micro exam 2

  1. Process of denitrification involves transformation of
    nitrate to nitrogen gas
  2. biofilms..
    play major roles in diseases, form on medical devices such as catheters and dialysis units, and develop to macroscopic objects visible to naked eye
  3. Eutrophication is process of ...
    nutrient enrichment of waters
  4. acquired immunity refers to type of specific immunity that
    develops after exposure to antigen, result from transfer of antibodies from one individual to another, and induced by natural or arificial means
  5. vaccination is a good example of
    artificially acquired active immunity
  6. most antibiotics are produced by
  7. all the following conditions ocntribute to growth of microorganisms in foods:
    plentiful organic matter, sufficient water content, neutral/slightly acidic conditions, and favorable salt environment
  8. denitrificaiton is the conversion of..
    nitrate to nitrogen gas
  9. ruminants rely on microbes for breakdown of
  10. example of successfull genetically engineered vaccine is one for..
    Hepatitis B.
  11. whcih of following not an example of food of microbial origin?
  12. traditionally beer is made by yeast fermentation of
  13. toxins produced by Aspergillus flavus and Claviceps purpurea both contribute to ...
    grain spoilage
  14. poultry products are especially susceptible to contamination by
    Salmonella serotypes that infect the bird
  15. Recalcitrant compounds are ______ resistant to microbial degradation than those that are not recalcitrate
  16. toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis affects catepillars by...
    lysing cells of the gut wall
  17. all of following release CO2 into the atmosphere:
    • -combustion of coal,
    • -respiration in the ocean
    • -respiration of land plants
  18. organisms of botulism, tetanus and diphtheria are distinguished by
    production of exotoxins
  19. epidemic disease is one that...
    breaks out in explosive proportions in a population
  20. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a soil organism. every time we eat fresh salad, consume millions of these organisms. they usually do no harm. however, same organisms can cause serious infection in people who have been severely burned. such pathogen is called..
  21. DNA vaccines consist of:
    plasmids engineered to contain a protein-encoding gene
  22. certain microrganisms inhabit parts of the body without casuing symptoms of disease, organisms referred as
    normal microflora
  23. Rubor, calor, tumor, and dolar are
    4 characteristics of inflammation
  24. True or false:
    natural barrier to intestine is provided by extremely alkaline environment of stomach
  25. true/false: fever is an abnormally high body temperature that may provide a specific mechanism of body defense.
  26. true/false: most antigens are large, complex molecules that are not normally present in body
  27. true/false
    in carbon cycle, most carbon is release from dead organic matter as carbon dioxide which reenters the atmosphere
  28. true/false
    nitrification is the conversion of ammonia to nitrite ions, followed by conversion of nitrite to nitrate
  29. true/false
    sauerkraut is made from fermentation of shredded cabbage
  30. true/false:
    sake is made from fermentation of soybeans
  31. true/false:
    freezing is an effective way of killing all mmicroorganisms within a food product and ensuring its sterility
  32. true/false:
    chemical physical properties of food that bear on the type of possible contamination include the amt of water present, pH and physical structure of food.
  33. true/ false:
    foodborne infections include typhoid fever, diphtheria, brucellosis, and Rocky Mtn spotted fever.
  34. true/false:
    one of major fears about use of recombinant DNA technology is that ecosystem disruption could result from environmental release of genetically engineered organisms.
  35. true/false:
    use of modern molecular techniques has provided a mechanism for growing the microorganisms previously reffered to as unculturable
  36. true/false:
    Agrobacterium has ability to infect plants and prouce tumor-like growths
  37. true/false:
    microorganisms in water can utilize oxygen faster than it can be redissolved if enoguh nutrients are available
  38. true/false
    low-nutrient, oligotrophic waters will usually become stratified and have an anerobic hypolimnion at a certain times of the year
  39. true/false:
    epilimnion of a lake is located below hypolimnion.
  40. false/ true:
    living microorganisms found in soils and water are generally capable of growth on common lab. media
  41. this can be ripened wit hvarious molds
  42. production starts with the curdling of casein
  43. commonly made by yeasts in grape juice
  44. made w. addition of 3% salt
  45. excellent source of vitamin C
  46. made with yeast added to four and water
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micro exam 2
exam 2