psych chapter 6

  1. emotion
    feeling, or affect, that occurs when a person is in a state or an interaction that is important to him/her, especially to his/her well being
  2. stranger anxiety/separation anxiety
    occurs when an infant shows a fear and wariness of strangers
  3. separation protest
    crying when the caregiver leaves
  4. reciprocal interactions
    coordinated interaction between caregiver and infant
  5. Colic
    crying disorder, w/ extended periods of intense crying, unknown cause; 1/10 infants; birth-12 weeks
  6. temperament
    an individual's behavioral style and characteristic way of responding
  7. goodness of fit
    the match between a child's temperament and the environmental demands the child must cope with
  8. 3 central characteristics of personality development
    • 1) trust vs. mistrust
    • 2) development of sense of oneself
    • 3)independence through separation & individuation
  9. social referencing
    "reading" emotional cues in others to determine how to act in a particular situation; emerges by the end of 1st year, improves during the 2nd year.
  10. attachement
    refers to the close, emotional bond between an infant and his/her primary caregiver
  11. 4 phases of attachment development
    • 1) birth - 2 months: infants direct their attention to human figures
    • 2) 2-7 months: attachment becomes focused on 1 figure
    • 3) 7-24 months: specific attachments develop secure attachements develop
    • 4) 24months+ :
  12. Strange Situation
    developed by Ainsworth; revealed 4 types of attachment behavior
  13. 4 types of attachment behavior
    • 1) securely attached: explore environ using caregiver as secure base; mild discomfort when caregiver leaves
    • 2) insecure avoidance: avoids caregiver, shows no distress/crying when caregiver leaves
    • 3) insecure resistance: clings to caregiver & protests loudly/actively if caregiver leaves
    • 4) insecure disorganized: disorientation; extreme fearfulness may be shown even with caregiver
  14. reciprocal socialization
    2-way interaction process, whereby parents socialize children & children socialize parents
  15. parent-infant synchrony
    temporal coordination of social behavior
  16. scaffolding
    parental behavior that supports children's efforts through turn taking sequences
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psych chapter 6
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