The pressure or resistance against which the ventricles must pump to eject blood
Occlusion of this vessel has been referred to as the “widow maker” b/c of its association with sudden death
L main coronary artery
A repetitive pumping process that includes all of the events associated with the flow of blood thru the heart
Cardiac cycle
Blood flows from the R atrium thru the ___ valve into the R ventricle
The amt of blood pumped into the aorta each minute by the heart
Cardiac output
A double walled sac that encloses the heart and helps protect it from trauma and infection
A positive___ effect results in an increase in myocardial contractility
Blood flows from the L atrium thru the ___ valve into the L ventricle
Specialized nerve tissue located in the internal carotid arteries and the aortic arch that detects changes in blood pressure
The largest vein that drains the heart
Coronary sinus
Coronary artery that supplies the SA node and AV node in most of the population
Right coronary artery
This results when the heart’s demand for oxygen exceeds its supply from the coronary circulation
Myocardial ischemia
A neg ___ effect refers to a decrease in heart rate
Sensors in the internal carotid arteries and aortic arch that detect changes in the concentration of hydrogen ions (ph)
The amt of blood flowing into the R atrium each minute from the systemic circulation
Venous return
Represents total ventricular activity-the time from ventricular depolarization to repolarization
QT interval
Intrinsic rate of AV junction
40-60 BPM
Ability of cardiac muscle cells to respond to an external stimulus
Extent to which a cell is able to respond to a stimulus
Movement of ions across a cell membrane in which the inside of the cell is restored to its negative charge
Intrinsic rate of ventricles
20 to 40 BPM
Working cells of the myocardium that contain contractile filaments
Myocardial cells
Corresponds with the onset of the QRS complex to the peak of the T wave
Absolute refractory period
Mvmt of ions across a cell membrane causing the inside of the cell to become more positive
Specialized cells of the heart’s electrical conduction system capable of spontaneously generating and conducting electrical impulses
Pacemaker cells
Intrinsic rate of SA node
60 to 100 BPM
Surface of the Left ventricle viewed by leads II, III, and aVF
Lead type: I, II,III
Bipolar limb leads
Corresponds with the down slope of the T wave
Relative refractory period
Surface of the Left ventricle viewed by leads I, aVL, V5, and V6
Measured on the horizontal axis of ECG
Time (0.04 sec/box)
Lead type: aVR, aVL, aVF
Unipolar limb leads
Measured on the vertical axis
Amp/Voltage (1 mm/box)
Common dysrhythmia asso with respiratory rate
Sinus arrhythmia
Appearance of P waves that originate from the SA node
Positive (upright) in lead II, one precedes each QRS
Rate asso with a sinus bradycardia
If the SA node fails to generate an impulse, the next (escape) pacemaker that should generate an impulse
Dysrhythmia with a pause that is the same as (or an exact multiple of) the distance between two other P-P intervals
Normal rate for a sinus rhythm
Pacemaker with an intrinsic rate of 20-40 BPM
Dysrhythmia with a pause of undetermined length that is not the same distance as other P-P intervals
Normal QRS duration in an adult
Updated term for wandering atrial pacemaker
Multiformed atrial rhythm
The most common preexcitation syndrome
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
Atrial rate asso with type I atrial flutter
Consequence of decreased ventricular filling time
Type of meds: Verapamil, diltiazem
ECG characteristic of nonconducted PAC
Early P wave with no QRS following it
1st line med used for most types of PSVT
Atrial rate asso with atrial fib
Type of med: Esmolol, atenolol, metoprolo, propranolol
Term referring to the sudden onset or cessation of a dysrhythmia
Ventricular rhythm may be reg or irreg, waveforms resembling teeth of a saw or picket fence before QRS
Early beat initiated by an irritable atrial site
Irregularly irregular ventricular rhythm, no identifiable P waves
Before elective cardioversion, prophylactic tx with___ is recommended for the pt in atrial fib
Impulses originating from a source other than the SA node
Name given to a dysrhythmia that originate in the AV junction with a ventricular rate btw 61-100 BPM
Accelerated junctional rhythm
____ toxicity/excess is a common cause of junctional dysrhythmias