Mental Status Evaluation
List all the steps
- 1. Orientation
- 2. Level of alertness, attention and cooperation
- 3. Memory
- 4. Language
- 5. Calculations
- 6. Aparxia
- 7. Sequencing tasks
- 8. Abstraction
Mental Status
Ask the pt's name, location and date
Mental Status
Level of Alertness, attention and cooperation
- Ask pt to spell a word forward and backward
- Ask pt to repeat a string of integers forward and backward
- Ask pt to name the months forward and backward
Mental Status
- Recent - recall three items after 5 minute delay
- Remote - recall certain historical facts within pts memory
- "where did you go to high school"
Mental Status
- Object naming
- Repetition of single words and sentences
Mental Status
simple additions and subtractions, should be two or more steps
Mental Status
Following a complex motor command like "pretend to comb your hair" or "pretend to brush your teeth"
Mental Status
Sequencing tasks
Ask pt to tap the table with: fist, open palm, then side of open hand(rock, paper, scissors) perform as rapidly as possible
Mental Status
abstration interpertation of a proberb or colloquialism :the early bird getsthe worm
Motor System Exam
the list
- 1. Inspection
- 2. Testing Muscle Strength
Motor System Exam
- check limbs and trunk for fasciculations's (hands, shoulders and thigh)
- look for atrophy/hypertrophy
- observe posture
Motor System Exam
Testing Muscle Strength
- 1. Passively move limbs through range of motion noting resistance and rigidity
- 2. Ask pt to hold arms straight out front palms up for 20 to 30 secs with eyes closed, look for drift to one side or pronator drift.
- 3. test muscle strength at multiple joints and record
Oxford or Van Allen's Scale
- 0 - nothing
- 1 - evidence of contraction
- 2 - and motion gravity neutral
- 3 - and motion against gravity
- 4 - and resistance
- 5 - and joint lock