CFI Pharm Vocab 2

  1. Acetylcholine (ACH)
    neurotransmitter of parasympathetic (cholinergic) nerves; stimulates the cholinergic receptor
  2. Adrenergic receptor
    receptor located on internal organs that responds to norepinephrine
  3. Afferent nerve
    transmits sensory infomration to the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system)
  4. Autonomic Nervous system (ANS)
    system of nerves that innervate smooth and cardiac muscle (involuntary) of the internal organs and glands
  5. Cholinergic receptor
    Receptor located on internal organs that responds to acetylcholine
  6. Efferent nerve
    carries the appropriate motor response from the brain and spinal cord
  7. Epinephrine
    Hormone from adrenal medulla that stimulates adrenergic reeptors, especially during stress
  8. Fight or flight reaction
    responses of the body to intense stress; caused by activation of the sympathetic division of the ANS
  9. Homeostasis
    Normal state of balance among the body's internal organs
  10. Neurotransmitter
    substance that stimulates internal organs to produce charachteristic changes associated with sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
  11. norepinephrine (NE)
    neurotransmitter of sympathetic (adrenergic) nerves that stimulates the adrenergic receptors
  12. parasympathetic
    refers to nerves of the ANS that orginate in the brain and sacral portion of the spinal cord; they are active when the body is at rest or trying to restore body energy and function
  13. sympathetic
    refers to nerves of the ANS that orginate from the thoracolumbar portion of the spinal cord; they are active when the body is under stress or when is is exerting energy
  14. Adrenergic neuronal blocker
    drug that acts at the neuronal endings to reduce the formation or release of NE
  15. aplha-adrenergic blocker
    drug that blocks the alpha effects of NE and EPI
  16. alpha-adrenergic receptor
    receptor located on smooth muscle that mediates contraction
  17. beta-adrenergic receptor
    receptor located either on the heart (beta 1) or smooth muscle (beta 2). Beta 1 stimulation increased heart function, while beta 2 stimulation relaxes smooth muscle
  18. catecholamine
    refers to norepinephrine, epinephrine, and other sympathomimetic compounds that possess the catechol structure
  19. false transmitter
    drug induced substance in nerver endings that reduces neuronal activity
  20. nonselective beta-adrenergic blocker
    drug that blocks the beta effects of EPI
  21. Selective beta 1 adrenergic blocker
    drug that blocks only beta 1 receptors
  22. Selective beta-2 adrenergic drug
    drug that stimulates only beta-2 receptors at the therapeutic doses
  23. sympatholytic
    "blocking" drug or effect that decreases sympathetic nervous system activity
  24. Sympathomimetic
    adrenergic drug or effect that increases sympathetic nervous system activity
  25. acetylcholinesterase
    an enzyme that inactivates acetylcholine
  26. anticholinergic
    refers to drugs or effects that reduce the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system
  27. Cholinergic
    refers to the nerves and receptors of the parasympathetic nervous system; also refers to the drugs that stimulate this system
  28. muscarinic receptor
    an older but more specific term for the cholinergic receptor on smooth and cardiac muscle
  29. nicotinic-muscle (Nm) receptor
    cholinergic receptor located at the neuromsucular junction of skeletal muscle
  30. nicotinic-neural (Nn) receptor
    cholinergic receptor located on both sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia
  31. parasympatholytic
    refers to drug (anticholinergice) that decrease activity of the parasympathetic nervous system
  32. parasympathomimetic
    refers to drugs (cholinergic) that mimic stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system
Card Set
CFI Pharm Vocab 2
Chap 5, 6, 7