Psych Interviewing

  1. Acraphobia
    Extreme fear of high places
  2. Adjustment disorder
    maladaptive reaction to identifiable life events that is expected to remit when the stress ceases (usually resolves in 4 weeks)
  3. Affect
    the subjective experience of emotion attached to ideas or mental representations of people or things; affect has outward manifestations that may be classified as broad, restricted, blunted, flattened, labile, appropriate, or inappropriate.

    External representation of emotion
  4. Affective disorder
    Old term for MOOD DISORDER
  5. Agitation
    anxiety associated with motor restlessness. (aka psychomotor agitation)
  6. Agoraphobia
    extreme fear of open places or of leaving familiar settings; may be associated with panic attacs
  7. Akathisia
    • motor resltlessness manifested by a strong need to be in movement; may be a side effect of antipsychotic medications or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
    • "bugs crawling" or "electricity feeling"
  8. Alexithymia
    inability or difficulty in describing or being aware of ones emotions
  9. Akinesia
    lack of physical movement, as seen in the immobility of catatonic schizophrenia (totally motionless, waxy flexibility), or as an extrapyramidal side effect of antipsychotic medication
  10. Anhedonia
    • inability to experience pleasure
    • often seen in people with significant depression
  11. Anxiety
    • unpleasant emotional state associated with psychophysiological changes in response to an intrapsychic conflict; in contrast to fear, the danger or threat in anxiety is unreal
    • NB: fear is a normal response to a physically theatening situation
  12. Apathy
    lack of feelings or interest in one's surroundings
  13. Appropriate affect
    emotional tone in harmony with the accompanying idea or thought
  14. Blocking
    • involuntary cessation or interruption of thought process or speech because of unconscious emotional factors, such as because one is having auditory hallucinations
    • patients describe this as their "thinking just stopped"
    • patients will stop mid-sentence
  15. Blunted affect
    • disturbance of affect manifested by a severe reduction in the intensity of externalized feeling tone
    • Lack of ability to express full RANGE of emotions that are there
    • Often seen in depression, schitzophrenia
  16. Bradykinesia
    • slowness of motor activity and a decrease in normal spontaneous movement
    • often seen in Parkinson's or pseudo-Parkinson's
  17. Broad affect
    normal range of the expression of a subjectively experienced feeling state with variability in facial expression, pitch of voice, and body movement
  18. Catalepsy
    • Condition in which persons maintain the body position in which they were placed
  19. Cataplexy
    • temporary sudden loss of muscle tone, causing immobilization; can be precipitated by a variety of emotional states; characteristically seen in narcolepsy.
    • Ex: man gets so angry at wife he wants to hit her. This is so unacceptable to him, that he loses tone in his arm. These patients are notoriously unconcerned with the immobilization of a body part
  20. Catatonia
    • state of stupor; especially a type of schizophrenia characterized by muscle rigidity, stupor, and negativism
    • lose all motivation
  21. Catatonic rigidity
    fixed and sustained motoric position that is resistant to change
  22. Cerea flexibilitas
  23. Circumstantiality
    • disturbance in the associateive thought and speech process in which a patient digresses into unnecessary details and inappropriate thoughts before communicating a central idea
    • communicating the central idea distinguishes tangentiality from circumstantiality, in which the goal idea is reached in a delayed or indirect manner
  24. Clang associations, clanging
    • association or speech directed by the sound of the word rather than by its meaning; punning and rhyming may occur
    • answers reflect what youre saying, (you say hey, they way weigh)
  25. Claustrophobia
    abnormal fear of closed spaces
  26. Clouding of consciousness
    any distrubance of consciousness in which the person is not fully awake, alert, and orientated
  27. Compulsion
    • uncontrollable, repetitive, and unwanted performance of an act
    • Often occur to deal with the anxiety caused by an obsession --> an idea that you can't get out of your mind
  28. Concrete thinking
    • thought characterized by actual and immediate things and events, rather than by abstractiond
    • normal in small children
    • only 50% of population goes on to abstract thinking
    • Ex: apple and orange are both round = concrete
    • Ex. apple and orange are both fruid = abstract
  29. Confabulation
    • unconscious filling of gaps of memory by imagining experiences or events that have no basis in fact
    • seen in Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome = thiamin deficiency
  30. Constricted affect
    • reduction in intensity of feeling tone less, but more severe than that of blunted affect
    • Often occurs in people who have a need for control, they choose what they express
  31. Deja vu
    • illusion of visual recognition in which a new situtaiton is incorreclty regarded as a repetition of a previous experience
    • normal
  32. Delusion
    FIXED, FALSE believe that is firmly held, despite objective and obvious contraindictory proof or evidence and despite the fact that other members of the culture do not hold the same believe
  33. Delusion of control
    pt thinks a person's thoughts, feelings, or actions are not their own, but are being imposed by some external force
  34. Delusion of grandeur (grandiose delusion)
    • Exaggerated concept of one's importance, power, knowledge or identity
    • often seen in people who are manic
  35. Delusion of jealousy
    convinced that one's lover is being unfaithful
  36. Delusion of persectution
    • One is being attacked, harassed, or conspired against
    • Probably one of the most common
  37. Delusion of reference
    • convinced that events, objects, or the behaviors of others have a particular and unusual meaning specifially for oneself
    • Ex: billboards mean something just for you
  38. Somatic delusion
    • Pertaining to the function of one's own body
    • Believe something is physically wrong with them, when it isn't. Unlike a hypochondriac- you can NOT convince them that they are fine.
  39. Depersonalization
    sensation of unreality concerning oneself or parts of oneself, that may occur under stress or fatigue
  40. Derailment
    • extreme deviation in trian of thought; sometimes used synonymously with "loosening of association"
    • Go way off on a tangent, totally unrelated thoughts, thoughts are totally unconnected.
  41. Derealization
    sensation of changed reality or that one's surroundings have altered
  42. Disorientation
    • impairement of awareness of time, plase, situation or person
    • seen in people who are going into a delerium
    • the awareness of self is usually last to disapear
  43. Dyskinesia
    • any disturbance of movement, as in extrapyramidal dyskinesia
    • often seen with antipsychotic mediations, often begin around the mouth
  44. Dysphoria
    • feeling of unpleasantness or discomfort; a mood of general dissatisfaction; depression, and anxiety
    • uncomfortable mood state
  45. Dysprosody
    Loss of normal speech melody or prosody (normal inflection in the voice)
  46. Echolalia
    • repetiton of another person's words or phrases
    • often seen in kids with autism
  47. Elation
    • affect consisting of feelings of joy, euphoria, or optimism
    • Often seen in people who are manic
  48. Emotional lability
    excessive emotional reponsiveness characterized by unstable and rapidly changing feelings
  49. Euphoria
    exaggerated feelings of well being that is inappropriate to apparent events
  50. Euthymia
    denoting normal mood
  51. Expansive mood
    mood characterized by feelings of grandiosity
  52. Flat affect
    • absence or near absence of any sings of affective expression
    • Not to the same degree as blunted affect
  53. Flight of idea
    rapid succession of fragmentary thoughts or speech in which content changes abruptly and speech may be incoherent
  54. Hallucination
    • false sensory perception occurin in the absence of any relevant external stimulation of the sensory modality involved
    • Hear voices, clicks, smells, see things, bugs crawling on them, also gustatory
  55. Idea of reference
    misinterpretation of incidents and events in the outside world as having a direct personal reference to oneself; if persent with sufficient frequency or intensity or organized and systematized, they constitute delusions of reference.
  56. Illusion
    • perceptual misinterpretation of a REAL external stimulus
    • Ex: you see bugs crawling on a curtain instead of the pattern that is really there
  57. Immediate memory
    • reproduction, recognition, or recall of perceived material within seconds after presentation
    • Indicates the hippocampus is working
  58. Inappropriate affect
    • emotional tone out of harmony with the idea,t hought, or speech accompanying it
    • Often seen in psychosis
  59. La belle indifference
    inappropriate lack of concern about one's disability; commonly seen in conversion disorder (individual experiences a very intense emotion, then develops symptoms to stop themselves from doing it)
  60. Labile affect
    affective expression characterized by abrupt shifts from one mood or affect to another
  61. Logorrhea
    • Uncontrollable, excessive talking
    • Often seen in manic disorder
  62. Long-Term memory
    reproduction, recognition, or recall of experience or information that was experienced in the distant past; aslo called remote memory
  63. Loosening of associations
    • thinking disturbance involving a disorcer in the logical progression of thoughts, manifested by unrelated and unconnected ideas shifting fron one subject to another
    • AKA derailment
  64. Mood
    pervasive and sustained feeling tone that is experienced subjectively, distinguished from affect, the external expression of the internal feeling tone
  65. Neologism
    New word or phrase whose derivation cannot be understood
  66. Overvalued idea
    • false or unreasonable belief or idea that is sustained with less intensity or duration than a delusion
    • Attach too much significance to an idea
  67. Paranoid ideation
    • thinking dominated by suspicious or persecutory content
    • will often be suspicious and hypervigilant, but you can disuade them
  68. Phobia
    persistent, intesne fear of an object or situation
  69. Poverty of content of speech
    • speech that is quantitatively adequate, but qualitatively inadequate because it consists of minimal, vague or repetitious information
    • Seen in those who are severely depressed, their thinking has slowed down
  70. Pressure of speech, pressured speech
    • increase in the amount of spontaneous speech
    • often seen in mania
  71. Psychogenic
    • produced or caused by psychological factors with no organic basis
    • Ex: conversion disorders
  72. Psychomotor agitation
    physical and mental over activity associated with a feeling of inner turmoil
  73. Psychomotor retardation
    slowing of mental and physical activity
  74. Tangentiality
    disturbance in which the person replies to a question in an oblique, digressive manner and the central idea is not communicated;

    failure to communicate the central idea distinguishes tangentiality from circumstantiality, in which the goal idea is reached in a delayed or indirect manner
  75. Thought broadcasting
    delusion that one's thoughts are being broadcast or projected into the environment
  76. Thought insertion
    delusion that ones thoughts are being implanted in one's mind by other people or forces
  77. Thought withdrawel
    • delusion that one's thoughts are being removed from one's mind by other people or fources
    • Seen in very serious forms of schizophrenia
  78. Waxy flexibility
  79. Word salad
    incoherent, essentially incomprehensible mixture of words and phrases.
Card Set
Psych Interviewing
Definitions of common words used in a psychiatric evaluation