
  1. Neils Stensen's 3 principals
    • Superposition
    • Original Horizontality
    • Lateral Continuity
  2. Lateral Continuity
    strata extend in all directions until they terminate by thinning at the basin of margin or end abruptly against a barrier or slowly grade to a different sentiment
  3. Principle of
  4. Principle of superposition
    • in any sequence of undisturbed strata the bottom layer is older while subsequent layers are younger and younger
    • Strata are often tilted
  5. Principle of original
    most sedimentary particles settle from fluids under influence of gravity. Particles settle parallel and horizontal to formation of the underlying surface
  6. Stratigraphy
    • the study of layered sedimentary
    • rocks, including their texture, composition and arrangement. Enables geographic events to be placed in their correct sequence
  7. Crosscutting
    a geologic feature that cuts across another body of rock is younger than the rock it cuts through.
  8. Complement Inclusion
    fragments found in a body of rock are older than the enclosing rock
  9. Faunal Sucession
    (Will Smith) strata can be dated by the biota found within them, evolution
  10. Primary mountains

    Crystalline (igneous and
    metamorphic) likely to be the oldest in mountain systems, exposed along the
    central axis of ranges
    Crystalline (igneous and metamorphic) likely to be the oldest in mountain systems, exposed along the central axis of ranges
  11. Secondary mountains
    sedimentary rocks
  12. Tertiary
    unconsolidated gravel, sand, clay beds and lava floes
  13. Historical geology
    the Earth's evolution, changes in distribution of lands, seas topography, life forms, etc - work backwards in time to determine what has caused results
  14. Physical geology
    the origin, classification and composition of earth materials as well as the processes occurring on the surface and within the interior of the earth
Card Set
earth history, geology UNH 402 first exam