Layers of uterus
- 1. Perimetrium
- 2. Myometrium- thick m layer, basket-weave, no pattern; mild contraction- mentrual pain; strong contraction to expel baby
- 3. Endometrium-
- tubular glands
- 2 layers: Basal layer, FUnctional layer- repsonsive to steroids, no preg=layer sloughed off, spiral arteries
Early proliferative phase
- 4-7
- wounded surface repaired
- regenerate basal zone
- endometrium is thin
- glands short, straight
Late proliferative phase
- 7-14
- epithelium now tall, crowded
- Peak estrogen secreted by ovary
- tremendous growth of everything
- endometrium tall
- fuctional layer large
- glands coiled
Early secretory phase
- 15-21
- after ovulation
- Progesterone increases RAPIDLY!
- glands large, highly coiled
- glycogen below nucleus
- at end of phase above
- at end of phase, implantation
- less dense stroma b/c mitosis slows
Late secretory phase
- 21-28
- at beginning of phase- Prgesterone HIGH
- glands exteremely torturous "back to back" appearance
- apocrine secretion-> "ruffled" cells
- Decidual reaction- occurs whether or not preg, around spiral arteries; spreads if preg
- If preg- prgesterone levels maintained.
- No preg- P levels drop, endometrium collapsed, inc leukocytes, spriral ateries kink->ischemia, tissue damage, leaking of blood, menstrual bleeding begins again
- Endocervix: SIMPLE COLUMNAR, secretes cervial mucus: viscous plus, estrogen changes propertied near ovulation so sperm can penetrate
- External os: transition of epithelium, metaplasia
- Ectocervix: STRATIFIED SQUAMOUS (like vagina)
- non-keratinizing stratified squamous (like in endocervix)
- Layers: mucosa, muscularis (IC,OL-> like ampulla), adventitia (NOT serosa as seen in FT)
- Epithelial cell layers: basal layer, prickle cell layer: has Langerhans (sim to skin), Glycogen-containing cells: lower plump vaculated, topmost squamous vaculated
- Alveoli- milk fat globules, proteins- meocrine
- Supporting cells: LCT, mast cells, plasma cells: produce IgA Ab's cross epitelial cells
- Duct: small ducts- CUBOIDAL; large duct: COLUMNAR. Largest= lactiferous duct- STRATIFIED COLUMNAR which exits each lobe, form sinus, empties to surface