1. Metamorphic rocks
    • Pre-existing rocks (protoliths) or
    • sediments (ig/meta/sed) that have been altered by high temperature and or
    • pressure, fluids, chemical gases, etc
    • -schist, rhyolite, diorite, andesite, gabbro, basalt periodotite
  2. Foliation
    characterized by texture (how parallel minerals are to each other) – aligned bands

    Gneiss is foliated, marble is not
  3. Igneous rocks
    cooling liquid rock (lava- when on the surface, magma when inside the earth)
  4. exstrusive volcanic rocks
    plutonic volcanic rocks
    • exstrusive
    • volcanic rocks – formed on surface
    • plutonic
    • volcanic rocks – formed below the surface
    • make up 90% of the volume of Earth’s crust

    • make up 90% of
    • the volume of Earth’s crust

    • make up 90% of
    • the volume of Earth’s crust
  5. Classifying Igneous Rocks
    • Igneous rocks tend to have interlocking, intergrowing mineral grains
    • Size of crystals controlled by rate of cooling
    • color is controlled by mineral content
    • light = quartz and feldspar
    • crystallizes cool @ low temperatures
    • dark – pyroxines, magnatite
  6. Aphaneritic
    rapid cooling, fine grains
  7. Phaneritic
    slow cooling, coarse grains
  8. Porphoritic
    large grains enclosed in smooth rock
  9. Metamorphosis
    recrystallization of minerals while rock remains in solid state
  10. Sedimentary Rocks
    • formed by the consolidation of eroded materials from pre-existing rocks. This may be
    • fragments cemented together or material precipitated from mineral rich water solution
  11. Importance of Sedimentary Rocks
    Contain information about the past, biota, environmental conditions, etc
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ESCI 402 UNH first test