exotic 3

  1. what is the average lifespan of a ferret?

    B. 5-8 years
  2. what is the normal body temp of a ferret?

    C. 100-104
  3. what is the length of gestation for chinchilla?

    A. 105-118 days
  4. what is the average lenght of gestation for a ferret?

    B. 41-42 days
  5. female ferrets can get aplastic anemia due to being in constant estrus if they are not bred

    a. true
    b. false
    a. true
  6. rabbits are considered rodents

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  7. female rabbits are larger than male rabbits

    a. true
    b. false
    a. true
  8. which of the following statement is true about rabbit

    D. its urine varies in color from yellow to dark brown
  9. rabbits are nocturnal

    a. true
    b. false
    a. true
  10. at what age are chinchilla weaned?

    C. 6-8 wks
  11. what is the average lenght of gestation for a rabbit?

    A. 29-35 days
  12. what age are bunnes weaned?

    B. 5-8 wks
  13. which disease in ferrets can be deadly and causes sensitivity to light, bronchopneumonia and mucopurulent oculonasal discharge?

    A. canine distemper
  14. which of the following external parasites can be found on ferrets?

    D. all of the above
  15. ___in rabbits is caused by pasteurella multocida and is characterized by sneezing, mucopurlent nasal discharge, head tilt and bronchopneumonia

    D. snuffles
  16. amphibians are ectotherms

    a. true
    b. false
    a. true
  17. chinchillas should always be allowed unlimited acces to their dust bath

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  18. ___in rabbits is characterized by ulcerated lesions on the feet and is caused by fecal contamination on the bottom of the cage or being housed on abrasive bedding or wire bottom cages

    D. pododermatitis
  19. all amphibians are carnivores

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  20. what is the body temperature of a rabbit?

    D. 101.3-104
  21. what is the average year of a chinchilla?

    A. 10-20 yrs
  22. how much water does a rabbit consume per day?

    C. 50-150ml
  23. amphibians live their entirelife in water

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  24. how much water does a ferret consume per day?

    D. 140-190g
  25. at what age are ferret weaned?

    C. 6-8 wks
  26. how much does the averag ferret weight?

    A. 600-900g
  27. female ferrets are induced ovulators

    a. true
    b. false
    a. true
  28. how long do wild caught amphibians have to be quarantined?

    A. 30 days
  29. how much water do ferret consume per day?

    D. 75-100ml
  30. ferrets adapt better warmer temperatures than they do colder temperatures

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  31. whihc of the following veins can be used for IV injections in ferrets?

    D. all of the above
  32. intramuscular injections are given in which of the following locations in rabbits?

    D. more than one the above
  33. ear punching is a method of permemnt identification in a rabbit

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  34. which vein is the esiest to collect blood samples from a rabbit

    B. marginal ear vein
  35. which disease found in rabbits is zoonotic and is transmitted by direct contact, bite wounds, ticks or inhalation?

    D. tularemia
  36. the diet of pet rabbit shoudl consist mostly of pellets and occasionally be supplemented with hay and fresh veggies?

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  37. this disease in birds is greatest concern in the poultry industry

    D. newcastle disease
  38. another name for turtles is chelonian

    a. true
    b. false
    a. true
  39. a ferret's diet should consist moslty of what?

    A. fiber
  40. an important part of a ferrets nutrition is consumption of cecotrophs or night feces

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  41. the easiest way to restrain a ferret to noninvasive preocedures is to hold them by their scruff

    a. true
    b. false
    a. true
  42. when replacing a rabbit in its cage it should be placed in the cage first so the restrainer always has control over its back end

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  43. which of the following is the most common reptile uesd in research?

    D. snakes
  44. snakes should always be fed live prey

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  45. the disease in birds is zoonotic and causes pneumonia, greean-yellow discharge, dehydration and weight loss in birds

    A. chlamydiosis
Card Set
exotic 3
ferret, chinchilla, rabbit, avain, reptiles