and leaves the body.
  18. Forcing air or oxygen into the lungs when a patient has stopped breathing or has inadequate breathing.
    Artificial ventilation
  19. A blue or grey skin color resulting from a lack of oxygen in the body.
  20. The breathing in of air or oxygen.
  21. A flexible breathing tube inserted through the patients nose into the pharynx to help maintain an open airway.
    Nasopharyngeal airway
  22. A face mask and reservoir bag device that delivers high concentrations of oxygen. The patients air excapes through a valve.
    Nonrebreather mask
  23. A device that delivers low concentrations of oxygen through two prongs that rest in the patient's nostrils.
    Nasal cannula
  24. A device connected to an oxygen cylinder to reduce cylinder pressure to a safe pressure for delivery of oxygen to a patient.
    Pressure regulator
  25. A device, usually with a one way valve, to aid in artificial ventilation. A rescuer breathes through the valve when the device is placed over the patient's face. It also acts as a barrier to prevent contact with the patient's breath of body fluids and can be used with supplemental oxygen when fitted with an oxygen inlet.
    Pocket face mask
  26. An open and clean passageway for air into the lungs.
    Patent airway
  27. To provide ventilations at a higher rate to compensate for oxygen not delivered during suctioning.
  28. Container filled with oxygen under pressure.
    Oxygen cylinder
  29. Use of a vacuum device to remove blood, vomitus, and other secretions or foreign materials from the airway.
  30. A rigid curved device inserted through the patient's mounth into the pharynx to help maintain an open airway.
    Oropharyngeal airway
  31. Vomiting or retching that results when something is placed in the pharynx.
    Gag reflex
  32. The reduction of breathing to the point where not enough oxygen is being taken into sustain life.
    Respiratory failure
  33. An insufficiency of oxygen in the body's tissues.
  34. A valve that indicates the flow of oxygen in liters per minute.
  35. A valve on a BVM designed to blow off excessive pressure; this valve is no longer allowed per AHA standards on any BVM due to the danger of underinflation of the lungs.
    Pop-off valve
  36. When breathing completely stops.
    Respiratory arrest.
Card Set
Airway Management
Airway Management