1. Relation to source
  2. proximal – deposited close to the soures
    distal- deposited a distance from source
  3. Proximal
    high energy environment large and dense rocks can settle here, poorly sorted

    Rock type - conglomerate when pebbles rounded (travelled further) or breccia when angular (has not travelled far)
  4. Distal
    • Well sorted further from source
    • low energy environment – fine light particles can settle here eg deep marine, still lake

    -sandstone,siltstone, limestone (öolitic, mictrite)
  5. Sedimentary Structures
    • features preserved in sed. rocks produced by physical biological, chemical processes during
    • deposition. - may provide new info on dep. environment
  6. Horizontal Stratification
  7. Crossbedding
  8. Graded beds
  9. Ripple Marks
    • symmetrical means two way force (tide in and out)
    • -asymmetrical means one way force (river, wind
  10. Glacial Environment
    poorly sorted, conglomerate of breccia – heterogenous composition – Till if not consolidated, tillite if a rock
  11. Alluvial Fan
    ephemeral stream ie. not constant flowing water from mountains – sandstone and conglomerate, slightly better
  12. Fluvial deposits
    stream – mix of sandstones (channel) and mudstones (floodplain)
  13. Lacustrine deposits
    laminated siltstones, mudstones if seasonally dry, continuous flat beds – preservation of fossils
  14. Aeolian deposits
    • – wind carries finest particles – fine sandstones, well rouded, quartz, large scale
    • trough crossbeds
  15. Delta
    very heterogenous (sandstone, mudstones, coal limestones)
  16. Marine
    limestones, shale, chalk
Card Set
ESCI 402 UNH first exam, Deposition