Science Test

  1. What are the 3 functions of the Respitory System?
    • 1. Inhaling Oxygen
    • 2. Exhaling Carbon Dioxide and water
    • 3. Breathing movement of gases in/out of lungs
  2. II. Path of the air

    A. Air goes through .
  3. Define:

    1. Mucus
    2. Cilia
    3. Blood Vessels
    • 1. Mucus- moistens air and traps particles
    • 2. Cilia- tiny hairs that sweep mucus to the throat
    • 3. Blood vessels- warms the air
  4. Air enters the .
  5. c. Enters the Trachea
    1. Epiglottis-
    2. The walls of the , are made up of
    • 1. Epiglottis- seals off your Trachea when you swallow.
    • 2. Trachea
    • a. made of rings of cartilage
    • b. lined with cilia and mucus
  6. Air enters the right and left which directs air into the lungs.

    Air enters the bronchi and goes to the .
    • 1. Bronchi
    • 2. Small, Alveoli
  7. Alveoli-

    • Alveoli- tiny sacks of lung tissue where gases exchange between capillaries occur.
    • Oxygen- goes into the blood through the capillary wall and CO2 goes the opposite way.
  8. III. Breathing


    1. Inhale-
    2. Exhale-
    Diaphram- dome shaped muscle at the base of the lungs.

    • 1. Diaphram contracts and moves down. Ribs move outward.
    • 2. Diaphram moves upward and ribs move inward, pushing air out.
  9. IV. Voice

    1. Vocal Cords-
    2. High Voice-
    3. Low Voice-
    Larynx- located on top of the trachea

    • 1. 2 folds of connective tissue stretched across the larynx.
    • 2. vocal cords contract and shorten.
    • 3. vocal cords are longer and relaxed.
  10. I. Jobs of the Nerv. System

    Recieve info from .
    Tells your body to .
    • 1. Environment
    • 2. Respond
  11. Stimulus-


    Helps maintain .
    • 1. signal that makes you react.
    • 2. your reaction
    • 3. Homeostasis
  12. Neurons-

    Nerve Impulse-

    3 types of Neurons?
    • 1. Nerve cells
    • 2. message that neurons carry
    • 3. Sensory, Inter, and Motor
  13. Sensory Neuron-

    Inter Neuron-

    Motor Neuron-
    • 1. picks up the stimulus from the environment and changes it into a nerve impulse.
    • 2. carries impulse from neuron to neuron.
    • (Brain).
    • 3. sends impulse to the muscle.
  14. Structure of Neuron:


    2. Dendrite-
    3. Axon-
    4. Axon Tips-
    • 1. Cell body with a nucleus
    • 2. extensions on the cell
    • 3. carries impulse away from cell body
    • 4. releases chemicals that travel across the synapse
    • 5. The chemiclas then go to the dendrites.
  15. 1.Central Nervous System-
    3.What are the 3 main regions of the Brain?
    4. Spinal Cord-
    • 1. The conrol center of your body
    • 2. Controls most functions in the body.
    • 3. Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Brainstem
    • 4. Thick column of nerve tissue that links the brain to the peripheral nervous system.
  16. II. Jobs of the Brain
    A. Jobs of the Cerebrum:( part of the brain)
    • 1. Interpret info from senses.
    • 2. Controls the movement of skeletal muscles.
    • 3. Makes complex menatl processes: Judgement calls, remember, learning.
  17. Left half of the brain controls the side of the body.
    Right half of the brain controls the side of the body.
    • 1. Right
    • a. Math Skills, logic, writing, speech
    • 2. Left
    • b. Creative side, artistic ability
  18. Job of the Cerebellum:( the largest part of the brain)
    • 1. Coordinates your muscles
    • 2. Helps you keep your balance
  19. Job of the Brainstem: (located between and the .)
    • Cerebellum and Spinal Cord.
    • 1. Involuntary activities; digesting, heart beat, breathing, bladder.
  20. Peripheral Nervous System:
    A. Made of:
    What are the 2 groups of peripheral nervous systems?
    • A. nerves that connect CNS to the body.
    • 1. Somatic Nervous System, and Autonomic Nervous system.
  21. 1. SNS-
    a. Examples-
    2. ANS-
    a. Examples-
    • 1. contols voluntary actions
    • a. tieing shoes, smiling, frowning
    • 2. controls involuntary actions
    • a. changes diameter of blood vessels, breathing, digesting
  22. Reflex-
    • 1. automatic response that's rapid and without concious control.
    • 2. bruiselike injury to the brain. When the Cerebrum hits the skull.
    • 3. loss of movement to the part of the body due to spinal cord injury.
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Science Test
Science Test Flashcards