psychology chapter 14

  1. psychopathological functioning
    disruptions in emotional, behavioral, or thought processes that lead to personal distress or block one's ability to achieve important goals
  2. abnormal psychology
    the area of psychological investigation concerned with understanding the nature of individual pathologies of mind, mood, and behavior
  3. psychological diagnosis
    the label given to psychological abnormality by classifing and categorizing the observed behavior patterninto an approved diagnostic system
  4. DSM-IV-TR
    the current diagnostic and statistical manual of the American Psychological Association that classifies, defines, and describes mental disorders
  5. comorbidy
    the experience of more than one disorder at the same time
  6. neurotic disorder
    mental disorder in which a person does not have signs of brain abnormalities and does not display grossly irrational thinking or violate basic norms but does experience subjective distress; a category dropped form DSM-III
  7. psychotic disorder
    severe mental disorder in which a person experiences impairments in reality testing manifested through thought, emotional, or perceptual difficulties; no longer used as diagnostic category after DSM-III
  8. insanity
    the legal (not clinical) designation for the state of an individual judged to be legally irresponsible or incompetent
  9. etiology
    the causes of, or factor related to, the development of a disorder
  10. anxiety disorder
    mental disorder marked by psychological arousal, feeling of tension, and intense apprehension without apparant reason
  11. generalized anxiety disorder
    an anxiety disorder in which an individual feels anxious and worried most of the time for at least six months when not threatened by any specific danger or object
  12. panic disorder
    an anxiety disorder in which sufferers experience unexpected, severed panic attacks that begin with a feeling of intense apprehension, fear, or terror
  13. agoraphobia
    an extreme fear of being in public places or open spaces from which escape may be difficult or embarrasing
  14. fear
    a rational reaction to an objectively identified external danger that may induce a person to flee or attck in self-defense
  15. phobia
    a persisten and irrational fear of a specific object, acitivity, or situation that is excessive and unreasonable, given the reality of the threat
  16. social phobia
    a persistant, irrational fear that arises in anticipation of a public situation in which an individual can be observed by others
  17. specific phobia
    phobia that occurs in response to a specific type of object or situation
  18. obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
    a mental disorder characterized by obsessions-recurrent thoughts, images, or impulses that recur or persist despite efforst to suppress them--and compulsions--repetive, purposeful acts performed according to certain rules or in a ritualized manner
  19. mood disorder
    a mood disturbance such as severe depression or depression alternating with mania
  20. major depressive disorder
    a mood disorder characterized by intense feelings of depression over an extended time, without the manic high phase of bipolar depression
  21. bipolar disorder
    a mood disorder characterized by alternating periods of depression and mania
  22. manic episode
    a component of bipolar disorder characterized by feelings of extreme elation, unbounded euphora without sufficient reason, and grandiose thoughts or feelings about personal abilities
  23. learned helplessness
    a general pattern of non responding in the presense of noxious stimuli that often follows after an organism has previously experienced noncontigent, inescapable aversive stimuli
  24. personality disorder
    a chronic, inflexible, maladaptive pattern of perceiving, thinking, and behaving that seriously impairs an individual's ability to function in social or other settings
  25. borderline personality disorder
    a disorder defined by instability and intensity in personal relationships as well as turbulent emotions and impulsive behaviors
  26. antisocial personality disorder
    a disorder characterized by stable patterns of irresponsible or unlawful behavior that violates social norms
  27. somotoform disorder
    a disorder in which people have physical illnesses or complaints that cannot be fully explained by actual medical condition
  28. hypochondriasis
    a disorder in which individuals are preoccupied with having or getting physical ailments despite reassurances that they are healthy
  29. somatization disorder
    a disorder characterized by unexplained physical complaints in several categories over many years
  30. conversion disorder
    a disorder in which psychological conflic or stress brings about loss of motor or sensory function
  31. dissociative disorder
    a personality disorder marked by a disturbancein the integration of identiy, memory, or consciousness
  32. dissociative amnesia
    the inability to remember important personal experiences, caused by psychological factors in teh absense of any organic dysfunction
  33. dissociative fugure
    a disorder characterized by a flight from home or work accompanied by a loss of ability to recall the personal past
  34. dissociative identity disorder (DID)
    a dissociative mental disorder in which two or more distinct personalities exist within the same individual; formely known as multiple personality disorder
  35. schizophrenic disorder
    severe form of psychopathology characterized by the breakdown of integrated personality functioning, withdrawal from reality, emotional distortions, and distubed thought processes
  36. delusion
    false or irrational belief meantined despite clear evidence to the contrary
  37. diathesis-stress hypothesis
    a hypothesis about the cause of certain disorders, such as schizophrenia, that suggests that genetic factors predispose an individual to a certain disorder but that environmental stress factors must impinge in order for the potential risk to manifest itself
  38. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    a disorder of childhood characterized by inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity
  39. autistic disorder
    a developmental disorder characterized by severe disruption of children's ability to form social bonds and use of language
  40. stigma
    the negative reaction of people to an individual or group because of some assumed inferiority or source of difference that is degraded
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psychology chapter 14
psychological disorders vocabulary chapter 14