translates our English into 0s and 1s for the processor to understand
source code
Human written code
byte code
a class file, which contains 0s and 1s also called machine code
case-sensitive language
Capital letters and lowercase letters are interpreted differently
public class
The start of every Java program and containsthe code: public class {}
main method
public static void main(String[ ] args) {}
Code to print to system?
What a computer uses to store information it needs
is placeholder for data in a computer program
The name of a variable
keyword/reserved word
Words that are set aside for use in the Java language
Whole Numbers (5, 10, 100,-50)
Decimal Numbers (5.5,10.0583)
A single Character (‘A’,‘b’, ‘&’)
initialization of the variable
Giving a variable an initial value
How does Java compute concerning the equal sign?
The right side of the equal sign is computed first.
5 % 2 calculates what?
The remainder so the answer would be 1.
Syntax error
grammatical problem with the source code.
Runtime error
when your source code compiles, but when you execute it an error occurs
Logic error
is when the code has correct syntax, causes no errors during execution, but it produces undesired results
are sections of our source code that are ignored by the compiler
Single Line Comments
// comment
Area Comments
/* comment */
All _____ files start with public class and the name of the class?
The ______ tells Java where your program should begin execution?
main method
When we divide two numbers where one is an int and the other is a double, the integer value is temporarily changed into a double for the operation.
- When we want to force Java to temporarily change a value’s type, we can cast the type into something else.
- (double) 5 // Casts 5 into 5.0
is a variable whose value can not be changed. Any attempt to do so will cause a syntax error.
how do we decade a variable as a constant?
- we use the keyword final before the declaration
- final double PI = 3.14;
is a group of code that performs a single task
How does a simple method begin?
public static void ( ) {}
calling or invoking a method means what?
New methods you write must be told to run from the main method which is invoking or calling the method.
When a method needs information to complete its task, it accepts that information through the use of parameters
give an example of a parameter
public static void method(int x)
The value you provide in the parenthesis gets stored into the parameter in the method. The value you provide is known as an argument
promotion with integers concerning doubles
Java will “promote” an integer value into a double value if an integer is given where a double is expected
local variable
Any variable declared inside a method only exists inside that method
A variable declared inside
a method is known as one that is ______ to
that method ?
class variables and instance variables
kinds of variables that may be used across every method
The Basic Method
public static void method_name(){}
Methods can send back a value to the location in which the method was called, this is called what?
returning a value
We write void in the method what does it mean?
void is written when the method does not return a value
If we want a method to return a value, we replace the word void with the data type that will be returned. What is this called?
This portion of the method signature is called the method’s return type
The Keyword return
To return a value, we use the keyword return, followed by the value to be returned.
contained in a Javadoc and begins with @ and followed by author or version
How would you give someone information about your code without giving them source code?
A example method signature is what?
public static <return_type> <method_name>(params) {….
public static <return_type> <method_name>(params) {} , define the bold terms
- Where return_type: is the type of value that the method returns. If nothing is returned, we use the keyword void
- method_name: is the name of your method
- params: are all the parameters the method uses to accept value